• Church Life

    The Seed Principle

    I recently read an online article from The Atlantic that I found interesting.  The title was… After 2,000 Years, These Seeds Have Finally Sprouted Six date seeds as old as the Dead Sea Scrolls are now flourishing as trees on a kibbutz. Below a picture of some date-palm trees, the article provides some information about some seeds found at ancient archaeological sites. Some of these seeds have been planted in recent years. According to the article, “These seeds, according to radiocarbon dating, were about 2,000 years old.” The article explains that some researchers planted some of the more well-preserved seeds. It also discusses the surprise of the researchers about the fact that some…

  • Church Life

    Power Washing

    This is one of those times when I am going to have to ask our readers to stick with my often-strange train of thought. I hope it will be beneficial to those who do. We begin with summer yard work … I bought myself a power washing wand–not a pressure washer, you understand, because those are too expensive–but a power wand that you attach to your regular garden hose. And, boy do I love it! It is much easier to use than a pressure washer and it was one of those rare times when the bargain buy actually does the job you were hoping it would. It is so satisfying…

  • Church Life

    Some Thoughts as Churches Reopen

    At Central, we have been meeting in person for five weeks, but we have had to have two services. It looks like that will be changing in the next couple of weeks. Many other congregations are doing similar things (holding more than one service), some have not met in person yet, and others have begun meeting again, but are still seeing very small numbers. All of those are very understandable and leaders of each congregation should be commended for their thoughtful and prayerful consideration of very delicate matters. However, as more congregations prepare to reopen (or to resume more normal schedules), I have a few things that I would like…

  • Church Life,  Family,  Family Finances,  Marriage,  Parenting

    Behind Every Door

    Some who read this will know that my family and I lived in Dexter, Missouri for eleven years. During those eleven years it was my privilege to preach for the church of Christ there, it was also my honor to work with one of the finest men I have ever known. Dale Grissom’s office was right next to mine. He didn’t spend much time there, though. He would take care of what he thought was necessary there and then “hit the road.” He was not taking off to play golf, go shopping, etc. He was off to do what a true shepherd of God’s people needed to do.  Dale was supported by the church…

  • Church Life

    Mob Mentality

    I read about this the other day and it broke my heart once again. I read about it from time to time and I have the same response every time those words are read. In my mind I always think, they just had a mob mentality.  Let me share with you some of the things that are included in what I read that caused me to define the situation as a mob mentality. There were accusations.  Accusing someone of something doesn’t make it true. Knowing the facts about a person or a situation is so important, but, sadly, the facts are often unknown or ignored. There was mocking.  Mocking means to make fun…

  • Church Life

    A Lesson about Sin from a Tree Branch

    A neighbor of ours recently had a couple of trees removed. Now that, in itself, is nothing unusual. We live in a neighborhood where most people keep their yards fairly neat, so having trees worked on is rather common. However, what was left behind after the removal helped my mind formulate a reminder that I needed. The trees that were removed were evergreens (I think they were some type of cypress, but I’m not too good at that type of thing). There were two of them, and they were quite overgrown, as their branches covered a large section of the road. I would presume that was the main reason they…

  • Church Life

    It’s Not My Job

    What is your first reaction to reading the title of this post? Is it not the case that those four words are usually used by somebody who is making an attempt to “wash their hands” of any responsibility? I hope that you will consider some thoughts about those words that are totally foreign to the idea of using them to absolve myself of any responsibility. Instead, they can be used in the context of being coupled with responsibility.   Some who read this already know that I serve as one of the elders of the Central church of Christ in Paducah, Kentucky. The New Testament teaches that this means that I am…

  • Family,  Legacy of Faith Podcast,  Marriage

    Episode 136: 7 Ways to Protect Your Marriage [Podcast]

    https://media.blubrry.com/faughnfamily/content.blubrry.com/faughnfamily/Legacy_Podcast_136.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSS (Player not displaying or working? Click here to listen.) Earlier this week, Adam wrote an article about protecting your marriage. So, today, for their 21st wedding anniversary, he and Leah talk through the 7 points of that article, hoping it encourages you to be intentional about protecting your marriage, as well. Resources “7 Ways to Protect Your Marriage” (article by Adam)The Stronger Marriage Podcast (hosted by Trey and Lea Morgan)His Needs, Her Needs (Amazon)5 Love Languages (Amazon)Sheet Music (Amazon)

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  • Family,  Marriage

    7 Ways to Protect Your Marriage

    This Friday, Leah and I will celebrate our 21st anniversary. That number does not make us experts by any stretch of the imagination. We have our struggles and we’ve even got mad at each other a few times. (Shocking, I know!) I dare say there have been times when we may not have liked each other all that much, but we have always loved each other. When we pray together, one of the things I always try to pray is that we will “protect our marriage.” In my private prayers, I pray that regularly, as well. To me, those words mean more than just “help us stay together” or even…

  • Church Life,  Family

    What is Essential?

    I’ve shared some thoughts before about certain things being labeled as “nonessential.” Most of the time, the distinction between essential and nonessential has to do with severe weather, some sort of disaster, threat to our security, or other similar things. Only “essential” employees are asked to continue to work during these times. However, as individuals and governments are currently trying to deal with the challenges posed by the coronavirus pandemic, other matters are under consideration. Entire industries, services, businesses, etc. are being labelled as either “essential” or “nonessential.” There has not been any kind of uniformity and/or agreement concerning how those terms should be used. The disagreements and debates continue and rules differ on…