
  • Church Life,  Family,  Parenting

    The Hypocritical Blanket

    Almost every night, I say a prayer with my son and tell him goodnight. Though sometimes, admittedly, I rush through these last few moments before he goes to sleep, they are some of my favorite minutes of the day. Some nights we read a story, every night we pray. He says a prayer, then I say one. I tell him “good night” and “I love you,” then his lights go out. It’s a routine I hope does not end anytime soon. The other night, though, another step had to be taken. I was pulling up his blanket over him when I noticed I didn’t have hold of the sheet underneath.…

  • Family,  Marriage,  Parenting

    4 Ways to Make Every Weekend Memorable for Your Family

    [NOTE: This week’s guest post comes to us from David Dixon. To learn more about David, check out his bio after today’s post.] In 1981, the band Loverboy released a song entitled “Working for the Weekend.” It’s a catchy little ditty, but the sentiment of the song is a worldly concept that should not apply to Christians. In reference to early Christians who had given certain days of the year greater significance of holiness than other days, Paul gave the instruction that every individual should be “fully persuaded in his own mind” (Rom. 14:5 KJV). That is, we are permitted to assign a holiness value to individual days, but we…

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  • Family,  Parenting

    A Biblical Legacy of Faith

    Since yesterday was Fathers Day, I decided to preach on what I consider to be a biblical legacy of faith.  I thought I’d share some (but not all) of the things I talked about here. I chose Abraham as my example of such a legacy. I thought that was a good choice since Abraham is included in “Faith’s Hall of Fame” in Hebrews 11.  Specifically, I chose the events recorded in Genesis 22 as an example of his “legacy of faith.” In the interest of full disclosure, I need to point out that some of the thoughts that served as the basis for this lesson came from brother Neal Pollard and a…

  • Family,  Parenting

    For Generations to Come

    [NOTE: This week’s guest post is from Suzy Dodd. To learn more about Suzy, check out her bio after today’s article.] We have all heard the phrase “for generations to come” as it relates to the length something lasts. Think of things like a car, grandmother’s roasting pan, a recipe, or a story passed down from one generation to the next. However, do we really think of the actual meaning of the words “for generations to come?”   This we know: there will, in all likelihood, be generations coming after us. Depending on one’s age we may think about having children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, and possibly great-great-grandchildren. We daydream and ponder…

  • Family,  Parenting

    Checkout Lines and Teaching Values

    I stood in the checkout line at Walmart while the clerk finished scanning all of my items. All of the sudden I had a tremendous sinking feeling down in my stomach. For once, it wasn’t caused by watching the grocery bill get larger and larger. The feeling was caused by watching the people behind me in the line. I watched as an old woman rolled up to the line in an electronic riding carts. With her, there were two young women who appeared to be in their twenties, or possibly younger. There were one or two kids with them. Just as they walked up to the counter, a worker brought…

  • Family,  Parenting

    5 Service Projects for Your Kids This Summer

    “Yeah, school’s out!” …wait three days… “I’m bored!” First of all, I do not have a problem with kids being bored. It forces them to stretch themselves and use their imaginations to find ways to fill in the time. Not every moment of every day should be go-go-go for any of us. That said, summertime does afford good opportunities for children to give back to others. Because they have a little extra time, it is good for them to use some of that time to serve other people in ways that may take a little time. While there are countless ways kids can do this, today we share 5 that…

  • Family,  Parenting

    Because I Said So

    I read articles from time-to-time that talk about how parents should avoid saying the phrase “because I said so” as a reason for asking their children to do something. The usual line of reasoning is quite simple. It is that children need to be instructed as to why something is necessary, or right, or wrong. The argument then goes that just saying “because I said so” is not instructing children. Some even go so far as to say that using that line is almost dictatorial. To be fair, if “because I said so” is the only reason we ever give to our children for anything we tell them to do, that isn’t right.…

  • Family,  Parenting

    “We Turned Off the TV and Studied the Bible”

    I will not reveal the name of the person who spoke those words to me recently, but they made a powerful impact. They were spoken by a man–a husband and father–who is just trying. He came up to me and had a question about a particularly difficult statement in the Bible. At first, I thought he was asking just for his own information, or maybe because it was something being discussed in a Bible class. I tried to help him understand the passage as best I could (off the top of my head), and he thanked me. But then he came right out and said that he and his little family…

  • Church Life,  Family,  Parenting

    How Lads to Leaders Can Help Families

    [Editors note: This week’s guest post comes to us from Ben Giselbach. You can learn more about Ben at the conclusion of today’s article.] The oldest and most important institution is the home, and the biggest responsibility of parents is to raise their children right (Deuteronomy 6:20-25). Ever since God charged parents to instill in them a love for God and His Word (cf. Ephesians 6:4), parents have asked, “What is the best way to do this?” Well, do you know the best way to teach your children to love God and His Word? I suppose we could spend hours combing the web for advice on how to teach our children.…

  • Family,  Marriage,  Parenting

    One of the Most Frustrating Things about Being the Head of the House

    God has stated that the man is to be the head of the household. In a home where God’s plan is followed, every person has a vital role, but the final decisions rest with the husband. Of course, a godly husband understands that he is under the ultimate authority of Christ, so he dare not be a cruel dictator in the home. With that headship, though, comes dramatic responsibility. The weight of all those decisions rests on his shoulders. A godly husband understands that he will give account to God Almighty for how he has led his home. It is, without a doubt, a daunting task. And there are frustrations…

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