Thank You for 2012
What a year it has been. As I write this, it’s early in the morning on New Year’s Eve, 2012. I have been looking back at our year, and it has been one that we will not soon forget. Recently, I posted about turning 35 and about how it was a truly emotional year. So I want this final post of the year to be something a little different. I want it to be a “thank you”….to you. 2012 has easily been the most successful year of our blog, and that would not be true without the time you take to read what we post. So, enjoy our little “blog…
A Thanksgiving Hymn
If you can stand my singing, enjoy this simple 2:37 video of a wonderful old hymn for your Thanksgiving. Happy Thanksgiving from our family to yours. ——————————– To receive our blog posts via rss, click here. To subscribe via email, click here. To sign up for our free monthly enewsletter, click here.
An Exciting New Work…With More to Come
Today, we are thrilled to let you know about a new work we are beginning in conjunction with our blog, and it is just the tip of the iceberg. Interested yet? Then read on… Yesterday, we launched a new email newsletter that will run in conjunction with our blog. The newsletter will be delivered via email and will only come out once per month. Since we post regularly on our blog, we don’t want to flood you with more stuff, but we wanted to have this outlet for more information. The newsletter will be called “This Month with the Faughn Family,” and will come out near the end of each…
National Chain Prayer Information Video (with Scott Bond, Jr.)
Today’s post reminds you about the National Chain Prayer. It is an interview that Scott Bond, Jr. and I did to answer some frequently asked questions. If you are unfamiliar with the chain prayer, please take a moment to read this post. UPDATE: We have updated the technology side of the chain prayer to make it easier for congregations to host. Please watch the video to hear more!
A Long Way from Cliff and Clair
If you know us at all, you know we are huge fans of The Cosby Show. We love watching reruns on DVD and we can basically quote every line from every program. We love that show because it was legitimately funny while still holding on to good family values. The parents were in charge of the home. Discipline was administered, but so were plenty of hugs. Money was plentiful in that house, but it was clearly communicated that it came from hard work. The family taught their children history. Education was strongly stressed (both in “formal” education and in the home). And there was a regular mention of religion in…
National Chain Prayer 2012
The idea is only two weeks old, but it has grown to something that I believe will be something we remember for years to come. First, let me give a little background, then let you know about a wonderful idea. Many things in our society seem to be moving quickly away from God and the Christian foundations of this country. Thankfully, there seems to be a strong movement among many Christians to counteract that movement, but in proper ways. No violence. No hate. No cruelty. Instead, Christians seem to be more fervent in prayer, as we seek to bring America back to her moral grounding in Scripture. In just a…
Teens and Twitter: Parents Need to be “Following”
I love Twitter. In fact, if you don’t follow me on Twitter, stop reading right now and click here to do that! I didn’t take the time to see how long I’ve been using this service, but I would guess it’s been about 4 years. Twitter is now over 6 years old, but in the past year it has really hit a momentum point as teenagers have come to use it en masse. As with any type of technology, this movement is neither good nor bad, it’s how it is used that makes all the difference. Personally, I think one of the reasons we have seen this movement among teens to…
Audio: “How to Get the Most Out of Your Bible”
Recently, I was a guest on iQuest, a wonderful Christian podcast done by the Madison (AL) Church of Christ. Below is the audio. Listen to internet radio with iQuest on Blog Talk Radio For more information about iQuest, click here. I highly recommend this podcast! To read the article we discussed on the program, click here.
Guest Post: “Churches and Pinterest” (by Joey Sparks)
NOTE FROM ADAM: I am new to the world of Pinterest, but I see great potential on this site for good. My friend Joey Sparks is one who uses this site a lot of ministry purposes. I asked him to write a guest post about how congregations can use this site, and he did a tremendous job. With the explosion of new users and time spent on Pinterest [infographic], I felt this was an appropriate topic to tackle on our site. Thanks, Joey, for doing a great job! ————————————- Pinterest is a relatively new peg-board-inspired social media platform who’s membership exploded at the beginning of 2012. The “viral” aspect of new members…
This and That
I don’t do these posts often, but I have several short notes that I want to pass along, so we’ll do a “this and that” post. Time to empty the “quick blog news posts” idea folder! Enjoy!!! ***Last night, the #Hashtag Youth Series got underway. If you are not familiar with this amazing work for young people, you will want to be. It grew from an idea to over 4000 young people in less than 6 months. Here are three resources to follow to see more about it: (1) the website, (2) the Facebook group, (3) a recent iPreach where we interviewed two of the “principles” of this. ***Speaking of…