
  • Bible study,  Tech

    Week of November 4 “Into the Heart of the Bible” and “Something from the Margin of My Bible”

    This week on “Into the Heart of the Bible,” Leah takes a few minutes to walk ladies through the events and other valuable Bible study information about the period after the flood. (If the video below doesn’t display or work, click here to watch.) On the podcast “Something from the Margin of My Bible,” Adam shares a quick note from Leviticus, but with a very important modern-day application. Click here to listen.

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  • Bible study,  Tech

    Week of October 28: “Into the Heart of the Bible” and “Something from the Margin of My Bible”

    This week, Leah concludes the first period of Bible history, the Antediluvian Period, on her video study for ladies. If the video does not display or work below, click here to watch on YouTube. On “Something from the Margin of My Bible,” Adam was pleased to share the microphone this week with Robert Hatfield, who gives a wonderful thought from Philippians 4. To listen, click here.

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  • Bible study,  Church Life,  Tech

    Week of October 21: “Into the Heart of the Bible” and “Something from the Margin of My Bible”

    This week on “Into the Heart of the Bible,” Leah teaches the first of two lessons on the period before the flood, the Antediluvian Period. Here is the video. (If the video is not appearing, click here to watch on YouTube.) On “Something from the Margin of My Bible,” a quick note about some things you might want to put at the beginning of a book of the Bible, using Exodus as a guide. To listen, click here or subscribe in your favorite podcast app.

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    The Resources are Underway

    Yesterday, both of the resources promised by Leah and me got started. We want to share them here so you can follow either (or both) and be encouraged. Leah’s video lessons, “Into the Heart of the Bible,” started with an introductory video to give the viewer the purpose and plan for studying the 15 periods of Bible history. Here’s the first episode: Follow Leah’s YouTube channel here. Follow Leah on Instagram here. Adam’s new podcast also got underway with the first of a three-part introduction (all three will come out this week). “Something from the Margin of My Bible” will release new “notes” starting next Monday. To listen, subscribe in…

  • Bible study,  Church Life,  Tech

    Coming Next Monday…

    On our most recent “Legacy of Faith” podcast, Leah and I took some time to talk about two projects that we are working on; one from each of us. We are very excited to be doing these things and we are praying that what we are trying to do will be a blessing to you in your Bible study. In case you missed that episode of the podcast, I’m taking my post today to let you know about these two things, both of which start next Monday, October 14. “Into the Heart of the Bible” (Leah) Leah has had a desire for some time to do something to help teach…

  • Bible study,  Church Life,  Tech

    Bring Polishing the Pulpit with You!

    A few weeks ago, dad wrote an article about Polishing the Pulpit (PTP). As a family, we have loved this event for many years now. Truthfully, of all the “extra” things that were cancelled due to covid in 2020, PTP was probably the one that hit our whole family the hardest. Each year, we all enjoy dozens of lessons. This year, only three of us went, as Mary Carol had started school. Next year, it will just be Leah and me, but we have already made plans to go and we know we will be built up spiritually throughout the week. However, in the 51 weeks in-between PTP 2024 and…

  • Church Life,  Family,  Tech

    I’m Not Really Sure What is “Social” About It

    What do all of the following have in common? All of (or at least some of) the members of a family sitting in one room, but not paying any attention to each other Having an opportunity to talk, laugh, etc. with others, but not taking advantage of that Attending a sporting event, movie, concert, or other type of event, with others, but not really paying attention to the event or the people in close proximity Referring to people as “friends” whom you’ve never met and do not even know Finding a way to become famous primarily for being famous People known as “influencers” (and I guess people being influenced) “Following”…

  • Church Life,  Tech

    Some Thoughts About Satan’s Devices and Trojan Horses

    I’m reasonably certain that most, if not all, who read this are familiar with the term “Trojan horse.” According to Greek mythology, a huge wooden horse was constructed during what was known as the Trojan War. The people of Troy allowed the horse to enter the city because they were convinced that the Greeks had deserted the war and that the horse was an offering to Athena, the goddess of war.  In actuality, the horse was hollow and “housed” Greek soldiers. Once inside the city gates, the soldiers inside used the nighttime to emerge from the horse, open the city gates, and allow their fellow soldiers who had not at…

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  • Bible study,  Church Life,  Tech

    VBS: Valley Bible Studies

    Recently, Luke was part of helping a new work get off the ground for the congregation in Salem, Virginia where he is now the Youth and Family Minister. The work is called “Valley Bible Studies” (or, VBS) and is a multi-pronged effort. Below is a document he has shared with us about the various aspects of this online work. Click here to see the website and be sure to subscribe to the podcast on your favorite podcast app. Breaking-Down-Valley-Bible-StudiesDownload

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    Three New Videos

    For a rare Friday post, I’m sharing the three videos we have released on our Faughn Family of 4 channel on YouTube since our launch video. These are meant to be a type of “bridge” to January, when all four of us will start releasing videos with much more regularity. To make sure you don’t miss any of them, please subscribe to our channel! Video #1 is Leah sharing her mom’s yummy chicken n dumplings recipe. Video #2 is me with some tips for marking in your Bible. Video #3 is me sharing some basic tips for how to begin studying a passage of the Bible. Again, please take a…