Episode 23: What Families Can Do to Support the Church {Podcast} Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSS(Player not working in email/rss? Click here to listen.) March rolls on, and we continue on the podcast to talk about the relationship between the church and the family. This week, Leah could not be with Adam to record, but the show much go on, so Adam speaks about some things families can do that will support the church. Show Outline 6 Things Families Can Do to Support the Church 1. Teach and show proper respect for authority 2. Maintain proper discipline 3. Teach and maintain proper priorities 4. Grow a love for the local congregation 5. Teach and show basic concepts of…
A Reminder from a Difficult Child
We are blessed with two good kids, but they are not always so good. And, especially when he was younger, our son was quite the difficult child at times. He has shown himself to be stubborn and to have a very strong temper. Thankfully, we are seeing him grow and mature, but that old way still comes out at times. And, considering they are still kids, both our children are difficult at times. If you are parent, you have had those moments. You just wonder how you can handle that child. You throw your hands up and wonder if you can do it. You cry or just get totally frustrated.…
There’s More to Life than Likes
I was about to leave my office when I decided to check my email one last time, trying to free up those few moments later in the day for my family. Am I ever glad I did. In my email was a message from a family site that I enjoy going to, sharing a couple of new videos they had come out with. One of them caused me to stop and literally say a brief prayer about my own life and parenting. Here it is (don’t worry, it’s less than a minute long). (Video not playing? Click here.) Parents, I want to ask: are we making the life of our…
Episode 15: Parents and Mentors (with Dale Sadler) {Podcast} Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSS(Player not working? Click here to listen on the blog.) Parents have many roles; they wear many hats. One that is rarely discussed, though, is the parent as a mentor for his/her children. In this episode, Adam is joined by counselor and youth minister Dale Sadler to discuss what a parent as a mentor looks like, and what it means to the family structure. This interview comes out of Dale’s newest book, Generations to Come: Becoming All Things to Your Child. Resources Generations to Come (paperback) Dale’s other eBook, 28 Days to a Better Marriage More from A Legacy of Faith To subscribe to A…
Episode 13: What We Learned from Reading the New Testament as a Family {Podcast} Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSS(Player not working? Click here to listen on the blog.) Families are always looking for ways to have Bible time with their kids. We are wrapping up a very interesting few months, in which we have read the entire New Testament with our children. In this episode, Adam and Leah discuss the joys and frustrations of this experiment, then talk about some other ideas for family devotionals you might want to try. Resources “Object Lessons” (CD-Roms from Kaio Publications) Discovery (Magazine from Apologetics Press) Subscription for one year Bound volume of 15 years of the magazine Egermeier’s Bible Story Book Illustrated Family Bible Stories…
The Memories of a House
Tomorrow, they start packing and Friday we move out. For about 6 1/2 years, one address has been the place we called home. It has been a wonderful house. Still, it is made up of wood, concrete, vinyl siding, carpet, metal and other material “stuff.” Through the designs and work of people with different skills than I have, all this “stuff” becomes a beautiful and functional place to live. When looking for a place to live, we think about if our couch can go here or if all our pots and pans can fit in there; we consider if this room will work for an office or den or if…
Praying Together
One recent religious survey noted that the average minister only prays three minutes each day. I found this astounding. I do not know if it is accurate, but if this is true, is it any wonder why the church is not growing?Hey wait a minute…maybe we should ask ourselves how much we are praying? It’s not that there is a required amount, but rather it has to do with where we are in our spiritual lives. Prayer is key. Prayer can change everything. I am finding that one of the most important things I can do to change and improve my own prayer life is to pray with others. When…
Training Your Children for Worship 3: Prayer Checklist and “Time for Worship” Cards for Kids {Free Printable}
Today’s post is the 3rd in our 4-part series of free printables to help you train your children for worship. If you missed either of the first two posts, below are the links. 1: A Devotional Guide on Worship 2: Family Devotionals on the Acts of Worship Today, we are sharing TWO free printables with you! FIRST, we have a “prayer checklist” that can be used either in a family devotional setting or during a worship service to help a child focus on the importance of prayer. While prayer is not meant to be just a “checklist,” we also need to teach our children that prayer is more than some type…
Training Your Children for Worship 2: Family Devotionals on the Acts of Worship {Free Printables}
Last week, we shared the first of four free printables to help you train your children for worship. If you missed that one, which was a devotional guide about worship, click here and you can get it for free. To continue with the free stuff, we have another family devotional guide for you this week. This time, though, it is a SET of devotional guides. There are five in all, one for each of the five avenues of worship. As with the other guides, these are meant to help you have family devotionals that are only about 10 minutes in length and that help by getting input from the children.…
Why We Made Our 7-Year-Old Sign a Minecraft Contract
Minecraft. I know very little about this game, except that our son has been begging us to download it for months. It is one of the few times he has truly fixated on something for more than a few days. After doing some light research and seeing that is a fairly harmless game, we decided to let him get the game on Leah’s iPad… …after he signed a contract. That’s right, our 7-year-old had to sign a contract to get and play the game. The short document stated such things as: He would pay for the game himself out of his saving jar. If he complained when told to turn…