What Would It Take?
The question, “what would it take,” is a profoundly interesting one to me. It can be used about many different things: A young couple is often asked about their financial planning with the concept of what would it take [now] to be financially secure in their retirement? Many people, with an important event approaching ask, “What would it take for me to fit into that outfit I want to wear?” On a much more important scale, I often wonder, “What would it take for __ to become a Christian?” Or to return to the Lord. Or to live a more dedicated life? In essence, this idea is being discussed in…
You Have To Look To Evaluate
A woman in Minnesota recently got a big surprise, but not a very pleasant one. She and her daughter were watching a TV show that talked about marriage when her daughter said that she had never seen her mother’s wedding dress. She had seen pictures; but not the actual dress. So, the mother decided to go get the box in which the dress was preserved down and show it, realizing that she herself had never actually looked at it, either. It had just been in the preservation box since her wedding, 14 years earlier. When she opened the box, though, she got a not-so-happy revelation: the dress that she had…
Will They Stand Under the Basket?
It didn’t take long for me to figure out that I probably didn’t have a future as a basketball player. There is not much of a demand for short, overweight guys who can barely touch the bottom of the net and who can’t shoot well. These “minor” issues have not kept me from enjoying watching the game. While I’m not particularly interested in professional basketball, I do enjoy the sport at the college level. As is the case with any sport, the rules have changed somewhat over the years. While it may surprise some, I am not old enough to remember when there was a jump ball after each made basket. That was my dad’s…
The Proper First Question in Bible Study
I am really excited that one of the things we are about to restart at Central is Teens in the Word. Though our numbers have been smaller with this during the pandemic (along with everything else), it is a joy to see these young people diving a little more deeply into the Bible. One of the things we try to emphasize with them constantly is to look at a passage and ask the “right first question.” I’ll get to what it is in a moment, but the fact is that a lot of adults need to be reminded of this, as well. Before we get there, though, the main thing…
Giving Satan A Day Off
[Editor’s note: this post, as you will see, is a bit dated, but the message is timeless, so we shared it anyway. –Adam] I am typing these words just a few days after our most recent national election. As I type them, I have absolutely no idea who the occupant of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington, D.C. will be after January 20th of next year. The race for the highest office in our land and other contests are still undecided. By the time you read this, the decision(s) may already be made. However, also by the time you read this, there may still be some repercussions from all of this. Some of…
Episode 145: How to Raise Secular Children (Part 2) [Podcast]
https://media.blubrry.com/faughnfamily/content.blubrry.com/faughnfamily/Legacy_Podcast_145.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSS (Player not displaying or working? Click here to listen.) In the next installment of this three-part series, Adam and Leah say that, if you want to raise secular children (which we don’t!), all you have to do is live the church message at church, but devalue that same message at home. Find our podcast on… Apple Podcasts Google Podcasts Spotify Stitcher TuneIn Radio RSS
A Forever Home
Do you like to watch HGTV? Most of you probably know that I do, and that my husband doesn’t really like for me to watch it. Why? Because he says that all it ever does is give me ideas for another project we can do in our house. He thinks the three most dangerous words he hears are “we could just,” because they are usually followed by “move a wall,” or “tear out the pantry,” or “rearrange the furniture,” etc. I’m really not that bad! Lately when I have watched that channel, I’ve noticed a fairly new phrase I hear while young couples are searching for a house. They may not say it right at first,…
A Prayer On Inauguration Day
Father, Thank you for this day. Thank you that, in this country, today is possible. Thank you that we do not change leaders by military coup or only at the death of a leader, but through a peaceful changeover. Thank you that my children can see that happen, and I pray it will be true for a long time to come. On this day, I thank you for the service of our outgoing President. While divisive in many ways, I’m thankful for his willingness to lead and to serve. Help President Trump to find joy in going back to private life. Help his family to be more peaceful without the…
Sixty Years Later — A Larger Concern
If you are reading this before January 20th, you are reading it before something happens that has happened nineteen times during my lifetime. I was only about four months old when it happened for the first time in my lifetime, so I don’t remember much about it. The same goes for the second time when I was only a little over four years old. It really wasn’t until I was a little over twelve years old that I sort of got “plugged in” to what was happening. I was intrigued with all of the pageantry that went along with a presidential inauguration ceremony. While all of that pageantry was very impressive, I…
The Will of God
A few years ago I enjoyed reading a series of Christian fiction where the protagonist liked to refer to praying “the prayer that never fails.” I was a little dense, so it took me a few books before I realized that the prayer he referenced was “Thy will be done.” In order to really pray that prayer, we need to make sure we understand exactly what we are asking. Are we really willing to submit to His will? What if it doesn’t line up with my will? This begs another question that occurred to me in Bible class while studying John 7. In verses 16-19, Jesus is once again defending…