Mini-Post: Bible Study Link
My friend Daniel Howell bought a Kindle Fire. That’s part of this post. However, it’s the second part of the post that I think many of you will find interesting. If you like to study the Bible in electronic format, Olive Tree Bible Reader just made it easier. Here’s the link to Daniel’s article: Thanks, Daniel, for the head’s up on this! I’ve already installed the desktop app and love it!
My Early Thoughts on Owning a Kindle
I am not a technology “early adopter.” While I like to know what’s out there, I usually wait quite a while before using something, and even then, I don’t really have a lot of gadgets. So, for a long time, I resisted getting any type of Kindle. Part of my reason was that I do so much of my work on a screen, and I didn’t really want to read from a screen even more. The other reason is that I already have dozens of print books that I haven’t read…why add even more? However, I did add a Kindle reader to my laptop and my iPhone some time back.…
So Excited!!!
Several of our goals for 2011 at Lebanon Road deal with technology. As of just a few minutes ago (literally), one of them is done. You can now subscribe to our sermons on iTunes!!! The name of our podcast is “Sermons in the Shadow of the Cross. You can search iTunes for that name, or just follow the link below. We hope you will subscribe (for free, of course) and spread the word! We plan to upload about one sermon per week (as of this writing, there are two sermons available), though we might add more during special presentations.
Quick Tech Update
Recently, we crossed 500 followers on Twitter. I am amazed at that number. However, we are entering a time of the year when I go on Twitter a lot! With college basketball in full swing, I’ll be putting a lot of thoughts about that greatest sport on Twitter. I do know, though, that a lot of you aren’t fans of that sport, so I have made a decision. I am not going to tweet about college hoops on my @faughn4 Twitter account. Instead, I have started a second account for those of you who want my thoughts on NCAA basketball. Please go to Twitter and follow @faughnhoops . There, you…
What I’m Listening To
Okay, last week I got a huge number of suggestions of podcasts to check out. I mean, it was crazy to get… …zero suggestions. So, I’m going to share with you what I listen to. Before doing that, though, let me give you a few ways I “listen” to these. 1. I usually listen on double-speed. On an iPod (or iPhone, like I have), you can listen to podcasts at regular speed, or you can choose to listen twice as fast. Most of the time, I choose this option. 2. I am not trying to memorize everything that is said. Podcasts are for information, but not memorization. I am simply…
Ask the Readers: Podcast Question
I know not many of you listen to a ton of podcasts, but this week’s post is the first of a two-part series that I’m doing on podcasts. Next Wednesday, I will list for you all the podcasts to which I listen. I try to do this about every year or so, because I change from time-to-time. However, this week, I need your input. One of the things I have started trying to do is listen to more podcasts that do not come out daily. I am enjoying some that come out weekly, or even less frequently, but that are still relevant and that update regularly (though not daily…see a…
Seamless Technology in Worship (PtP 2011 Presentation)
Last Wednesday, I was asked to speak at Polishing the Pulpit on the topic “Seamless Technology in Worship.” The class was specifically designed for deacons and was on the “technology track,” but there were members of all types in the room. For this 45-minute presentation, I gave 10 steps to take. The idea was to go from (literally) square one, and then to walk all the way until technology is not only in use, but helpful. Here are the ten steps I gave, with a very brief explanation for each. 1. Plan, and Plan Some More. With technology being something that changes so often, it is going to take planning…
Lebanon Road’s 2011 Camp Video
Get a cup of coffee (or, in my case, water), sit back and enjoy a 26 minute video from our week at Valley View Camp. We are so thankful to Shane Williams, one of our college students, for putting this video together. He did a great job, and we hope you enjoy it! Lebanon Road Church Camp 2011 from on Vimeo.
5 Reasons Why I Blog
Today on The Ministry Geek podcast, the topic was if minsters should blog, and if so, why. As I listened, it reminded me of the roots of this blog. It started as, in many ways, a random set of posts with no real focus. Over the years, this site has changed several times, and has settled into a pattern of topics and subjects that I hope you enjoy. They are what are important to me. But why do I do this? There are so many other things to do, so why take the time each week to post 2,3,4, or even 5 posts? Here are the reasons why I do…
I’m Getting Organized….Again
Organization is a strange part of my life. I am excessively organized when it comes to my schedule. I live by a calendar and clock, and I literally function better when I have a plan. However, when it comes to storage, filing, and similar areas, I am a horrible organizer. I have tried in the past, but always fall off the wagon. I really think one reason is that I have never tried a “complete” organization of my stuff. I’ll work on one area, but another will pile up. Then, when I work on that area, the first area goes back to unorganized. So, over the past few weeks (and,…