Church Life

  • Bible study,  Church Life

    “Religion” is Not a Bad Word

    Quite often over the last few years, I have heard people talk about how they don’t like the idea of “religion.” There will even be posts on social media (and I’ve heard it in sermons, too) about how we need “Jesus and not religion” or the how the Lord called people to “service and not religion.” The problem with that sentiment is that, well, it is using one concept of the word “religion” to stand for what is the true meaning, and it is a beautiful meaning. While the etymology–especially the origin–of the word “religion” is somewhat disputed, it seems that the beginning of the word had to do with…

  • Church Life,  Tech

    Some Thoughts About Satan’s Devices and Trojan Horses

    I’m reasonably certain that most, if not all, who read this are familiar with the term “Trojan horse.” According to Greek mythology, a huge wooden horse was constructed during what was known as the Trojan War. The people of Troy allowed the horse to enter the city because they were convinced that the Greeks had deserted the war and that the horse was an offering to Athena, the goddess of war.  In actuality, the horse was hollow and “housed” Greek soldiers. Once inside the city gates, the soldiers inside used the nighttime to emerge from the horse, open the city gates, and allow their fellow soldiers who had not at…

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  • Bible study,  Church Life,  Trust God

    If You Will, Then I Will…But If You Will Not, Then I Will

    We are studying the Old Testament prophet Jeremiah in the Ladies’ Class I attend on Tuesday afternoons. We have made it to this well-known major prophet and it has been grueling to read and study about this man – how poorly he was treated, how close to death he came, and yet, he remained a faithful messenger for God. Throughout this study we have seen multiple times the words I used for the title of this post. In fact, we have seen similar words throughout much of the Old Testament. As an example, the book of Deuteronomy has a list of blessings and cursings in the twenty-eighth chapter. When we…

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  • Bible study,  Church Life,  Evangelism

    Both Verses Must be Done

    Jesus is the Head of the Church. As such, He gets to set the course and His will is to be what we are to do our very best to follow. But, if we are honest, sometimes we prefer to pick and choose certain things that He taught while leaving others either undone or, at least, unemphasized. There is a passage of Scripture, stated by Jesus Himself, that is often treated this way. One part is sometimes emphasized, while the other is left unsaid, undone, or underemphasized. And, sadly, it is done to both sides of the passage. In Mark 16:15-16, Jesus stated, “Go into all the world and proclaim…

  • Church Life

    A Dangerous Word (In Many Ways)

    This post is scheduled to appear on the first day of April. The most common designation for this date each year is April Fools’ Day. I decided to do a quick bit of research in an effort to find out how and why this tradition got started.  It only took a few clicks on my computer for me to decide that this was one rabbit hole I didn’t want to spend any real time on. Apparently, the history of this date and its significance is either lost in obscurity and/or muddled by controversy. Most of us recognize this date as a time of good-natured pranks, jokes, etc. It has no…

  • Church Leadership,  Church Life,  Worship

    A Defense of Sunday Night Worship

    Yes, I think it is a good idea for congregations to have a “second” worship service on Sunday evening. Before sharing some reasons why, let me make a few very clear introductory statements. The Lord’s Church is to meet on the first day of every week (Acts 20:7) to worship.The time of day on Sunday is not specified in Scripture, but is left up to the wisdom of the elders, so long as it is on the Lord’s Day.Whatever that time is, each member needs to be present (Hebrews 10:25) and actively worshiping in spirit and truth (John 4:24).There is no command to worship more than once on Sunday. It…

  • Church Life,  Trust God

    The Name on the Jersey

    Since the 2024 Major League Baseball season is about to get underway, I thought that I would share a story with you that you might find interesting. As you have probably guessed already, it involves the player in the picture accompanying this post. The player’s name is Johnnie LeMaster and the picture was taken during a game when he was at bat for the San Francisco Giants. Lemaster was the shortstop for the Giants at that time and is remembered by those who know about baseball as a very good defensive shortstop. Unfortunately, this picture was taken during a time when he was not doing well. That led to the…

  • Church Life,  Family

    Everybody Needs a Break

    Have you ever had that feeling that if one more thing was added to your day you would just explode? I imagine most of us have had this happen to us. Life happens and sometimes it just seems like it piles up too high to breathe. Can you tell I’ve had that feeling lately? Now, I know that part of it is my fault because I can be a procrastinator at times, but really it just seems like one thing piles upon another until I feel like I’m drowning. So, what do you do about it? I take a break! There comes a time when you simply have to back…

  • Church Life,  Evangelism

    The Incompleteness of “He Gets Us”

    For some time now, and most famously during the Super Bowl, an ad campaign has captured the attention of a lot of people. The ads feature people in various negative and hate-filled situations, but having their feet washed. The overarching message is that Jesus did not teach hate and then we see the famous tagline “He Gets Us.” To be fair, I have a certain level of appreciation for ads like these. They may not tell the entire story, but they do at least have some semblance of a message that points people to some aspect of the Christian faith. And, of course, there is no way that a few-seconds-long…

  • Church Life

    The Easiest Thing for a Christian to Do (and Maybe Salve His/Her Conscience)

    I would like to say that this post will be short and sweet. I do intend for it to be short, but I am afraid that some who read it will think that it is not too sweet. I wish that I could tell you the name of the person to blame for this if that, indeed, is your opinion. It might take some of the heat off of me. Unfortunately, I have no idea where I got this idea, but it has stuck with me for  many years. Before I let you in on the secret, let me make some observations and/or clear up some possible misunderstandings. First, I…

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