Church Life

  • Church Life,  Family

    With One Voice

    “And above all these put on love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony.” (Col. 3:14) In high school, my favorite English teacher was Mrs. Dowdy. She has some pretty good stories she could tell you about my class, including one concerning a viewing of Romeo and Juliet our freshman year. I was blessed to have her again for College Prep English my senior year, and several assignments from that year made a lasting impression on me. There is one that I remember because of my failure. We were to pick a single word and write a paper detailing that word’s history and usage, including if it was used in the…

  • Church Life

    The Unspoken Rule about Church Programs (That People Want Spoken!)

    Call them “programs.” Call them “ministries.” Call them “opportunities to serve.” Whatever you call them, every congregation has them. They are necessary to organize the work, so that people can serve in various capacities and use their talents to the glory of God under the oversight of the local eldership. However, there is one problem with the myriad of programs and ministries that most congregations struggle with. Either they struggle in the planning phrase, or they struggle in the communication phase. What is it? People do not know which programs are for the whole congregation and which are for certain groups. I can already hear the pushback. “We said this…

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  • Church Life

    The National Anthem and the Unpardonable Sin

    Every human being is a free moral agent. God made us this way. From the Garden of Eden until now, people have had the right to make choices. Some of the choices we make are simply matters of opinion. Other choices we make will determine where we spend eternity. One choice made this week that does not affect eternity was made by several NFL players. They knelt during the national anthem. This was their choice. Unfortunately, the whole issue over what to do at the playing of the anthem has gotten totally out of control. Some people want to make it about race, others politics, and still others, nationalism. As…

  • Church Life

    A Backwards Word Study

    The August 2017 issue of Old Paths contained an article by brother Danny Tunnell. Although I have never met brother Tunnell, I am indebted to him for some interesting and challenging insights. I wanted to give him the credit he deserves because what I am writing here has been heavily influenced by his article. It is tempting to merely reproduce what he wrote, but I would like to “put my own spin” on the information he provided. Brother Tunnell dealt in some detail the Greek word dunamis. That Greek word is often translated as “power” in the New Testament. Even if you did not read his article and/or if you’ve never seen the word…

  • Church Life,  Family

    Give Me the Bible

    I am part of a ladies’ Bible class that I love. If you are around me for very long and in our area, I will be inviting you to be part of that class. It has enriched my life in so many ways because we really study the Bible. I mean, we really study the Bible. We don’t use any class book, not because we don’t believe in them or can’t find a good one (I know there are lots of good ones out there), but because we see a need to just study God’s word in depth. I was thinking about a song we sometimes sing at our congregation. The title of the song…

  • Church Life

    Some Thoughts on “Equipping the Saints”

    The older I get, the more time I have found myself spending in Ephesians 4. Not only have the first several verses of that chapter become a favorite part of the Bible for me, but I continue to see how their practical application would solve so many issues congregations face. In verse 11 of that chapter, Paul writes that there are different leadership roles in the congregation. Following up on that, he writes the purpose of these roles: “To equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ.” If you continue reading (verses 13-16), you will see the result, and it is nothing short…

  • Church Life

    Casting the First Stone

    Perhaps one of the most well-known events in the life of Christ is recorded by John the apostle in the eighth chapter of his gospel account. Though this passage is questioned by some textual critics regarding its inclusion, we read of a woman who was caught in adultery and brought before Jesus. The mob was ready to stone her, but the question about what should be done was posed to our Savior as a test. You can just see in your mind the image of this woman pushed down into the dust at the feet of the Lord. Perhaps that is why he stooped down and wrote something on the…

  • Church Life,  Family

    What Else Went Up in 1964

    1964 was an election year. For those of us who lived at that time, we probably remember the victory that Lyndon Johnson achieved over Barry Goldwater in the presidential election that year.  It was decidedly one-sided (486-52 electoral votes; 61.1%-38.5% popular votes). When the dust settled, the Democratic Party had sixty-eight of the one hundred Senate seats and 295 of the 435 seats in the House of Representatives.    Many factors played into all of that. I will leave it to the historians and experts on presidential elections to discuss and debate those things.  Other than the fact that there was an election in 1964, that year was probably a fairly typical one…

  • Church Life,  Family,  Homeschooling,  Legacy of Faith Podcast,  Parenting

    Episode 89: The “Profit” of Biblical Parenting, Pew Packers Resources…and More! [Podcast] Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSS(Player not displaying or working? Click here.) In this week’s podcast, Adam and Leah share a fantastic quote from Gregory Tidwell about the need to focus on Biblical parenting. Then, to help families do just that, they share a free resource from the blog to help children memorize basic Bible facts, memory verses, and more. Links below! Resources Quote from Gregory Tidwell on parenting [Facebook] Pew Packers Resource homepage [A Legacy of Faith] More from A Legacy of Faith To subscribe to A Legacy of Faith by email for free click here. Subscribe to the podcast on iTunes Subscribe via rss Find us on…

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