How Many Warnings Will We Need?
In a small town in Illinois, there is an historic bridge, built in 1906. The covered bridge is a bit of a landmark in the town, but it also recently made headlines because someone ran into it…again. The bridge was closed for repairs for some time and reopened last August. Since then–just over 5 months ago, the bridge has been run into no less than fourteen times. The clearance on the bridge is unusually low–just 8 feet, six inches–so taller trucks and busses have run into it continually. However, there are signs on top of the bridge. There are signs just before a driver would get to the bridge. There…
Will They Stand Under the Basket?
It didn’t take long for me to figure out that I probably didn’t have a future as a basketball player. There is not much of a demand for short, overweight guys who can barely touch the bottom of the net and who can’t shoot well. These “minor” issues have not kept me from enjoying watching the game. While I’m not particularly interested in professional basketball, I do enjoy the sport at the college level. As is the case with any sport, the rules have changed somewhat over the years. While it may surprise some, I am not old enough to remember when there was a jump ball after each made basket. That was my dad’s…
Episode 145: How to Raise Secular Children (Part 2) [Podcast] Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSS (Player not displaying or working? Click here to listen.) In the next installment of this three-part series, Adam and Leah say that, if you want to raise secular children (which we don’t!), all you have to do is live the church message at church, but devalue that same message at home. Find our podcast on… Apple Podcasts Google Podcasts Spotify Stitcher TuneIn Radio RSS
A Forever Home
Do you like to watch HGTV? Most of you probably know that I do, and that my husband doesn’t really like for me to watch it. Why? Because he says that all it ever does is give me ideas for another project we can do in our house. He thinks the three most dangerous words he hears are “we could just,” because they are usually followed by “move a wall,” or “tear out the pantry,” or “rearrange the furniture,” etc. I’m really not that bad! Lately when I have watched that channel, I’ve noticed a fairly new phrase I hear while young couples are searching for a house. They may not say it right at first,…
Sixty Years Later — A Larger Concern
If you are reading this before January 20th, you are reading it before something happens that has happened nineteen times during my lifetime. I was only about four months old when it happened for the first time in my lifetime, so I don’t remember much about it. The same goes for the second time when I was only a little over four years old. It really wasn’t until I was a little over twelve years old that I sort of got “plugged in” to what was happening. I was intrigued with all of the pageantry that went along with a presidential inauguration ceremony. While all of that pageantry was very impressive, I…
From “Do You Understand Me?” to “Okay?”
I guess that I’m about to show my age, but I remember a time when parents, not the children, actually “called the shots” in families. I remember that, during that time, parents seemed to be less concerned about whether or not their children always liked them and more concerned about their children obeying them. Apparently, those parents knew that there would be a time when their children would be “sent out into the world” and would find out that they were not actually the center of the universe. They might discover that there would be rules they would actually have to follow and that there might even be consequences if those rules were disobeyed. …
Episode 144: How To Have a Secular Child, Part 1 [Podcast] Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSS (Player not displaying or working? Click here to listen.) As 2021 gets underway, Adam and Leah go back to their podcast roots, encouraging Christian parents. This week, they begin a three-part series on how to raise secular children. Step one? Put everything else before attending worship.
Some Things Should Never Be Normal
Normal. It’s a word that so many of us have said in the last few months. We just want things to return to normal. As so many things have changed, many have altered that statement a bit and said that they hope things return to normal, whatever that may look like. We like normal. We like routine. We like knowing–as best we can–what to expect. There’s nothing wrong with that. However, there are certain things, if we are going to be children of light in a world of darkness, that should never be normal about us. If we are being honest, the biggest things about our lives are not going…
My Prediction for 2021
Do you remember all of those predictions that were made a little over a year ago as we looked forward to 2020? If 2020 proved anything, it proved that we cannot see into the future with 20/20 vision. I’m guessing that, by the time you read this, some of us have already not been so resolute about some resolutions we made only a few days ago. I’m also guessing that some predictions for a year that is still in its infancy have already been proven to be wrong. Why, then, would anybody be bold enough (or stupid enough) to make any kind of prediction for 2021? The answer is actually fairly simple. It…
A Post That Is Twenty Years (Or Longer) In The Making
As difficult as it may be to believe, some of the items that made the news at this time of the year twenty years ago sound eerily familiar. Perhaps the best example of this is that much of the news concerned a contentious and controversial presidential election in which even the United States Supreme Court got involved. Do the names Bush and Gore and the phrase “hanging chad” ring a bell? The purpose of this post has nothing to do with major world events, news about powerful and important people, economic trends or any other matters that make national or international headlines. As I’m typing these words, my mind is on matters of…