
  • Church Life,  Family

    When Did I Become a Brand?

    By the time one has lived as long as I have, there is an awareness of various phases of life. There are a few of them that I do not remember. I, of course, do not remember my birth. In fact, there is not much about the very early years of my life that I do remember. However, as time went on I picked up a variety of “labels” along the way. In terms of relationships, at various times I’ve been known as things like a son, a bachelor, a husband, a father, and a grandfather (all in that order, by the way). I’ve also been known as a friend, a co-worker, a neighbor, teammate,…

  • Church Life,  Family,  Tech

    The Devil’s Newest Tool

    Those who have heard me speak in the recent past will know what I am talking about. It has taken the place of several other things, all of which are still dangerous tools, but this one seems to exceed them all. It is convenient, small, very smart, and available to almost everyone. Of course, I’m talking about the cell phone. That little computer you can hold in your hand and take with you wherever you go. That thing that connects you to so many people on social media. That device that allows you to connect to sites about which no one else will know (or at least, you don’t think they will know about it). That…

  • Church Life,  Family,  Homeschooling,  Parenting

    Two Free Resources for Overviewing Exodus with Your Kids [Free Printables]

    It was announced last weekend that the book being emphasized by Lads to Leaders for the 2019 convention will be the book of Exodus. Even if you are not involved in Lads to Leaders, however, we want to share two resources with you that you might want to consider using in your family Bible time or homeschool. Both of these are available for free and are in pdf format. Resource #1: Overview of Exodus This pdf contains three parts, each designed to help young people grasp the “big picture” of Exodus. In the following pdf, you will find: (1) “10 Facts about Exodus,” (2) a simple outline of the…

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  • Family,  Marriage,  Parenting

    3 Reminders for Parents on Dates

    Last week, Leah and I got to go on a date. In fact, it was a big date…we stayed overnight in a hotel and everything! (When you have kids, this qualifies as a big deal.) Sometimes, husbands and wives give up “dating” when they have children. There is so much going on in life that those evenings away–just one-on-one–seem to be put on the backburner. However, it is precisely because you are so busy that you need those times. They do not have to be anything big and fancy. Just a dinner out or even a picnic in the park makes for a great evening and much-needed time with one another. But, because…

  • Family,  Marriage

    Bringing Us Together Since the Beginning

    “Mawwiage, is what bwings up togevah today.” That line from the movie The Princess Bride is iconic. I couldn’t help but think of it yesterday, which was the 48th anniversary of the patriarch and matriarch of “A Legacy of Faith.” Next week, one set of Jeremiah’s grandparents will celebrate 70 years. Last week, Jeremiah and I celebrated 20 years of marriage. In our ceremony 20 years ago, the legacy of long-lasting marriages in our family was mentioned. At that time, between all of our grandparents and parents, there was over 250 years of marriage represented. We have been very blessed by Christian examples of commitment in all of these marriages.…

  • Family,  Parenting,  Tech

    Time in the Social Media World is Time I’m Not in Their World

    Today’s article is for me. It is about me, and it is to me. If you get anything out of it, that’s just a bonus. It is an article that had been bouncing around my mind for a little while, then two statements on the same day basically forced me to write it. The first conversation happened just after worship Sunday morning. We got home and Leah was finishing up lunch. The kids were each playing with little toys the floor of the living room and I was tired from teaching and preaching. But, with this article bouncing around my head, I got in the floor and played just for…

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  • Church Life,  Family

    The Real Problem is the Convenience of Milk

    Yesterday I was driving home and I saw her. Let’s call her Betsy. She’s a cow. I see her and all of the rest of the herd every day when I drive home. I like living in town and yet driving by a farm like that. I like seeing Betsy on my way home from work. But yesterday when I saw her I was not thinking of the beautiful farm or the pleasant animals. Instead, I was thinking about how easy it is for us to get milk these days. You see, I don’t have to get it from Betsy. I don’t have to milk her at 4 a.m. I…

  • Church Life,  Family

    The Red Lemon

    Our oldest grandson was born seventeen years ago today. All five of our grandchildren have given us a lot of reasons to be proud of them. Each of them has added in his or her unique way to our “family legacy.”  Early in his life, our oldest grandson began one of those “legends” that every family has. Even some people who are not a part of our family know what we are talking about when we talk about The Red Lemon. When our grandson first began to speak and to be aware of the world around him, he fell in love with The Red Lemon. He still likes it even though he doesn’t call…

  • Family,  Legacy of Faith Podcast,  Parenting,  Tech

    Episode 101: Raising Children Who are Willing to Go Against the Flow [Podcast] Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSS(Player not displaying or working? Click here.) Children (and adults) want to fit in, but as Christians, we must go against the flow of culture. In this week’s podcast, Adam and Leah use two articles (links found below) to discuss why it is essential to teach our children to swim upstream in small decisions, so they will do so with big decisions later. Resources Raising Your Kids to Go Against the Flow (We are THAT Family) You Don’t Have to Give Your Kid a Phone (Your Mom has a Blog) More from A Legacy of Faith To subscribe to A Legacy of Faith…

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  • Family,  Parenting

    Who’s In Charge Here?

    She was such a cute little girl. They were having lunch at one of those fast food places that has the indoor playground that all kids love. She had eaten a little bit of her lunch, and then her mother (I’m assuming it was her mother) let her go play for just a little while. When that “little while” was up, her mother opened the door and told her it was time to go.  What happened next was disturbing, to say the least. It was disturbing on several different levels. It disturbed the other kids who were playing in the same place. It disturbed those other people eating their lunch. It not only disturbed my lunch; it disturbed…