Church Life

  • Church Life,  Family

    A Different Perspective on 2020

    Remember when we all had the “2020 Vision” lines and sermons? (Yes, I preached that one, too.) This was going to be a fantastic year. Instead, a lot of this year has been a struggle and has kept us feeling down. Okay, so the “If 2020 were a…” memes are hilarious, but other than those, this year has been pretty down for a great number of people. I told someone the other day, after they had said that 2020 has been awful, “Yeah, I’ve had better years…like, every one before this.” But before we just write off this entire year as awful, how about a little different perspective? For some,…

  • Church Life,  Family

    Keeping the Lights Glowing

    I am writing these words just after finishing my morning walk. That’s also when I took the picture that you see below.  To many people, this is just another morning. To me, my morning walk was just another walk. That all changed when I approached what you see in this picture: My wife and I moved into the neighborhood in which we now live a little over five years ago. We were just getting to know the people in the neighborhood and were gradually becoming aware of some of the customary ways of doing things.   We had driven through this neighborhood during the holiday season a few times before moving here and had…

  • Church Life

    Stand: Preparation and Choice

    While listening to a recent lesson, we were examining the well-known passage in Ephesians 6 concerning our Christian armor. It was pointed out that the concept of “standing,” “withstanding,” and “standing firm” are all clustered together in verses 10-18. A skeptic might wonder if Paul just had a limited vocabulary. A Greek scholar might expound on the wealth of meaning in the Greek phrase translated this way. (Look it up at – it’s pretty interesting!) However, I looked at this passage and noticed a couple of things that I think are being emphasized. First is the idea of making preparation. Verses 10-13 seem to me to be focused on…

  • Church Life

    Don’t Give Up Now!

    If all goes to plan, later this very week the vaccine that so many have worked for, hoped for, and even prayed for will be approved and the process of vaccination will begin. It is a marvel to think about how quickly this has been done, and it is remarkable to consider how quickly millions–and even tens-of-millions–of doses will be distributed. With that hopeful news making the rounds, a good number of leaders are having to share a new type of message to their states, communities, and other groups of people. The first person I heard state it was the governor of Kentucky, Andy Beshear. In what I felt like…

  • Church Life

    It’s Just Easier

    2020 has been a challenging year in so many ways. To say the least, it is an understatement to suggest that all of us have been affected in one way or another.   Elders and other church leaders have struggled with ideas, policies, equipment, strategies, facilities, and a host of other things this year. The goal has always been to find the best ways to meet the spiritual needs of the congregations they serve without ignoring or minimizing challenges to the health and well being of members.  One of the options used by many during this challenging year has been that members and others can worship online. Modern technology has made it possible for…

  • Church Life,  Family

    A Big Red Buick and Repentance

    One of my favorite cars we have owned during our marriage was a big red Buick. We bought it used (of course), but it was in great shape and was a really nice car. It was rather large and had plenty of room for all four of us. The story I remember most about that car involves a trip to Gatlinburg for a vacation. We had a great time on that trip and saw lots of beautiful scenery in the mountains.   As is our custom we made plans to attend Wednesday night Bible Study with the church there, but it had been a long time since we had been to that…

  • Church Life

    Don’t Get a Taste of Temptation

    Local authorities often put up temporary flashing signs by the road for traffic information. Maybe it is to let drivers know that an exit is closed for a short time, or that there is a parade on a certain date so traffic might be slower than normal. But a town in Alberta, Canada currently has a message on those signs that I can honestly say I have never seen before: “Do Not Let Moose Lick Your Car” When I came across this story, I thought maybe it was some local joke or some “code” that was meant to draw attention to the drivers. Instead, it is very real, and it…

  • Church Life

    I May Not Recognize Her Name, But I May Be Following Her Example

    I don’t know if anybody who reads this will recognize the name Pauline Kael, but a quote attributed to her is fairly famous in political circles. I emphasized the words “attributed to her” because a little research I did resulted in my learning that she never actually said exactly what people claim she said. Supposedly, Ms. Kael was incredulous about the fact that Richard Nixon had won the presidency in 1972. The quote attributed to her is, “I can’t believe Nixon won. I don’t know anybody who voted for him.” According to the information I discovered her actual words were, “I live in a rather special world. I only know one person who…

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  • Church Life,  Family

    Unusual Things For Which To Be Thankful

    I thought that I would take the liberty of posting some material from a “guest author” this week. I appreciate brother Hugh Fulford for writing this and for giving me permission to use it here. This was written ten years ago, but, except possibly for the comment about football, I believe it is still very relevant.  – Jim Faughn UNUSUAL THINGS FOR WHICH TO BE THANKFUL (Hugh Fulford) This week many of us will gather with family and friends and enjoy a bountiful Thanksgiving feast. We will talk and laugh and reminisce and swap stories. We will watch football. But will we actually give thanks beyond the perfunctory “blessing” before we eat? How many of…

  • Church Life,  Family

    Modesty: An Appeal From One Christian Young Woman to Her Fellow Sisters in Christ

    If people in history could have looked to the present time and seen the outfits that some people wear, they would have fainted. For a long time around the world, girls rarely wore skirts, so the fact that we wear pants would be hard for them to believe. Wearing pants is not wrong, but this just shows how much things have changed over the years and centuries. Changing from dresses to skirts to pants is one thing, but as time goes on, it gets harder and harder to find modest things for young Christian ladies to wear. Trust me…I am one! As Christian young ladies, we should strive to help the…

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