
  • Church Life,  Family

    Whatever Happened To…

    I am indebted to Josh Robinson for planting the thought in my mind that is prompting me to write these words. I heard him speak in September of last year at PTP Spark in Arnold, Missouri. I don’t remember the exact words that Josh used in his lesson, but I’m still thinking about the question he raised.   During the course of his presentation, he challenged all of us (at least he challenged me) to think about some things that used to be regularly presented in a very negative light from pulpits, in Bible classrooms, and in the homes of Christians. He had some specific things in mind when he asked,…

  • Family

    It Wasn’t a Home; It Was a House

    Tuesday was a very sad day. I stood at the entrance of our church building and watched as the house we lived in for almost fifteen years was demolished and hauled away in big trucks. We haven’t lived in that house for almost seven years, but the memories we had there are etched on our hearts and minds. The Central church of Christ owned that house when Jim became their full-time minister in January of 2001. It hadn’t been lived in for about seven years and was in terrible shape, but my eyes could see what it could become with some love and care. It had always been a dream…

  • Church Life,  Family,  Marriage

    ReConnect 2022

    In 2019, Josh & Amanda Ketchum met Leah and me at a local restaurant and pitched an idea for a retreat designed for preachers and their wives. From that meeting–and about a zillion text messages–ReConnect was born. The first retreat, held that Fall, was very small (six couples attended), but the group that came was deeply encouraged. In 2020, we were not able to have the event due to covid, so the decision was made to have it as soon as we could, and ReConnect moved to Spring, so we could have it in 2021. Attendance went up tremendously, and plans were made to make this an annual event. So,…

  • Family,  Legacy of Faith Podcast,  Marriage

    Episode 158: Announcing ReConnect 2022 and Quit Blaming Your Spouse Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSS(Player not displaying or working? Click here to listen.) Adam and Leah introduce you to the plans for ReConnect 2022–the retreat for preachers and wives. Then they take a look at how, too often, a spouse who has cheated blames his/her spouse, but how we each need to quit blaming our spouse and take personal responsibility for our choices. Resource Brad Harrub’s Facebook post Find our podcast on… Apple Podcasts Google Podcasts Spotify Stitcher TuneIn Radio RSS

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  • Church Life,  Family

    It’s Cold Outside

    It’s cold outside! That is the current thought going through my head this cold winter evening. There are many days right now where I have trouble staying warm and I am not usually cold-blooded. That made me reflect on how I sounded. “How you sounded?” You may be wondering if I have finally gone around the bend. But I realized that I sound quite whiny when I keep commenting on how cold I am. After all, in just a few short months I will probably be saying how hot I am. And in reality, compared to many around me, I am neither overly cold nor overly hot. I am blessed.…

  • Family,  Marriage

    Fighting for Your Marriage Sometimes Means Fighting Yourself

    We often hear people talking about “fighting for your marriage.” What is typically meant by that is a willingness to do something vital like going to counseling or even moving to get away from a dangerous situation. It usually means that we are willing to do something that is uncomfortable because we know the marriage is worth it. However, too often, one partner is not willing to fight himself/herself to save a marriage. Or, at least, that partner is not willing to fight all the way through. To save a marriage, anything that is standing in the way of a strong marriage should be on the table. For example, if…

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  • Church Life,  Family

    The Waiting Room

    I’ve been a preacher or an elder for over forty years. While I am now serving only as an elder, for a number of those years I served in both capacities. Along with those “official” roles, I am also a husband, father, father-in-law, and grandfather. I have also been a son and son-in-law. As I think about all of the “hats” I’ve worn, I realize that I also have other family connections and that I am also a neighbor and, hopefully, a friend. What all of that means, among other things, is that I have spent quite a bit of time in waiting rooms in hospitals. I’ve been with people…

  • Church Life,  Family,  Trust God

    Blank Slate

    This new year offers a blank slate for all. 2022. What will you do with the new opportunities it provides? My children and I have also embarked on another blank slate: a new home. We are still in the same town but have downsized significantly and with that, comes the opportunity of another blank slate … or many. All of this thinking about blank slates left me pondering something. I had to choose what to call them. If you noticed, I chose to say “opportunities.” I considered “challenges.” You see, some see a blank slate as scary or intimidating. In some ways, I guess we all do. However, when I…

  • Family,  Legacy of Faith Podcast,  Marriage

    Episode 157: 5 New Year’s Resolutions for Your Marriage [Podcast] Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSS(Player not displaying or working? Click here to listen.) Lots of people make resolutions for fitness or work or finances. But Adam and Leah want to give you five areas of your marriage where you may want to consider making resolutions also. Those areas are: Date nights Investing in your marriage Planning “big” outings Doing things without the kids Understanding each other’s goals and priorities. For each area, Adam and Leah also share how to write these as true goals, and not just aspirations. Find our podcast on… Apple Podcasts Google Podcasts Spotify Stitcher TuneIn Radio RSS

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  • Church Life,  Family

    Old Year’s Resolutions

    Like many of you, I am spending a little time in these final days of the year thinking of goals and resolutions for the upcoming year. Sometimes I write them down and sometimes I don’t. Sometimes I have several and sometimes I just have one or two. No matter the number, though, each one is always thought out. However, this year is not done yet. While the number of days left in 2021 is dwindling, they are not totally spent. That leads me to wonder: could I be spending so much time planning next year’s goals that I miss some opportunities to accomplish things in these final days of the…