The “Model” Family
They live in the house you wished you owned. They drive the cars that you think are the most stylish. They wear clothes that are hip and always in style. Their kids go to the best schools and (of course) are always at the top of the class. Everyone in town knows them and thinks they are just the perfect family. …or the model family. But they aren’t. (At least, not necessarily.) In my mind, the “model” family may or may not have a trendy lifestyle. They may or may not have a big income and newer possessions. They may or may not have overachieving kids. So, if you don’t…
Our Review of the Creation Museum
Last week, our family enjoyed a wonderful few days in the Cincinnati, Ohio area on vacation (video coming tomorrow!). The main reason we chose this area for our vacation was to visit the Creation Museum in Petersburg, Kentucky. I had heard of this museum for some time, and we were thrilled to be able to go and enjoy the museum for two days. After getting home, I thought it would be good to write a review on the site, since I’m sure many of you have never been to the Creation Museum. In a word, my review is “go.” If I had to add another word, it would be “soon.”…
A Tribute to Christian Mothers for Mother’s Day
I remember hearing “I’ll Fly Away” being hummed around the house. I also remember getting the look for acting up during worship (you know the look I’m talking about). I remember hugs when I didn’t deserve them… …and swats on the behind when I did. Somehow, I was blessed by the Lord to be born into a family with a mother who loved Him and wanted to show His love to us every day. By the grace of God, I have been blessed to marry a lady who does the same for our two children. I have a sister, mother-in-law, and sisters-in-law who are striving to raise children in God’s ways.…
Move Here, and Your Home Will Improve
Can you imagine a city counsel or tourism board being so bold as to make a claim that would say, Move here, and your home will improve? That would be about as bold as it gets. Who could honestly say that, if you move to this one place, your marriage will get better, as will your relationship with your children? I just can’t see any tourism board getting that bold with their claims, no matter how much they may want you to come! BUT… I know a place that will do that, and today, I want to invite you to move. Let me describe this place. There are no beaches nearby,…
“Can We Go to His Grave?” : Helping a Child Process Grief
He died a few weeks ago, and we knew his death was coming. He had been ill for some time, and we had both called and visited with him. Of course, it was still sad, and we miss him, but his passing was not unexpected. Then, out of nowhere, just a couple of nights ago, our eight-year-old starting crying as she said her nightly prayer to the Lord. Her tears were out of missing this elderly man who always gave her a hug and handed her candy. So far as I know, she hadn’t cried since the day we found out about his passing, but now she was sobbing as…
10 Things You Can Do to Start a Family Devotional Tonight
One of our most popular posts of the last few months was also the longest. It was a transcript of a lecture I gave at the annual Bible Lectureship at Freed-Hardeman University. The post, which can be found here, shared many practical things to keep in mind for leading a family devotional. But maybe you are still on the fence. Maybe you know you need to start a family devotional, but you are still afraid of actually making that first step. Here’s the thing: it doesn’t have to be a giant leap! No matter the age of your children, there are several things you can do that will get the ball…
Everyone Pitches In : Why Work Isn’t Bad for Your Kids
Last Saturday was beautiful. The weather was gorgeous, and we actually had a day at home. So, we took advantage of it all and planted our garden. We had prepared the ground earlier, but it still took about 2 hours to get everything in the ground. (Now if we can just keep it alive…) You may have noticed the use of the word “we” in that opening paragraph. That “we” was not just Leah and me. It was all four of us. The kids pitched in at times, too, and helped us get several different kinds of veggies in the ground. Now, some people read that and are considering calling…
A Bad Marriage is Overlaid with Good Intentions
Okay, so the title of this post isn’t as catchy as “The road to hell is paved with good intentions,” but it gets the point across. It is easy for a marriage to have a shiny exterior, where everyone on the outside thinks things are just fine. Under the smiles, though, there is rottenness and bitterness at every turn. Your marriage may not be that negative, but it could be headed that way. How? Too often we can talk about what we “intend” to do with our spouse, but we don’t do it. All those intentions, without action, could be rotting the inner strength of the relationship. Now, I’m not…
Manoah & Being an Accommodating Parent
From the time our kids are very small, they are taught the life of Samson. He is depicted as the strongman of the Bible, and his feats of strength are truly remarkable. Even before he was born, Samson was chosen by God for a special purpose. He was to be a Nazirite from birth, which was unheard of, and he was not just to have a month-long Nazirite vow, but he was to live under the stipulations of the Nazirite. We know Samson’s ultimate downfall was his propensity toward ungodly women. As a man, he alone is guilty for his unwise decisions in that area. But I wonder if his…
Where the Grass Doesn’t Grow : Why I Don’t Mind One Part of Our Yard Being Trampled
We are not too particular about our yard. I’ve never seeded my lawn, and I always mow in the same pattern, which I know isn’t perfect for the grass. That said, we do try to keep our yard trimmed and we do care if it is presentable. Well, most of it, that is. You see, there is a small area of our yard where I’m not sure we will ever have grass. The space is only about 5 or 6 feet wide, but it contains two areas of nothing but compacted dirt. Looking across our back yard, it stands out like a sore thumb. Brown patches with no growth right…