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    Blogging Break for Construction…and a Quick Reminder

    For those of you who have been reading our blog for a long time, you have probably noticed that we have really been focused this year on the site. Thank you for your consistent visits and kind words about the site. I hope you find it obvious that we love doing this, and that we are always striving to make the site better. That’s why we are taking a break. That’s right, we are taking a short break from the site, but I think you will appreciate what happens when we are done. We have a couple of huge things you will be introduced to when we get back, but…

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    Huffduffer: Make Your Own Audio Feed Online for Free

    A few weeks ago, we were involved in a blog hop concerning podcasts that we enjoy listening to. If you go back and look through that post, you can see that I listen, via subscription, to a lot of podcasts. In fact, there are a couple more I’d like to subscribe to, but I just don’t feel I have the time right now. But even if you aren’t a podcast person, today’s post is for you. I recently discovered a free online tool for all those random audio files you find online that you’d like to hear, but you don’t want to keep running around the internet to find them.…

  • Tech,  Uncategorized

    How to Encourage a Blogger

    You are amazing! Yesterday, for the second time in just 3 weeks, we shattered our record for most visits to the blog. The numbers on “bad” days are now more than we used to get on pretty good ones. For that, we say a sincere “thank you.” Your visits are so encouraging, but I’d like to share with you some other ways to encourage your friends who blog. Since blogging is a very crowded space, it is hard to get noticed. And it can be highly frustrating, as well. There are now some 42million blogs just using WordPress alone (!), so getting “heard” is very hard. How can you encourage…

  • Tech

    Blog Hop: Podcasts We Like

    Today’s post is very special, because it is a “blog hop.” Five blogs are all writing on the same topic, and we hope you will check each one out. The topic today is simply podcasting. Five writers are each listing the podcasts (by category) they listen to, and linking to where you can find the information about that podcast. At the bottom of the post is the link to the other writers who are involved. MY PODCAST LIST   #1: Brotherhood Podcasts (produced by members of Churches of Christ) Ashville Road Church of Christ (Drew Kizer) Bear Valley Church of Christ Sermoncast (Neal Pollard) Behind the Pulpit (The Equip Network)…

  • Family,  Tech

    The FCC, Nudity, Extreme Profanity, and Your TV

    For years, some have tried to point out the declining morals we see and hear in our mainstream media. It is something I have preached very passionately about, partly because, well, I like to be entertained, so it is a struggle. But I also preach passionately about this issue because so many Christians seemingly do not care what comes across their iPod or TV screen. The latest word from the FCC (Federal Communications Commission), though, should open our eyes. Parents, are you ready for your children to see full frontal female nudity at any time during the day on your TV in your living room? If the latest consideration from…

  • Tech

    A Money Show You Might Like

    Today’s post is a quick link, but one I think you might like. I was recently asked to be a guest on an internet radio program called “Surviving the Credit Crisis.” The program deals with helping people who are struggling with the new world of real estate, and is hosted by Karen Simpson-Hankins. She does a great job as a host, and I enjoyed the time on the program. She asked me to be a guest, talking about how to save up for home repairs and maintenance, a topic I had written on recently at The program went live this morning. If this is a topic that you are…

  • Tech

    25 Ways to Get Traffic to Your Blog

    A few weeks ago, we wrote a post on how to start a blog if you are not a techy person. If you are interested in starting a blog, I highly suggest you go back and look at those basic steps. Now, you’ve started your blog and you are posting articles, pictures, videos…whatever you want. But you also want people to actually come to the site. How do you do that? I am nowhere near an expert, but I have learned a few things that work (usually by learning what didn’t work!). Sometimes one will work, while at other times another will. Sometimes none of these work. If you will…

  • Tech

    Evernote for Non-Tech Folks

    Evernote is one of my favorite tools. Their motto is “Remember Everything,” and I pretty much use it to do just that. However, getting started with Evernote can be daunting. Fear not! I’m here to help. Today’s post is meant to help you get started with this amazing program, but to do so without tech-speak. I hate tech-speak! Also, starting out with a program like Evernote without a visual can be difficult, so I created this screencast to help you! It’s 15 minutes in length, and I hope you like it. After the screencast, there are links to a couple of very helpful resources that I hope you’ll check out.…

  • Tech

    Take Better Notes [Video]

    My friend Chad Landman makes videos every few weeks designed for youth ministers, but I love watching them. He does a great job describing some tips and tools to help in ministry. His latest video is great for anyone who wants to know how to use a couple of the most popular organization programs, Dropbox and Evernote. I think you’ll find it useful. Personally, I rarely use Dropbox, but Chad provides a great way to use both of these tools. Enjoy! —————————————– To receive our blog posts via rss, click here. To subscribe via email, click here. To sign up for our free monthly enewsletter, click here. Click the banner to visit our…

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    February Email Newsletter

    Each month, we send out an email newsletter. Our goal is to send out content that is a little different from our blog, and to do so in an easy-to-read format. We strive to make these newsletters where everything can be read in under 20 minutes (at the most). Just a few minutes ago, we sent out our February newsletter to 140 subscribers. This is a free resource and we never “spam” you. We only send the newsletters once per month. If you are not subscribed (again, it’s free!) just fill in this form: Subscribe to our mailing list Or, you can click here to subscribe. Our goal is to…