What She Did Not Say Got Her The Job
I was listening to an interview recently which I thought was interesting. Actually, I was listening to a series of interviews, but one really captured my attention. Each of the people being interviewed had worked for a man whose name you would probably recognize. Each of the people related some personal memories and made some comments about what it was like to work for him. The interview that stood out to me was with a person who was talking about a period of time when the man’s business interests were expanding. Because of this, there was a need for somebody to work in a very responsible and entirely new position. The lady who was…
Episode 154: 5 Things We Wish We’d Have Known About NOT Living Separate Lives [Podcast]
https://media.blubrry.com/faughnfamily/content.blubrry.com/faughnfamily/Legacy_Podcast_154.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSS (Player not displaying or working? Click here to listen.) Far too many married couples wonder why they feel more like roommates or business partners than spouses. On this week’s podcast, Adam and Leah talk about some things spouses must do intentionally if they are going to avoid living separate lives and, instead, live as a unit. The Five Things Don’t be with “the boys” or “the girls” more than you are with your spouse.Don’t let your careers define you.Combine your finances.Find common interests/hobbies.Spend more time at home. Find our podcast on… Apple Podcasts Google Podcasts Spotify Stitcher TuneIn Radio RSS
Righteous Judge
I’m so thankful God is in charge of making the big decisions! I just know how I often I get smaller ones wrong. In particular on my mind today, is the concept of God knowing who deserves rewards versus punishments. Everyone likes to think about the rewards and very few like to think about the punishments, but I would argue those have to handed out correctly for things to go well. What if there were no judges who fairly handed out even the most straightforward of sentences? Our roads would be even more full of drunk, reckless drivers. Our streets would be filled with known murderers and worse! We are…
Conversations Don’t Need Autofill
Do you enjoy the autofill feature on Google and other platforms? You’ve seen it in action. You start to type something in a search bar and, all of a sudden, several possible endings–usually based on things you have searched for previously–start appearing for you to choose from. (Google has figured out that I search a lot for where Bible verses are found–I know it’s in the Bible, but I’m terrible with references–so I could be searching for anything and it’s probable a verse will be one of my choices.) Autofill really is an amazing feature and, a great deal of the time, it is helpful. If you are trying to…
The Best Glue
I was recently involved in a conversation with a brother in the Lord. We used to live in the same town, but that is no longer the case. In fact, it has not been true for over a quarter of a century. Thankfully, we haven’t let a “little thing” like geography keep us from having a close relationship with one another. Part of that conversation had to do with a congregation with which both of us are very familiar. As the conversation moved along, the name of one particular man came up. He is now in eternity and has been for some time. Even though he is no longer a member of that congregation, his…
I Am An Elder’s Wife
It happened again Sunday morning as soon as we arrived at the church building. We are always among the first to arrive at the building. Our sound room man asked Jim about his PowerPoint for his Bible class that morning. As Jim headed for the sound room, one of our deacons called out to him from the other end of the auditorium with a question. I saw it once again with my own two eyes – he was being pulled in two different directions while his mind was on the material he would soon be teaching in the auditorium. May I share with you what it is like to be married to a…
4 Simple Things Every Bible School Teacher Can Do
It is true that not everyone can, or even should, teach a Bible class (see James 3:1). Some do not have a desire while others do not have the skill. To be honest, though, more can teach a Bible class than probably think they can! No matter if you are a seasoned teacher, someone who is nervous every time you walk into class, or someone who is not sure you can do it, there are some things you can do to make your class a wonderful environment. Whatever your “skill level” of teaching, here are 4 things you can do. Be Early. It is a great encouragement to children (and…
We Are All On a Journey
I read something recently that caused more than a little concern for me. Various people were being interviewed about an issue that is clearly dealt with in the Bible. There is absolutely no ambiguity in that divine volume about the fact that people who engage in a particular activity are in direct violation of the will of God. I know that I’m going to be criticized for using an old-fashioned and outdated word, but the Bible is clear that this activity is a sin. The primary focus of the material I was reading had to do with how people involved in this sin should be treated. One man who was interviewed would, in…
Episode 153: 5 Things We Wish We’d Have Known About Staying Connected (Podcast)
https://media.blubrry.com/faughnfamily/content.blubrry.com/faughnfamily/Legacy_Podcast_153.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSS (Player not displaying or working? Click here to listen.) With their second list of 5, Adam and Leah talk about how it can be easy to think you’ll stay connected in a marriage, but how it must be intentional. (If you missed the first episode in this series, which dealt with finances, here’s the link.) The Five Things Continue to Make Dating a PriorityUse Technology to Your Advantage (you should stay connected with your spouse more than anyone else…and you can even flirt!)Share a Common CalendarKnow Each Other’s Love Language and His/Her Needs [Amazon affiliate links]Don’t Live Two Separate Lives (which will…
“When All This is Over”
Since about March 2020, I have heard that phrase–or similar things–said an untold number of times. Typically, of course, it has referred to the restrictions and unease caused by the coronavirus. People have talked about finally going on a vacation, churches have talked about restarting certain events, and organizations have talked about planning their big get-togethers “when all this is over.” But it keeps dragging on… …so we keep saying it. That said, I want to use that phrase to ask one simple question. I pray it causes all of us to think. I know it has caused me to do a lot of thinking over the last few weeks…