Church Life

  • Church Life,  Family

    The Flood Gates are Up

    I grew up living three blocks from the Ohio River in the little town of Metropolis, Illinois. Those of you who know me know that I now live in Paducah, Kentucky (just seven miles from Metropolis). Our little city is located on the banks of the Ohio and the Tennessee Rivers. We are just upstream from the point where the Ohio and the Mississippi Rivers converge, so to say that I have lived most of my life around rivers would be an understatement. Flooding of those rivers has also been a big part of my life. I remember distinctly the times when the river would rise and begin to come…

  • Church Life

    Your Saturday Nights Will Tell You How Important Your Sunday Mornings Are

    I enjoy most Saturdays. While they are busy at times, they usually busy with events and activities that are different from the rest of the week. We might work on a project around the house, or just take it easy. We might go do something fun as a family, or just sort of hang out. But Saturday evenings, to me, are one of my favorite times of the week. I will admit, as a preacher, my nerves are already kicking in on Saturday night because the text of my sermon is running through my brain at warp speed. I often struggle to fall asleep, simply because my mind struggles to…

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  • Church Life

    The Biggest Mistake Churches of Christ Have Made in the Last 50 Years

    I bet by the title of this article you are at least reading the first sentence to see where this is going. Let me tell you first where this is not going. This is not going in the direction that is going to malign the church of our Lord. This is not going to be a rejection of the old paths. This is not going to be a 21st Century, “I am smarter and more enlightened than the people who lived 100 years ago,” type of article that I see being written by so many of our younger preachers today. What this is going to be is honest. And honestly,…

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  • Church Life

    5 Factors that Facilitate Church Growth

    I’ve lived long enough to see all sorts of techniques that have been (and still are) intended to help individual congregations of the Lord’s church grow. My association with and membership in the church spans the time when personal evangelism was done in “cottage meetings” to the time when it is now more fashionable to do this in coffee houses. I’ve seen “joy busses” arrive and leave. Sheet sermons have given way to PowerPoint presentations.   I have not “seen it all,” but I’ve seen a lot. I’ve seen congregations grow and thrive. I’ve seen congregations “swell” and “atrophy” (gain members from other congregations and lose members to other congregations and/or the world). I’ve seen the…

  • Church Life

    Does Your Bible Fit?

    In a recent Bible class, the teacher made an interesting comment. He was teaching about marking your own Bible as a personal commentary and study reference. As part of that discussion, he was mentioning different features available such as references at the bottom or in the middle column and how much white space there is for personal notes. He told of looking at Bibles for sale online and then said something to the effect of: “I’m old fashioned. There are some things I just want to be able to try on. I want to make sure my Bible fits me.” Of course, it was that last phrase that caught my…

  • Church Life

    How To Know If You Really Want to Get Into Heaven

    If you were to randomly poll people at any public setting with one simple question, “Do you want to get into heaven?” I dare say that you would have very few–if any–negative responses. I suppose you might have a handful who are atheists and, so, would answer that they do not believe in heaven, so they might answer in the negative for that reason. And, if you asked enough people, I suppose you might find a tiny fraction who actually do not want to go to heaven after this life. Still, the vast majority–I think it is safe to say–would answer in the affirmative. Almost everyone you would ask would…

  • Church Life

    Why Take the Lord’s Supper?

    I’ve been around now for 16,646 days. That’s 2,378 Sundays. My parents took me to the assembly of the saints my very first Sunday on earth and I have only missed such an assembly a handful of times since. I would say definitely less than 10. I have been a Christian, that is, an immersed believer, for 12,638 days. That’s 1805 Sundays. I’ve witnessed the Lord’s Supper observance over 2300 times. I’ve partaken of it around 1800 times. But this past Lord’s Day, while partaking of the Lord’s Supper I thought of something that I have never really considered before. I asked myself, “Why did God decide to have us…

  • Church Life

    Spiritual Obesity

    Those who know me realize that I’ve been fighting a lifelong battle with my weight. At this period in my life, I am losing. Unfortunately, I’m losing the battle, not the weight. I understand the concept of weight control all too well. It is actually pretty simple. If I consume more calories than I expend in effort, I can expect to gain weight. My problem seems to be that I have trouble acting on what I know to be true.    I’m wondering if that same concept can be transferred to the realm of religion. Could some of us be dealing with spiritual obesity? Could that even be true of entire congregations? When I was…

  • Church Life,  Family

    An Awful Cheap Thrill

    As our world devolves into more depravity, what amuses us or gives us a thrill not only gets more depraved, it also gets cheaper. (Need proof? Look no further than the explosion of pornography and how it provides that “thrill” for millions.) But there is another cheap thrill that has been around for centuries, and each time it is found, it is awful, destructive, and insidious. Yet…it keeps going. It is the cheap thrill of gossip. Think for a moment. What could be cheaper than tearing down someone who is not present only to make (1) them look worse, and/or (2) you look better? It’s cheap because it is taking…

  • Church Life,  Family

    Do You Have the Courage to be Unpopular? (Why I Didn’t Watch the Grammys)

    Who watched the Grammys this past Sunday night? Not me! I have no desire to watch them. I won’t watch the Oscars either, or any other Hollywood award show of any kind for that matter. You know why? Because they aren’t what they were (I’m not saying they were ever wonderful). There was a time in America when we would watch movies or listen to music and then see who won the awards at the end of the year just for fun. The “stars” weren’t ever perfect morally but they at least they weren’t so abrasive and political. Now I can’t watch at all and still feel like I know…

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