Church Life
I Think I Love You (also known as, A Post about David Cassidy)
He was a very famous person. He was a “teen idol” very shortly after he was a teenager himself. He made – and spent – millions of dollars during his lifetime. Despite tremendous success in the entertainment industry, he filed for bankruptcy in 2015. David Cassidy was one of those people whose name was easily recognizable by millions, but who seemed to have problems forming and keeping close personal relationships. There were three failed marriages. One of his children was a daughter whose mother was none of those three wives. It appears that his life ended, at least in part, because of some of the choices he had made during his sixty-seven years. The reports I…
45 Years
Last September, I turned 40 years old. I share that because of something that happened almost five full years before I was born. Considering that this week is the 45th anniversary of the Roe v. Wade decision, I have literally never lived in a time when abortion was not part of the American landscape. I do not know any other world than what might be called a “post-Roe” world. However, just because something has been around for some time does not make it right. Also, just because something has, seemingly, been impossible to eradicate does not mean we should give up the fight. Abortion is still murder, and murder is…
Are You Good at Grace?
I have something that is bothering me and I need to get it off my chest. I am seeing a trend in our world and it is not good. Are you tired of all the politics yet? Are you tired of constant negativity and complaining? Are you tired of people being publicly vilified and cast down as soon as they do anything out of character? Are you tired of the hunting and eventual outing of every public figure who ever desires to do anything meaningful in our world? Well, I am tired. I am tired of people shouting guilt and not grace. Don’t get me wrong. Sin is sin and…
When Should I Bring My “A-Game?”
Many who will read these words are very familiar with Polishing the Pulpit. When I’m asked to describe it to people who are unfamiliar with it, I’ve tried to come up with something appropriate. I’ve had a difficult time doing that. It is a lectureship, but it is much more than that. It is a workshop, but it is much more than that. It is a seminar, but it is much more than that. It offers opportunities to worship, but it does much more than that. It provides opportunities to see old friends and make new ones, but it is much more than a “giant fellowship opportunity.” Polishing the Pulpit is, in fact, much more than…
The Heart Behind the Hands
Did you ever do something as a kid just because your parents told you to do it? I remember when I was little, maybe 5 or 6, playing Tee Ball with one of the local teams in Lawrenceburg. Two words: not fun. It’s hard to remember anything I liked about my Tee Ball days besides the ice cream trips after each game. It was always hot, there were always bugs, and most of all, I had the athletic ability of the bleachers that my parents were sitting on. Why was I there, then? Because my parents wanted me to be, that’s all. In Genesis 28, Jacob had just fled from…
Tired of It All
What do you do when you are tired of it all? Let’s face it: we all get tired. We get discouraged. We feel spent and as if we have tried all we can try, but nothing is good enough. This gray season of cold doesn’t help, but this feeling may hit us at any time. So what do we do? What do you do when your job feels monotonous and you never feel appreciated? What do you do when the physical therapy isn’t helping and you are no closer to being “your old self again” despite the doctor’s promises. What do you do when your spouse never seems happy with…
Here’s to Faithful Deacons
The congregation where I preach is currently in the process of searching for and then, Lord willing, appointing additional deacons. It is an exciting time, as we consider the men of our congregation who are faithful servants, as well as various areas where our congregation could use their help. The older I get, the more I see the wisdom in God’s plan for the organization of the church, with each autonomous congregation being overseen and pastored by a group of elders, and with deacons providing special service in various areas. I do feel, however, that deacons are often overlooked. While elders are the leaders, deacons–when they do what they are…
Is It Ever Alright to be Jealous?
Yes. It is sometimes permissible, if not necessary, to be jealous. Let’s face it – Our God is a jealous God. Exodus 34:14 even says that His name is “Jealous.” This Hebrew word in the original text indicates that God is not going to put up with any rival, such that any departure from one’s desire for Him to pursue someone or something else would bring about His severe and justified anger. Therefore – He’s jealous. It’s a relationship thing. It’s an ownership thing. It’s a love thing. There are legitimate reasons for humans to practice godly jealousy. But really quickly let’s first discuss what godly jealousy is not. Godly…
Good Enough for Who It’s For
If I remember correctly, my first baseball “uniform” consisted of a baseball cap and a t-shirt. The t-shirt had the name of a local funeral home on the front of it and a number on the back. The man who owned the funeral home knew that he was not trying to supply uniforms for a major league team. He was just kind enough to try to help some seven-year-old boys get a start. He probably thought at the time (and rightly so), “Those t-shirts and caps are good enough for who it’s for.“ If that is what he thought, he was correct. We were just a group of seven-year-old boys who were excited about…
The Final Step in Jethro’s Advice to Moses
Exodus 18 is very often used in leadership books written by Christian writers. Many have described it as the foundation of the US legal system (and other similar systems throughout history). It simply is the idea of delegation, but it took someone giving Moses the idea before it ever became a reality. Jethro, who was the father-in-law of Moses, saw that Moses was attempting to take care of every dispute among the people, and he was making both the people and himself weary. So Jethro had a simple but needed idea. Basically, he told Moses to only handle the biggest disputes and let trusted men handle smaller groups of people…