Church Life
6 x 5
I recently had the privilege of listening to the president of Freed-Hardeman University, David Shannon, speak at the annual Leadership Workshop hosted by the Briensburg church of Christ in Marshall County, Kentucky. During brother Shannon’s presentation, he suggested that every Christian would do well to have three lists of people with five names on each list. I would like to share his idea with you. I suppose you could say that I would like to share our idea with you. Since hearing brother Shannon, I actually separated one of his lists into two lists and have added an additional list of my own. I’m thinking that it might be good for each of…
What is a Christian’s Place in Politics?
We have all thought about the validity of the argument for the separation of church and state. We remember Jesus saying, “Give unto Caesar that which is Caesar’s, and give unto God that which is God’s.” We understand that what God approves and what mankind approves are often two entirely different things. We know from the New Testament we have a responsibility to obey laws and respect the government under which we are organized. The kingdom of God is in the spiritual realm while earthly kingdoms are in the physical realm – but the two touch shoulders and there is a place in earthly kingdoms for a Christian who is…
Is It Worth It?
As far as I know, two men who never knew each other had a lot in common. I believe that there are many who also may have a lot in common with them. The first man I am thinking of has already left us. Fairly late in life, he enjoyed a good relationship with the Lord and with members of the Lord’s church. It was not always that way. Although he had been baptized fairly early in life, he spent most of his adult life estranged from the Lord and His people. After a lot of prayer for him and as a result of some good influences in his life, he was restored. …
The Real Problem is the Convenience of Milk
Yesterday I was driving home and I saw her. Let’s call her Betsy. She’s a cow. I see her and all of the rest of the herd every day when I drive home. I like living in town and yet driving by a farm like that. I like seeing Betsy on my way home from work. But yesterday when I saw her I was not thinking of the beautiful farm or the pleasant animals. Instead, I was thinking about how easy it is for us to get milk these days. You see, I don’t have to get it from Betsy. I don’t have to milk her at 4 a.m. I…
The Red Lemon
Our oldest grandson was born seventeen years ago today. All five of our grandchildren have given us a lot of reasons to be proud of them. Each of them has added in his or her unique way to our “family legacy.” Early in his life, our oldest grandson began one of those “legends” that every family has. Even some people who are not a part of our family know what we are talking about when we talk about The Red Lemon. When our grandson first began to speak and to be aware of the world around him, he fell in love with The Red Lemon. He still likes it even though he doesn’t call…
How Finally Looking at a House Taught Me a Lesson about Grieving
As I write these words, I am in a hotel room in Dexter, Missouri. About 10 miles away is the town of Bernie, where I am speaking in a Gospel Meeting this week. However, just about one mile in another direction is a landmark in my life, and because the trees have not put on their leaves yet, I can see part of it as I eat breakfast each morning. It’s the house I grew up in; a comfortable split-level with a nice front porch. From just before my 3rd-grade year until just after my freshman year of college, that was “home.” And, then, we moved. Some of you are…
If You Were Asked to Say a Prayer Before Congress, What Would You Pray?
At this time next week, I will board a plane and travel to our nation’s capital in Washington D.C. I am happy to announce that the purpose of my visit is entirely spiritual. You will be glad to know that in our country, before the general assemblies of the House and Senate, prayers are still made. So on March 21st at 12 noon in front of our political arena, I will say a prayer before the House of Representatives. In a world where Christians are often concerned about God being forgotten and prayer being removed – take consolation in the fact that we are still praying at the epicenter of…
Who You?
I recently had the privilege of hearing brother Dan Jenkins speak at the Freed-Hardeman University Lectureship. As usual, he did an outstanding job of presenting important truths from the word of God. The topic assigned to him had to do with the superiority of Christ, especially as it relates to His authority. It might not surprise those who read this that some of my thoughts are based (maybe somewhat loosely) on some of the material I was privileged to hear. Toward the end of my thoughts, though, I plan to turn the tables somewhat and make an application that brother Dan did not make. As a part of brother Jenkins’ presentation, he told…
Accountability Report
Every day, I get an email with this title: “Accountability Report.” It comes from a company we pay to monitor what websites are visited on our family’s electronic devices. While I believe this is a smart practice for families in today’s digital world, that practice is not the focus of this article. Tonight, when I saw that email title, it made me stop and think about if I had an accountability report on my actions, words, or even thoughts on a daily basis. What would my report contain? Would it stay in the “green zone” where everything looks good or would it venture into yellow or red areas for caution…
How One Phrase from 1 Corinthians 13 Could Change Social Media for the Better
Social media–like it or not–is here to stay. While the platforms may change over time (remember MySpace?), interacting online is part of the fabric of culture now. But with that reality also comes a powerful responsibility. As with anything else, social media is something that Christians are to steward to the glory of God. While it is fun to share all sorts of things, our number one priority should be to shine the light of Christ through this avenue of communication. However, many Christians see social media as a way to rail against politicians, celebrities, and other people with whom they disagree. Their social media feeds are a constant barrage…