Stop Calling God’s Handiwork Ugly
There are so many beautiful things in this world. God has blessed us with a universe and a world filled with sights that are pretty, and many that will take your breath away. Maybe you have been blessed to visit some of the more famous ones; the Blue Ridge Mountains or the Redwood Forest. Or maybe you have simply looked up into a night sky and been in awe at the wonder of the stars. It is not uncommon at all for people to take pictures of these sights, post them on social media, and give God the credit for the wonder and beauty of it all. And rightly so!…
Farewell — Goodbye
As far as I know, I’m not planning to take any extended trips anytime soon. I am also not planning on this being my last post on A Legacy of Faith. Since only God knows the future, I was careful to use the word “planning” in those statements. I’m sure that you can think along with me of at least a couple of places in the Bible which deal with the mistakes made by people who are totally confident about their futures. It is interesting to me that the two passages that came immediately to my mind–Luke 12:16-20 and James 4:13-17–concern people who saw for themselves a bright future. I…
Episode 178: Announcing Two New Bible Study Tools from Us! [Podcast]
https://media.blubrry.com/faughnfamily/content.blubrry.com/faughnfamily/Episode_178_Announcing_Two_New_Things.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSS (Player not displaying or working? Click here to listen.) On Monday, October 14, both Adam and Leah will be launching a new Bible study tool. On this podcast, we take a few minutes to hopefully get you excited about these new tools, and what that means for the podcast (it’s not going away!). Find our podcast on… Apple Podcasts Google Podcasts Spotify Stitcher TuneIn Radio RSS
Making Connections
Sometimes people try to discredit the Bible by saying that the God in the Old Testament is not the same God we read of in the New Testament even though He claims to be the “same yesterday and today and forever” (Hebrews 13:8). Others try to use the same argument but to make almost the opposite point: that it is much easier to please God today because He is more loving now. They usually point out actions recorded in the Old Testament that seem more harsh while highlighting verses from the New Testament like 1 John 4:8 which reads, in part, “God is love.” My son Daniel is extremely good…
Bring Polishing the Pulpit with You!
A few weeks ago, dad wrote an article about Polishing the Pulpit (PTP). As a family, we have loved this event for many years now. Truthfully, of all the “extra” things that were cancelled due to covid in 2020, PTP was probably the one that hit our whole family the hardest. Each year, we all enjoy dozens of lessons. This year, only three of us went, as Mary Carol had started school. Next year, it will just be Leah and me, but we have already made plans to go and we know we will be built up spiritually throughout the week. However, in the 51 weeks in-between PTP 2024 and…
What Would a Song and a Rainbow Have to Do with Parenting?
Some who read this will know (or at least know of) Lance Cordle. I became acquainted with him when Donna and I moved to western Kentucky almost thirty years ago. Lance had already been preaching for the church of Christ in Calvert City, Kentucky for about seven years then and continued to do so until about a year ago. My brother and very good friend is now preaching in Atwood, Tennessee. In the “you can’t make this stuff up department,” Atwood is where he moved from when he moved to Calvert City all those years ago. I look forward each week to getting the church bulletin “The Atwood Ambassador” online…
The Song of Songs
We have known it was coming. As our Tuesday afternoon Ladies’ class has traveled through the Bible in chronological order for the last 14 years, we have known that the Song of Solomon was coming up. Last Tuesday was the day that I introduced the book, and we began a study of it on Tuesday of this week. There have been comments made over the years about dreading to get to this book and how hard it will be to teach. We have even joked about feeling like illness was coming on the closer we got to the Song of Songs. As I have devoted more time to study, I…
The Challenge Churches Don’t Want to Address
Churches face a lot of challenges. Of course, there is no challenge so great that it cannot be overcome with God’s help. If we follow Him, there is nothing that can hold a congregation back. I have noticed that there are a lot of enemies and challenges that churches will regularly address, and will do so with great fervor. They will clearly address sins that are bearing down on society and that are in the regular news cycle. The whole array of LGBTQ issues comes to mind. Certainly, these need to be addressed and the truth of God’s Word needs to be presented boldly. It is also easy to talk…
A Sad Epitaph (and Maybe a Wake-Up Call)
After a kingdom that was once united divided into Israel and Judah, a man by the name of Jehoram became the fifth king of Judah. It would be an understatement to suggest that he was not one of their better kings. The book of 2 Chronicles is not the only place in The Bible that has information about him, but I will confine my thoughts here to what we find there. The twenty-first chapter of 2 Chronicles uses only twenty verses to sum up the entire reign of this man. The verbal picture it paints is (again to use another understatement) not at all pretty. If you have the interest…
Better Resurrection
Does this ever happen to you: You are reading about a topic you have studied many times before but a particular phrase or concept seems to jump off the page at you? Often when this happens to me, as I continue to study I realize that I have used my love of language to glean a meaning that isn’t actually present in what I just read. However, those nuggets often become food for thought and further study. That happened when I was studying about all the ways the writer of Hebrews tells us that Jesus is better. He is a better High Priest of a better covenant, with better promises,…