Church Life
It’s All About…
Along with the masses, I began my year with a renewed attempt to be healthier and went back to the gym. Anyone who knows me well knows that exercise is not my “activity of choice,” but I do believe it is beneficial to our health and general well-being. I will have to admit that I feel better and have a sense of accomplishment when I get to the gym on a regular basis. Even the Bible gives credit to bodily exercise being of “some value” in 1 Timothy 4 (ESV). However, this article is not about debating exercise. It was inspired by something I saw while at the gym. There…
Why We All Go (Why Our Whole Family Goes to FHU and PTP)
Last week, our little family of four enjoyed the Freed-Hardeman Bible lectures. We have been blessed to attend as a family since our oldest was less than a year old. (She thought it was great that she is 14, but that this was her 15th lectureship!) In a few months, Lord willing, all four of us will head to Sevierville, Tennessee for Polishing the Pulpit. Again, we have been blessed to attend this event for about a decade as a family. In between, there will be Lads to Leaders, at least one youth rally, and several other events we will attend as a family. But I want to go back…
How Do You Know If Someone Loves You?
Later this week, we will venture upon Valentine’s Day. Over the years I have tried to appreciate that holiday and at the same time, I realize that it is not a celebration for everyone. In fact, those without a “sweetheart” to celebrate with on that day would like to forget that it exists altogether. It means something to us to be loved by someone else. If we are single on that day it means our loved one has either never arrived or they have gone. The two most essential needs in life are to love and to be loved. But that makes me ask this question to myself – “How…
Christianity by Proxy
One online dictionary provides the following as the first definition of the word “proxy:” The agency, function, or power of a person authorized to act as the deputy or substitute for another.( Some information I read not long ago caused me to wonder whether or not some of us are practicing what could be called “Christianity by proxy.” The information I read described the type of preacher a particular group of people were hoping to have working for them. The key word in that last sentence may be “for.” I intentionally used that word instead of “with.” This church was/is looking for a man “…to preach, teach, evangelize, do home Bible…
It’s One of the Most Wonderful Times of the Year
I know the holidays are over, and they were wonderful. Visiting with family, eating lots of good food, and just enjoying some time to relax are just a few of the reasons I love that season of the year. But they are not the only “most wonderful time of the year.” Next week, many of us will be traveling to Henderson, Tennessee for the annual Freed Hardeman Bible Lectureship. It will be the 84th annual lectureship and while I haven’t attended even half of those, it is still a much-anticipated week for Jim and for me. There are many reasons why we love it. Let me just mention a few:…
It’s Worth Drastic Measures
How far would you go to try to save someone from a dangerous, life-threatening situation? How drastic would you get to try to save someone from a burning building? Firefighters in the town of Camden, New Jersey recently had to make just such a decision. They received a call, hurried to the fire, and began to do their important work. Fearing there might be people inside the burning building, they knew they had to work very quickly. But there was a problem: a vehicle (on the picture, it looks like a minivan) was parked right in front of the hydrant they needed to use to fight this fire. Now, of…
When we throw some words around too casually their meaning and/or impact is lost. Do you really love your spouse, your car, your house, your favorite sports team, and ice cream equally? I’m sure that Donna would like to think that she means more to me than a big bowl of chocolate ice cream. (In case you’re wondering – she does – and it isn’t even close!!) I’ve been wondering lately if the word “forever” has lost its meaning to some of us? Could its impact have been diminished because of overuse, misuse, and/or flippant use? Did you know that, according to a commercial I hear on a local radio…
Are You Satisfied?
One might expect me to take the angle on this question that we, as Christians who are blessed beyond measure, should of course be satisfied! If we weren’t, wouldn’t we be ungrateful and a bit spoiled? After all, we have the blessings of the hope of heaven, access to our Father through His Son, and “the peace that passes all understanding” (Philippians 4:7). While all of that is true, a recent Bible class made me rethink being satisfied. We were looking at the well-known passage in Philippians 3 where Paul says: Not that I have already obtained this or am already perfect, but I press on to make it my…
I Must be More Faithful
I am certainly not a poet, but I have made this decision: If I ever write a hymn, it will not have four verses, because the third verse will rarely get sung! This past Sunday, though, we actually sang a third verse and I am so glad we did. Honestly, I am not sure I had ever sung the third verse of this particular hymn and, as we vocalized the words, they hit me hard. The song is sometimes called “Lord Send Me,” and sometimes “There Is Much to Do.” The hymn, written by M.W. Spencer, is old, but the message is absolutely timeless. While the whole song is important…
Billy’s Letter to God
I was going through some old material the other day and found the following “letter.” I do not know if it is an actual letter written by a little boy named Billy or if somebody composed it in order to make a point. Whichever of those two possibilities is the case, it does, indeed, make a point. In fact, the letter makes several points. All of those points, it seems to me, could fall under a general heading that would suggest that parents need to take very seriously their God-given responsibility to “…bring (their children) up in the nurture and the admonition of the Lord” (Eph. 6:4). It…