Church Life
Praise for the Perennials
According to many social media outlets, books, magazine articles, speeches, sermons, etc., it’s all about the millennials. How are we going to relate to them? How can they be won to Christ? How can they be integrated into the work of the local church? How may we use their talents to further the cause of Christ worldwide? Contrary to what some might think as they read that paragraph, this is not being written by some old codger who has no use for anybody younger than he is. I must plead guilty to being “of an advanced age.” I will not plead guilty, though, to harboring resentment for younger people merely because they are…
From the Perspective of the Church Greeter
It’s on almost every congregation’s “privilege list” I’ve ever seen. Lots of people sign up to perform this weekly duty because (let’s be honest) it doesn’t take a lot of time out of our schedules during the week. It’s a relatively easy job which simply requires that you arrive at services before everyone else begins arriving. Now don’t get me wrong…it’s a very important task which needs to be taken seriously. Meeting people at the door with a smile on your face and a warm greeting is very valuable, especially to those who may be visiting for the first time. Handing those who enter a bulletin and directing them to a class can make…
Free Resource: Esther Review Sheets for Family Devotionals [Printable]
Last Wednesday, we released review sheets to help teach the book of Ruth to your children. [Find out more here.] We also promised, though, that something else was coming this Wednesday. So today, we are pleased to let you know that we have review sheets for another book of the Bible ready to release, and it is the wonderful book of Esther. As with our sheets on Matthew and Ruth, these sheets each contain about 10 questions directly from the text, 3 or 4 discussion questions, and a memory verse. Also, as with the other sheets, these were created during little snippets of time, so we are certain you’ll find…
Falling in Love with Jesus Again
I don’t know about you, but there is a part of me that wishes I could hear about Jesus for the very first time today. Do you remember the first time you heard about Jesus helping the woman caught in adultery? Do you remember the first time you read about him weeping over Lazarus? Do you remember the first time someone preached to you about him looking out at the multitudes and having compassion on them because they were like sheep without a shepherd? Do you remember the first time you were told about the cross, “Father forgive them…”, and “My God, My God, why hast Thou forsaken me?” Something…
Three Words about Baptism
I am writing this on the morning after I had the privilege of baptizing a person. That experience never gets old. It is an honor to assist somebody in this way. It is also a very humbling experience for me. It is difficult for me to wrap my brain around the fact that somebody like me can take a part in something that has eternal ramifications. This particular person was not baptized on a Sunday, but on what was otherwise a normal weekday. Of course, the baptism changed all of that. There was nothing normal about that day or the rest of the week. The decision to be baptized followed a long conversation and Bible study…
One Thing You Lack
In Luke 18 (and Mark 10), we read the account of the rich young ruler who famously asked Jesus what he needed to do to inherit eternal life. Imagine his excitement when Jesus began naming off things he had done, in his own words, “from [his] youth.” Here is where the rich young ruler and I part ways. You see, most people use this passage to talk about how Jesus can see into your heart and know what “one thing you lack.” And He can do that with ease. He knows our every thought. Of course, He knows what we lack! But here is what I am thinking … I…
Free Resource: Ruth Review Sheets for Family Devotionals [Printable]
Several months ago, we shared with you some review sheets we used in our family to teach and review the book of Matthew in our family devotionals. [Find out more here.] Today, we are sharing another book of the Bible and (are you ready?) next week we will release another! The free pdf we are sharing today is from the book of Ruth and consists of a single pdf that is divided into six lessons. Each lesson contains questions straight from the text (usually about 8-10), review questions (3 or 4), and one memory verse. As usual, I made these on my lunch breaks or between meetings, so you will…
You Are Not Good Enough
I have good news and bad news. What do you want to hear first? Usually, people say the good news. That has never made a whole lot of sense to me. I want to hear the good news last. I want to end on a positive note. So let’s go against the grain and start with the bad news. The bad news is that you are not good enough for God. You are not good enough for heaven. You in many ways are not even good enough for the kingdom (church) in the sense that your example is often imperfect and your hypocrisy can at times be more of a…
“…To No One’s Regret”
Power, notoriety, and influence do not necessarily translate into respect, honor, and love. This can be seen in the inspired information we have concerning a man who had all of the former and none of the latter. His name was Jehoram. During his life, he held a position of great authority. He was the king of Judah for eight years. You can read some information about him and his reign in 2 Chronicles 21. That information ends with these words: He was thirty-two years old when he began to reign, and he reigned eight years in Jerusalem. And he departed to no one’s regret. They buried him in the city of David, but not in the…
Episode 63: Personal Evangelism in a Small Town (with Rob Whitacre) [Podcast] Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSS(Player not displaying or working? Click here to listen.) Every Christian knows that personal evangelism is not optional. However, when you live in a small town or rural setting, it is easy to come up with excuses to not teach others the Gospel. On this week’s podcast, recorded at Polishing the Pulpit, Rob Whitacre joins Adam to talk about how personal evangelism can be done in any setting. They also discuss how every member of the family can play a vital role in helping to lead someone to Christ. Resources World Video Bible School [homepage] Contact Rob Whitacre to order “Personal Evangelism Seminar”…