Trust God
So Close, and Yet So Far
Our young people at West Side are some of the best ever. Yes, I know I’m biased when I say that, but I do have evidence to back it up. About three months ago, a few of them approached me with a request. They had noticed that several people had expressed difficulty with daily Bible reading and wanted to set up a system for coming up with topical Bible readings and keeping one another accountable in their reading. They asked me if I could make a group chat that people could join and, if the members of the group chat would decide on a topic each week, whether I could…
12 Lessons from the Book of Job
This winter, I was fortunate enough to be asked to teach a survey of the book of Job to our main adult class at West Side. This book is one of the richest collections of wisdom poetry in the history of the world, and its insights into the nature of divine justice and deliverance exceed all others. As usual, I feel an immense sense of gratitude for the lessons I have learned through teaching through this book as well as discussing it with others in the process. There are many more than 12 valuable lessons about God that I have learned and relearned through teaching this class. That said, I’d…
Who Knows?
I feel like these words are an answer more than a question these days. What is this generation thinking with their music? Who knows. What is up with all the changes happening in our world? Who knows. Are we really going to relive 70s fashion? Who knows. Was the groundhog serious about six more weeks? Who knows. In our weekly Wednesday night devotional we heard a famous use of these words, but as a question. In the book of Esther, evil Haman has gotten the king to sign a decree basically sentencing all Jews to death. While encouraging Esther to be brave and go to the king on behalf of…
Measuring Up
The Bible is full of some of the greatest symbolic imagery ever composed. For one thing, the metaphors of the Bible are expertly crafted and genuinely beautiful, inspiring awe for their Author in and of themselves. Additionally, their beauty and genius are enhanced by their ability to communicate the mind of God in relatable terms and convict their audiences powerfully and personally. One such example that grabbed my attention recently is found in the opening verses of Amos 7 (vv. 1-9). As this chapter of poetic prophecy opens, Amos witnesses God preparing a swarm of locusts to destroy the harvests of Israel. Amos comes to the defense of his people,…
I Admit My Privilege
No, I’m not talking about that other kind of privilege that people seem to be so concerned with in recent years. Since the Bible has nothing to say about skin color, I think it is absolutely crazy for our culture to be so obsessed with it. Instead, I’m talking about a privilege that is available to everyone and that is far, far greater. It is one that I used to hear described as a “privilege” more often than I do these days, but maybe we need to get back to using that description. In fact, this privilege provides doors of opportunity and communication that nothing else can. Do you want…
Cluttered Desks
Having lived on my own now for almost 2 years, I am convinced that there is no more difficult task than keeping a desk clear of clutter for more than about 2 days. This is something that anyone who has seen my desk at the church office or (especially) my desk at home knows about me. I am writing this just after making yet another attempt to clear off the church desk; it’s still not totally clear, but it looks much better than it did before. It’s not that the clutter doesn’t bother me – believe me, it does. It’s just that every time I have a chance to clear…
A Presidential Funeral, John Lennon, and Acts 17
Whenever a United States President dies, it is international news. The funeral services are also an occasion to remember the leader and to show a certain level of unity that is rarely seen in our culture. Such was on display recently when former President Jimmy Carter died at the age of 100. However, at the memorial service in Washington, DC, there was a combination that seemed more at home in ancient Athens. Per the request of Carter (I have read that this request was made a number of years ago), the song “Imagine” by John Lennon was not only played, it was performed live by a couple of music artists.…
Learning from the Master
I recently adopted an Aussie lab puppy named Baxter. At three months old, he is a bundle of energy and has been a great addition to my house as well as an occasional terror. We had a few pets over the course of my childhood, but Baxter is the first dog I have had on my own. As such, while I am training him, he is also training me in some significant ways, many of which have biblical parallels and spiritual implications. To create an exhaustive list would take much longer than one article, but there is one that has stood out among the rest in these first few weeks…
Who Is Like God?
As Moses and the Israelites passed through the Red Sea, they recognized that everything had changed. What had once been an enslaved mass of Abraham’s descendants was now a mighty nation fighting by the power of the God of Abraham. In recognition of their redemption and transformation by God, Moses led the people in a victorious song of praise and adoration to God (Exodus 15:1-18). While there are many expressions within this song that are worthy of a second look, one in particular caught my eye: “Who is like you, O LORD, among the heavens?Who is like you, majestic in holiness,Awesome in glorious deeds, doing wonders?” These questions (found in…
What Is Your Answer?
A recent Bible class I attended prompted this post. There was some discussion about what kind of understanding – if any – Job might have had about his (or our) existence after death. As I listened to that discussion, I thought about a subject for what might be the shortest post I will ever produce. I hope that you will not mistake being brief for being inconsequential or unimportant. I think that what I started thinking in that class and have been thinking a lot about since then is neither of those two things. Since my first career was that of a school teacher, I will go back to those days and…