
  • Church Life,  Family,  Homeschooling,  Parenting

    I Think That I Was Better Off In The Dark

    I guess that some people would say that I grew up in the dark ages. A new elementary school opened just as I was old enough to attend. I was in the first class to complete eight years in that building. (For those who are familiar with the area around Metropolis, Illinois, I am talking about Franklin Elementary School.) Did you notice that I completed eight years there? At least where I grew up, kindergarten was an idea that apparently had not caught on yet. At the age when children today are attending kindergarten, I guess my biggest concerns were things like how long I would be allowed to stay outside playing, what chores my…

  • Family,  Legacy of Faith Podcast,  Parenting

    Episode 162: Before Our Kids Leave… [Podcast] Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSS (Player not displaying or working? Click here to listen.) In our last episode, dealing with family devotionals with teens in the house, we talked about focusing on certain things you want your children to know before they leave the house. This week, we share some of those things–nowhere near all of them–that we would like to focus on in our house. With just 2-3 years before our children are through with high school, what types of things would we most want them to know? Maybe by building this list, you will be encouraged to build your own list and focus on certain…

  • Church Life,  Family

    Does This Describe You?

    In preparing for Polishing the Pulpit I came across a term that intrigued me. The term describes a feeling that has been in our world almost from the beginning of time. Cain suffered from it. Esau had a bad case. David’s brothers had a touch of it. King Saul really had it! I have friends who suffer from it today. I read a little story that talked about a disease called “grudgitis” and gave an example of how one creature dealt with the disease. A grizzly bear lumbered into a clearing where garbage had been dumped. Tourists noticed that there was only one animal the grizzly would permit to eat…

  • Family,  Legacy of Faith Podcast,  Parenting

    Episode 161: Family Devotional Ideas for Parents with Teens [Podcast] Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSS (Player not displaying or working? Click here to listen.) There are piles of materials available to help families have devotionals when their children are small. As those kids get older, though, it can be easy to run out of ideas. Today, Adam and Leah simply share some things they have tried as parents of teens, and also why it is so important to keep devotionals going, even during these busy years. Find our podcast on… Apple Podcasts Google Podcasts Spotify Stitcher TuneIn Radio RSS

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  • Family,  Recipies

    Legacy Recipe: Skroodle Salad

    “In the good ole summertime” the heat can get us down. The thought of cooking a large meal sounds like torture, but this salad recipe I’m sharing today is so good and filling. I’ve had it for years but it first appeared in the Metropolis Planet, my hometown newspaper. A woman named Linda Adam won a recipe contest with this recipe!  It’s perfect for a meal (and perfect for a post since I’m overloaded with work to do). I hope you enjoy it!! SKROODLE SALAD 1 can red beans (black beans will work too) 1 can mixed vegetables (or one pkg.frozen vegetables thawed slightly) 1 package (8 oz) skroodle noodles…

  • Family,  Parenting

    Off They Went

    Typically, I write my articles for Legacy some time in advance, or, at the very least, I get the main idea scribbled down and fill in the gaps later. Today’s article, though, is one that is fresh because it just happened hours before writing and because it is on my mind so much. She got her license. My little “sweet girl,” the girl who made me a daddy, is now a driver. We are so proud of her. She often puts herself down and she nearly always doubts herself, but she passed her permit test on the first try and her driving test a few months later on the first…

  • Church Life,  Family,  Parenting

    “We are a _________ Family”

    I’ve read it on social media more times than I can count. I have had people introduce themselves to me using it. It’s when they try to describe their family and they fill in the blank with something of this world, and it is typically an activity of their children. “We are a softball family.” “We are a theater family.” “We are a soccer family.” “We are an academic family.” “We are a football family.” “We are a band family.” And, yes, I have had people who were followers of Jesus introduce themselves to me that way. Before I even knew the names of all the family members, they had…

  • Church Life,  Family

    June 24th Was a Victory, But the Battle Has Not Been Won

    June 24, 2022 will go down in history as the day that the Supreme Court of the United States overturned the Roe v Wade decision concerning abortion. The rights were turned back over to the individual states to make their own laws concerning this heinous act of abortion. It was a victory for those of us who are pro-life and believe in the sanctity of life which begins at conception. I was overjoyed with the decision, as were so many other people who live in states that had “trigger” laws already in place. Abortion became illegal in the state of Kentucky, but just 7 miles from our hometown on the…

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  • Church Life,  Family

    Johnny One Note

    I’m probably going to embarrass one recipient of this post, but I guess I’ll take that chance. On second thought, since our son is the one who actually decides when and if these are posted, this may not even make the cut. I’m thinking back to when he was in grade school in Dexter, Missouri. Donna and I tried to attend every activity connected with the school that involved either him or his sister. Like almost every other parent or grandparent who has ever lived, we thought each choral or band performance, athletic event, etc. was very special. I’m not sure what grade our son was in when he had a solo…

  • Family,  Parenting

    Cousins’ Camp (CC) 2022 Is In The Books

    Year number 10 for Cousins’ Camp for the Faughn clan is over. It was marked with the theme “Decade of Memories,” and we had a blast! Turner designed our T-shirts this year and did a great job. To mark this being our tenth year, each of the grandchildren (minus Luke who is interning this summer with the Westside church of Christ in Salem, Virginia) made a collage of pictures of CC throughout the last nine years. I spent hours with the picture albums and books making color copies of all of their activities. I laughed a lot and I cried sometimes as I went through and selected the pictures. Those memories are priceless.…