Church Life

  • Church Life,  Family

    Will There Be Squeals in Heaven?

    I remember attending a youth rally years ago and hearing what sounded to me like a squeal. It happened as various groups were arriving from different locations. The mother of the “squealer” described it to me as a scream, but it sounded more like a squeal to me.   Here is a little of the “back story” of the noise (however it is best described). Sometime ago, a preacher moved from one location to another. While there is nothing especially unusual about that, there was something unique about this particular move. The move separated his daughter from another young lady who had been her very best friend in the previous location. The mother of…

  • Church Life,  Legacy of Faith Podcast

    Episode 123: Small Changes that Can Make a Big Difference in Your Bible School Program [Podcast] Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSS (Player not displaying or working? Click here to listen.) Summer may seem like a strange time to talk about the church’s Bible school program, but it’s actually a great time to make some small tweaks that can propel your program forward. On this podcast, Adam and Leah discuss several small things you can do that will add up over time to a great Bible school program. More from A Legacy of Faith To subscribe to A Legacy of Faith by email for free click here. Subscribe to the podcast on iTunes Subscribe via rss Find us on Stitcher Radio Visit the show archives

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  • Church Life,  Family

    A Man of His Word

    When I was a young girl, maybe 6 or 7 years old, I was blessed to live next door to my paternal grandparents and only one block from an ice cream stand. In those days you could buy an ice cream cone with a scoop of that deliciousness for 5 cents. Yes, I’m old, but I am telling you the truth – a nickel ice cream cone was a reality. It was an extremely hot summer day and I began to think about how good an ice cream cone would taste. My problem was that I didn’t have a nickel, but I thought I knew a way to get what I wanted. My…

  • Church Life

    Our Message is Different (or It Should Be)

    Jump on Facebook or Twitter and scroll for more than 15 seconds. Click on any news website and scan the headlines. Sit through the evening news. What are you going to see? Bad news and anger about it all. It is constant. This is wrong with our world. That has changed for the worse. I can’t believe this person did that. Look what’s wrong with this politician. If you disagree with me about anything, I’m mad at you. We are feeding our minds constantly with it. And, even more tragically, we are spreading it all the time. But we are Christians. Have we forgotten that our message to the world…

  • Church Life,  Family

    What the Rainbow Means to Me

    This past Sunday morning as I was driving to worship I saw something that I would say is fairly rare. It was a rainbow on the western horizon. The sun was shining and rising from the east and the rain had not yet arrived. I saw the rainbow before the storm rather than after. I always enjoy seeing rainbows. They make you stop everything you are doing for a minute and you just admire the beauty of the colors and the majesty that is suspended for just a few moments in the sky. I could not help but think about the meaning of the rainbow. I know God placed it…

  • Church Life,  Family

    Progress — In the Wrong Direction

    The New York Gazette contained some interesting information in its June 3, 1752 edition. The information was in an advertisement for an educational institution. Here is what this institution hoped would encourage students to enroll: The chief thing aimed at in this college it to teach and engage young people to know God in Jesus Christ, and to love and serve Him in all sobriety, godliness and righteous life, with a perfect heart, and a willing mind. The institution placing this ad was King’s College. It is now Columbia University. Another present-day Ivy League school had a very strong religious “flavor.” The early motto of this institution was Veritas Christo et Ecclesiae, meaning “Truth…

  • Church Life

    What Are You Saving?

    What are you saving? Those were the words I found when I opened my Bible to the book of Haggai last Sunday night. In this book, God uses Haggai to remind His people that their first priority is, and always should be, Him and His glory. They had returned to rebuild the temple but they got sidetracked. Instead, they said, “It isn’t time yet” (1:2). In verse 6 of chapter 1, God basically says that with their way of thinking, it will never be time to honor Him. They will forever be too busy trying to fill empty sacks and pursuing earthly goals to prioritize God. In fact, because of…

  • Church Life,  Family,  Parenting

    What Do You Want to Know?

    Something happened a few weeks ago that I haven’t been able to stop thinking about. There was a moment that I observed something from one of my kids and in that moment I learned something about their truest self. When an episode like this occurs you always keep it in your heart. We can read in Scripture that Mary the mother of Jesus observed certain things about him during his formative years that caused her to log it down in some kind of mental journal concerning who Jesus was and what he was going to be. That was exactly what was happening with me on this occasion a few weeks…

  • Church Life,  Family

    A Baseball Quiz, and a Life Quiz

    Here’s a two-question quiz for the baseball fans among us. 1. Name a Major League Baseball player who (among other positive accomplishments)… had more hits during the 1970’s and 1980’s than any other player except for Pete Rose. (There are some very well-known players, including some members of the Hall of Fame below him on that list.) had more hits during his career than Ted Williams. (Again, there are many easily recognizable names below this player besides Ted Williams.)  never struck out three times in a game in his entire career.   (That’s even better than my childhood “hero.” Stan Musial struck out only three times once during his entire career. That’s…

  • Church Life,  Family,  Marriage,  Parenting

    Reminders for a Christian Vacation

    It’s the time of year where, since schools are out, families hit the road for weekend getaways or week-long excursions. Roads are clogged and tourist areas are filled, but the memories that are made are worth it. Sadly, a great number of Christians seem to think they can take a vacation from their Christian faith just because they are on vacation from work. Instead, as you make those travel plans, please keep the following in mind. #1: Plan Where You Will Worship. Even though you are traveling, the Lord’s Day still should come first. Take the time to know where you will meet with the saints on the Lord’s Day.…