• Church Life

    If You Like Free Stuff…

    Since relaunching the blog a couple of weeks ago, we have been blessed by some very nice comments, both online and off. Many of you have kindly spoken of some aspect of the redesign that you like, and for that we are very grateful. We want the site to be informative, but also have a good design. One of the lessons we have learned from the relaunch is this: people like free stuff! At the top of our blog, there are some buttons that lead to free resources pages. Though our numbers are small by most blog standards, those pages get “hits” every single day, whether we post a new…

  • Church Life

    “It Couldn’t Wait”

    Yesterday, it was a joy to baptize one of our young ladies, named Carson, into Jesus Christ. Carson had been studying with her parents, as well as others, for several months. Her mother called me yesterday morning and asked if we could baptize her as soon as she got home from school. Of course, we could!!! Throughout the day, several were told. When the time came, there were several present, and all were excited and thankful for what brought us together. Her parents, several elders, and other members were present in the building where the Lebanon Road church of Christ meets. Before we baptized Carson, I sat and spoke with…

  • Uncategorized

    Thursday Hymn Reflection: “There Is a Fountain”

    [NOTE: Each Thursday, we “reflect” on a hymn suggested by our readers. If you would like to add your favorites to our list, leave a comment with up to 3 suggestions.] ————————— Originally entitled “Praise for the Fountain Opened,” this great old hymn was written after a time of battle with depression by the famous English poet William Cowper (pronounced like “cup-er”). Cowper suffered from very unstable emotions, and was a manic depressive. “There is a Fountain” was written in 1772, following his first major bout with depression, and that rise in stability and excitement finds its way into the beautiful lyrics of the song, especially in the words of…