Church Life
Mob Mentality
I read about this the other day and it broke my heart once again. I read about it from time to time and I have the same response every time those words are read. In my mind I always think, they just had a mob mentality. Let me share with you some of the things that are included in what I read that caused me to define the situation as a mob mentality. There were accusations. Accusing someone of something doesn’t make it true. Knowing the facts about a person or a situation is so important, but, sadly, the facts are often unknown or ignored. There was mocking. Mocking means to make fun…
A Lesson about Sin from a Tree Branch
A neighbor of ours recently had a couple of trees removed. Now that, in itself, is nothing unusual. We live in a neighborhood where most people keep their yards fairly neat, so having trees worked on is rather common. However, what was left behind after the removal helped my mind formulate a reminder that I needed. The trees that were removed were evergreens (I think they were some type of cypress, but I’m not too good at that type of thing). There were two of them, and they were quite overgrown, as their branches covered a large section of the road. I would presume that was the main reason they…
It’s Not My Job
What is your first reaction to reading the title of this post? Is it not the case that those four words are usually used by somebody who is making an attempt to “wash their hands” of any responsibility? I hope that you will consider some thoughts about those words that are totally foreign to the idea of using them to absolve myself of any responsibility. Instead, they can be used in the context of being coupled with responsibility. Some who read this already know that I serve as one of the elders of the Central church of Christ in Paducah, Kentucky. The New Testament teaches that this means that I am…
What is Essential?
I’ve shared some thoughts before about certain things being labeled as “nonessential.” Most of the time, the distinction between essential and nonessential has to do with severe weather, some sort of disaster, threat to our security, or other similar things. Only “essential” employees are asked to continue to work during these times. However, as individuals and governments are currently trying to deal with the challenges posed by the coronavirus pandemic, other matters are under consideration. Entire industries, services, businesses, etc. are being labelled as either “essential” or “nonessential.” There has not been any kind of uniformity and/or agreement concerning how those terms should be used. The disagreements and debates continue and rules differ on…
Helpless and Unhappy or Grateful and Glad?
So many people are living in difficult times right now. All of the news seems to be bad and it has seemed like every time we turn around something else negative is happening to make us feel helpless and unhappy. Helplessness and unhappiness are tools of the devil. In times of trouble he uses them to make us lose sight of all of God’s blessings. However, along with being tools of the devil, they are also choices we make on a daily basis. Sometimes we choose to feel helpless or unhappy rather than looking to God. We fail to stop and meditate on the positive and good things that have come our way…
Sheep Need a Non-Robotic Shepherd
I’ve been writing a lot lately about sheep. Maybe it is just because my daily Bible reading has included a lot of Psalms lately. I don’t know. Anyway, I came across an article very recently that just struck me in an odd way, especially in light of all the sheep writing I’ve been doing. It spoke about how a couple of companies–one in the USA and one in New Zealand–have partnered together to create a robotic dog and they are testing it out with the task of herding sheep in New Zealand. (Oddly, they named the robotic dog with the same name as our family dog, Spot.) They claim that…
The Proper Order #2
In an earlier post, we looked at and made some comments about Paul’s recounting of his conversion to Christ as recorded in Acts 22. Specifically, we dealt with two questions he asked: “Who are you?” and “What shall I do, Lord?” s you may or may not remember, we ended that post with this: It seems to me that, in every area of our lives, we need to ask ourselves the following questions and make sure we keep them in the proper order.What (or who) is the source of the information I am receiving?Exactly what am I being told and/or asked to do?Do I have the kind of heart that will allow…
Which Sea are You?
Both seas are originally fed partially by the snowmelt from the top of Mt. Hermon. Both are connected to the famous Jordan River. Both are mentioned in the pages of Scripture. One sea is bright and beautiful. TripAdvisor has reviews that call it “peaceful and pleasant,” “beautiful and serene,” and “mesmerizing.” It is a lake long known for providing great fishing and a pleasant place to swim. The other sea is known simply as “dead.” The only life found in it is bacteria. It is so salty that people can’t really “swim” in it, but rather float or rub its mud on their skin. By now, I’m sure you have…
Everything Is…
A long time ago, I was told to avoid words like “never” and “always” as much as possible. Certainly, there are times when those words are appropriate and right, but much of the time we use them in cases where they are not true. (In premarital and marital counseling, I have often told couples to avoid these words, especially when arguing.) Another word like that is “everything.” In recent years, there has been a trend on social media to share a picture or short video that is cute, funny, or reassuring and leave the comment, “This is everything.” First of all, that’s crazy, because it is obviously not “everything,” but…
The Proper Order
Many who read this will be familiar with a man who began his life being known as Saul. The Bible informs us, among other things, of his early religious training as a Jew. There can be no doubt about his devotion and zeal to a cause he believed to be pleasing to God. However, we also see this same man being referred to later as Paul. Something besides his name had changed. His purpose in life had changed. People were saying of him that he was now “…preaching the faith he once tried to destroy” (Gal. 1:23). His zeal for the cause of Christ eclipsed the zeal he had as a Jew. The transformation from “Saul…