
  • Church Life,  Family,  Marriage

    When Failure Comes

    Failure isn’t something we like to talk about. Actually, it isn’t even something we like to think about, but failure comes to all of us. Some failures are more damaging than others, but all failure has some consequences. Sometimes, those consequences are life changing, and at other times they don’t really impact our lives for very long. Our brother in Christ, Mark Posey, writes a post entitled “A Moment on the Road Less Traveled.” It gets my attention because it causes me to think about my favorite poem by Robert Frost. Mark’s thoughts are short, but impactful.  Recently he wrote a post entitled, “How to turn failure into success.” There were…

  • Church Life,  Family

    I’m Confused Again

    I remember as a young boy being confused by one television show that I watched fairly regularly. I loved the show that began with “faster than a speeding bullet – more powerful than a locomotive – able to leap tall buildings in a single bound.” It was that last part that confused me. You see, I grew up just outside of the small town of Metropolis, Illinois. The tallest building there was maybe four or five stories tall. I couldn’t figure out where all those tall buildings were in the Metropolis I saw on my parents’ black and white television. I hope you know that I was being more than a little facetious as I…

  • Family,  Parenting

    Five Generations

    I have been blessed to be a part of five generations in this life – my grandparents, my parents, my generation, my children, and my grandchildren. It is such a joy to sit with our children and grandchildren now and talk about things our parents did, or occasionally, something our grandparents did. Neither of our children got to know any of my grandparents, so any stories about them don’t seem as interesting. However, they seem very interested in our parents – their great-grandparents. We’ve just spent a few days with our children and four of our grandchildren just enjoying some time together talking, laughing, teasing, joking, singing, eating, and sometimes telling stories from…

  • Church Life,  Family

    Crabby Old Man

    I’m honored to give up my space in A Legacy of Faith today to brother Hugh Fulford. As some of you may know, he sends emails and posts on Facebook some of his thoughts which he calls “Hugh’s News & Views.”   In my opinion, this particular material is a great “follow up” to something I posted earlier about the aging process. It is also my opinion that it makes some points that I did not make. I am reprinting brother Fulford’s material in its entirety and with his permission. –Jim Faughn (Note: I am indebted to my friend David Tant for the following poem from his “Thought For Today” of March…

  • Church Life,  Family

    How About Some Good News for a Change?

    Are you tired of bad news? Do you feel dragged down by all the negative headlines? Is the push and pull of social media getting you upset? There’s an old saying in journalism: “If it bleeds, it leads.” To put it simply, bad news draws our attention, so we get more of it. And, to be fair, there is a lot of bad news. When you live in a world filled with frail and sinful people, there are going to be sicknesses and murders and arguments and breakups and scandals and, and, and……… However, while that is true, if we have faith in God, there is always good news! No…

  • Family,  Legacy of Faith Podcast,  Marriage

    Episode 155: 5 Things We Wish We Would Have Known about Marital Intimacy [Podcast] Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSS (Player not displaying or working? Click here to listen.) For the past few episodes, Adam and Leah have been doing lists of 5. On this episode, they tackle a very sensitive but important topic, sharing 5 things couples need to keep in mind as it pertains to having a healthy and God-honoring life of intimacy. The 5 Things It’s Not Always a “10.”Medical and hormonal issues can greatly affect intimacy.Typically, one spouse needs to destress to have sex and one needs sex to destress.It can be difficult to overcome the world’s wrong message about sex.Over time, you need to learn from your…

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  • Church Life,  Family

    They (We) Weren’t Always Old

    It doesn’t seem like it has been all that long ago that I looked at people who were well into the aging process and never gave much thought to the fact that I could be one of those people someday. I guess I thought that, somehow, I would always be the age I happened to be at that time.   During those years, I felt sorry for those whose gait was very slow, whose posture was not as erect as it once was, and who had trouble seeing, hearing, and/or understanding. I watched as a spouse would help his or her “life companion” struggle with devices and equipment designed to aid in mobility,…

  • Family,  Parenting

    What She Did Not Say Got Her The Job

    I was listening to an interview recently which I thought was interesting. Actually, I was listening to a series of interviews, but one really captured my attention. Each of the people being interviewed had worked for a man whose name you would probably recognize. Each of the people related some personal memories and made some comments about what it was like to work for him. The interview that stood out to me was with a person who was talking about a period of time when the man’s business interests were expanding. Because of this, there was a need for somebody to work in a very responsible and entirely new position. The lady who was…

  • Family,  Legacy of Faith Podcast,  Marriage

    Episode 154: 5 Things We Wish We’d Have Known About NOT Living Separate Lives [Podcast] Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSS (Player not displaying or working? Click here to listen.) Far too many married couples wonder why they feel more like roommates or business partners than spouses. On this week’s podcast, Adam and Leah talk about some things spouses must do intentionally if they are going to avoid living separate lives and, instead, live as a unit. The Five Things Don’t be with “the boys” or “the girls” more than you are with your spouse.Don’t let your careers define you.Combine your finances.Find common interests/hobbies.Spend more time at home. Find our podcast on… Apple Podcasts Google Podcasts Spotify Stitcher TuneIn Radio RSS

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  • Church Life,  Family

    Conversations Don’t Need Autofill

    Do you enjoy the autofill feature on Google and other platforms? You’ve seen it in action. You start to type something in a search bar and, all of a sudden, several possible endings–usually based on things you have searched for previously–start appearing for you to choose from. (Google has figured out that I search a lot for where Bible verses are found–I know it’s in the Bible, but I’m terrible with references–so I could be searching for anything and it’s probable a verse will be one of my choices.) Autofill really is an amazing feature and, a great deal of the time, it is helpful. If you are trying to…