Trust God

  • Church Life,  Trust God

    It’s Okay to Ask

    This past Sunday, I had a realization about a concept I had never before considered. It wasn’t that I didn’t know all the individual parts of what I’m about to describe. It’s just that I had never put them together for joint consideration and when I did, I was encouraged. It has long been amazing to me that Jesus, knowing what all would happen to Him while on this earth, was resolute. I love the verse In Luke 9 that reads: “When the days drew near for him to be taken up, he set his face to go to Jerusalem” (v. 51). Being equally human and divine, Jesus understood the…

  • Church Life,  Trust God

    When Trouble Comes

    The book of Lamentations is a difficult book to study. The emotions of the prophet Jeremiah are raw as he writes about the forty years he spent prophesying to God’s people and suffering at their hands. God had not promised him success, but had told him that he was born for this purpose and He would be with him (Jeremiah 1). Lamentations comes after Judah is overcome by Babylon and Jerusalem is destroyed by Babylonian forces. In chapter 1 and verse 1 we see a great contrast drawn between what is and what was. The city of Jerusalem (symbolic of the people of God) is described as a lonely widow…

  • Church Life,  Family,  Trust God

    When Life Comes to an End

    I have spent the last several weeks at the hospital sitting with my only living aunt on my dad’s side of the family while her husband was slowly dying. To say it was difficult would be an understatement. You see, any time you sit at a hospital for extended periods of time is very hard. It was hard to watch him losing his battle with illness, and it was hard to watch my aunt losing her husband of 64 years. They never had any children and were totally devoted to one another.  As we watched his life slipping away day after day we began to talk about what he had done in…

  • Church Life,  Trust God

    Blinded by the (Wrong) Light

    Most who read this will be at least somewhat familiar with the experience that a man who was then known as Saul of Tarsus had as he traveled from Jerusalem to Damascus. If you are not familiar with this, you can read the original account recorded in the ninth chapter of Acts and recounted later by the man who was then known as Paul in the twenty-second and twenty-sixth chapter of that same book. Saul was making that trip in order to imprison and/or punish Christians.  All of that began to change when Saul saw an extremely bright light. The light was so bright that Saul lost his eyesight for…

  • Church Life,  Trust God

    Run With Endurance

    Many, many years ago, back in the ”dark ages” before you could buy chicken in the grocery store already cleaned, cut up and ready to be cooked, you had to raise your own chickens. If you wanted to have fried chicken on Sunday, you had to catch one of your chickens, wring its head off, catch it again, put it in hot water, pick off the feathers, chop off its feet, get rid of the insides, and then begin preparing it for frying. It was quite the production! I remember it well. I would be playing in our backyard on Saturday afternoon and my mother would come out of the…

  • Church Life,  Trust God

    According to Your Faith

    Over and over in the Gospels, we read of Jesus attributing miracles to a person’s faith. Upon His own disciples’ failure to cure a man’s son He tells them “if you have faith like a grain of mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move, and nothing will be impossible for you.” Recently I was reading a different account in Matthew that got my attention. In chapter 9, we read of Jesus going to the house of Jairus. (We actually learn his name from Mark and Luke who also record these events.) While on His way to raise Jairus’s daughter from…

  • Bible study,  Church Life,  Trust God

    If You Will, Then I Will…But If You Will Not, Then I Will

    We are studying the Old Testament prophet Jeremiah in the Ladies’ Class I attend on Tuesday afternoons. We have made it to this well-known major prophet and it has been grueling to read and study about this man – how poorly he was treated, how close to death he came, and yet, he remained a faithful messenger for God. Throughout this study we have seen multiple times the words I used for the title of this post. In fact, we have seen similar words throughout much of the Old Testament. As an example, the book of Deuteronomy has a list of blessings and cursings in the twenty-eighth chapter. When we…

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  • Church Life,  Trust God

    The Name on the Jersey

    Since the 2024 Major League Baseball season is about to get underway, I thought that I would share a story with you that you might find interesting. As you have probably guessed already, it involves the player in the picture accompanying this post. The player’s name is Johnnie LeMaster and the picture was taken during a game when he was at bat for the San Francisco Giants. Lemaster was the shortstop for the Giants at that time and is remembered by those who know about baseball as a very good defensive shortstop. Unfortunately, this picture was taken during a time when he was not doing well. That led to the…

  • Church Life,  Trust God

    Death to Life

    Christians are familiar with the concept of trying to live like Jesus. The whole purpose in calling ourselves “Christians” is to be affiliated with His person, His gospel, His hope, and His life. Often, we (or at least I) think about this through my daily decisions on things like how to reach people or the example I try to set around others. We all want to love like Jesus, give like Jesus, and have compassion like Jesus. One thing we often don’t want to do is sacrifice like Jesus. However, if we want the blessings of Jesus, we need to consider how we can do this in our daily lives. …

  • Church Life,  Trust God

    How Do You Walk?

    Some who read this will know that Donna and I live in a neighborhood in which quite a few people get their exercise by walking. Some are accompanied by a dog or two. Now that the weather is becoming more and more mild, there seems to be more people walking by our house. When we are sitting in our sunroom, its windows provide a wonderful view of part of our neighborhood and of those who are walking its streets. Due to the fact that we’ve lived here for a number of years now, we now recognize those who make walking a regular part of what they do.  It is interesting…