
  • Family,  Parenting

    The Blessing and Curse of Having a Tender Heart

    I want to raise children who are tender-hearted. I don’t want them to become like Pharaoh of old, when the Bible says that he “hardened his heart” (Exodus 7:13, I don’t want them to have a conscience that is seared and can scarcely be touched any longer (1 Timothy 4:2). But having a tender heart can seem to be a curse. A tender heart is one that is more likely to be broken. It is easier to take advantage of someone with a tender heart. People with tender hearts often take longer for those hearts to heal than those who are hardened by life. So, why would I want my child…

  • Family,  Homeschooling,  Legacy of Faith Podcast,  Parenting

    Episode 103: 6 Subtle Ways to Fill Your Children’s Minds with Scripture [Podcast] Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSS(Player not displaying or working? Click here.) On this week’s program, Adam is flying solo, but shares a quick list of simple ways every parent can have the Word of God constantly before their children. See the list of suggestions below. The Six Suggestions Use Biblical language. Tie everything, from events to rules, to Biblical teachings. Listen to worship music. Or sing it! Ask about Bible school Have Biblical literature throughout the house. Include lots of stuff from Apologetics Press! Let them see you reading/studying the Bible Have Bible verses everywhere (artwork, pillow covers, etc.) More from A Legacy of Faith To subscribe…

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  • Family,  Parenting

    The Best Lesson of the Day

    Recently, as Leah said, we had to do some “carschooling.” One of the advantages of homeschooling is that school can travel, and that had to be the case just a few days ago. On the trip, there was a math lesson, a Bible reading, some geography work, and some history reading. It was not an intense day of school, but some lessons got completed and progress was made. However, the best lesson of the day was not one that Leah had planned for the trip, nor one that the principal (that would be me) had in mind. Instead, it was one that the kids started on their own, and one…

  • Church Life,  Family

    Is There Water in Your Boat?

    One of the things I miss about my dad being gone is fishing. We did a lot of fishing. Some of my best memories were just of me and my dad going to Lake McSwain in California and fishing for trout. I can’t think of a happier time in my life. There was nothing I looked forward to more than fishing with Jim Tatum. Sometimes we fished from the bank, and sometimes we took our little flat bottom boat. If you knew anything about my dad you knew he didn’t spend a lot or have extravagant things. He had purchased this quaint little boat for a couple hundred bucks. One…

  • Family,  Recipies

    It Really Is Spring…And That Means… [Free Printable Recipe]

    I know some of us have been wondering what is happening with our weather. It is the middle of April and we still have snow, ice, and freeze warnings here in Kentucky. However, Spring is here and that means that it is almost strawberry time. I have been so busy lately that I haven’t had time to write another post for Legacy, but I haven’t shared a recipe in a long time so here is one of my favorites from my Mom’s cookbook. Fresh Strawberry Pie 1 cup of water ¾ cup sugar 2 ½  Tbsp. corn starch Pinch of salt 2 ½ Tbsp. strawberry gelatin 3 cups fresh strawberries (a little…

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  • Church Life,  Family

    A “Sophomoric” Reason to Consider Christian Education

    [Author’s Note] Recently, I received a message from somebody who asked me to send her a copy of something I had written about Christian education. After quite of bit of digging into my old files, I found an article I wrote quite a number of years ago.  Because of the passage of time, I’ve had to do some editing. When I wrote the article originally, we were awaiting the birth of our second grandchild. We now have five grandchildren and the one whose birth we were anticipating at the time is now thirteen.  After I did my “digging,” I discovered that this particular article was not the one that my friend had in…

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  • Church Life,  Family,  Homeschooling,  Legacy of Faith Podcast,  Parenting

    Episode 102: Using Year-Round Lads to Leaders Events in Your Home [Podcast] Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSS(Player not displaying or working? Click here.) Lads to Leaders is a great program, but many families do not realize how many things it offers that can be utilized to help teach your children to learn–and live–the Bible, right in your own home. On this program, Adam and Leah talk about some of the “year-round” events that families can utilize for just this purpose. The events they discuss include Centurion of Scripture, Read the Word, Keepers, Providers, Year Round Bible Reading/Study, Second Language, Bible Bowl, and Year-Round Bulletin Board. More links can be found below. Resources Mentioned in This Episode Lads to Leaders…

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  • Church Life,  Family

    Encouragement…from Satan?

    I don’t remember the year, but I remember the thought. At one of the Freed-Hardeman University Lectureships I have been blessed to attend, I remember hearing about how God had placed a protective hedge around Job and his family. I remember someone praying for God to place a hedge around us, His people. And the sentiment stuck with me. Through the years, I have prayed the same idea for my family, especially my children. They are faced with so many challenges in today’s world and I pray that God will protect them from some of those temptations and dangers. Recently, I was trying to encourage one of the young people…

  • Church Life,  Family,  Marriage

    What Is (and What Should Be) Expected of a Preacher’s Wife

    For my entire life, I have been around preachers’ wives. My mom is one. My wife (of course) is one. My sister is one. My wife’s sister-in-law is one. In addition, our family has become good friends with many preacher’s families throughout the years. Also, I have read a great deal written by these sweet ladies and heard many conversations. All that said, one of the common struggles of these godly Christian women is that there are expectations placed upon them by a congregation that are simply not right. Sometimes, those expectations are spoken and overt, while at other times (I believe) people do not even realize what they are…

  • Church Life,  Family

    Love Never Fails

    Will you go on a journey with me for a bit? I’m asking you to leave the things that distract you and get in a quiet place and engage with me for a minute. I want to take you to the center of yourself to help you investigate something you already know. Life is confusing. We have all of these moving parts to deal with in just living it. All of the physical things are but vanity. All of the spiritual things matter but there is much conflict and doubt sometimes about what they all actually mean. We live and we experience things both inside our hearts and outside in…