Our 2023 Thankful List [Video]
So, a number of months ago, we paused recording our podcast. However, today, we bring back one of the yearly features, and we do so for two reasons. First, we love sharing our “thankful list,” and so we have that for you in video form. That’s the main reason, and we hope this encourages you to think of things for which you are thankful this year. But also, we are sharing this in video form because…we have our own YouTube channel! The Faughn Family of Four will begin releasing more videos in January (maybe a couple will be sprinkled in before then), so we ask you to subscribe and let…
The Lesson of the Seasons of Life
As I sat in the sunroom this morning with my coffee, I was amazed at the beauty of the leaves as they fluttered to the ground. The sun was shining and gold leaves fluttered down like raindrops of gold. It’s autumn and this beautiful season is all around us – the colors, the harvested fields, the cooler temperatures, the geese flying south for the winter. My mind turned to the other seasons of the year: spring with its new life and beautiful green colors, summer with the blue sky and the deep colors of beautiful flowers and trees, and winter with the black branches of a barren tree against the winter…
It May Be a Lot of Things, But It is Not That
I’m not a “bumper sticker person.” I don’t feel compelled to “decorate” my vehicles with my preferences about certain things. An example of this is that most people who know me already know who my favorite athletic teams are and people who don’t know me don’t care. I seriously doubt that anybody’s allegiance would be changed merely because they saw a bumper sticker or decal on a vehicle. Apparently, not everybody agrees with me. I’m sure I’m not the only person who has seen vehicles “plastered” with so many stickers, decals, etc. that it almost seems like there is no room for any more of them. Some of the messages…
When Perception is Not Reality
I’ve seen it many times, both in conversations and in social media posts. Frankly, I am sure that I have been guilty of it myself. In fact, I would guess that each of us has at some point–or many points–in our lives. I saw it again in the relatively recent past and it got the idea for this article started in my mind. I was reading a social media post that was connected to an event that I had at least a connection to. As I read, I was struck by how there were many facts right beside many things that I knew to be false, but that were presented…
Their Best Customers
I’ve been thinking lately about some businesses/industries which “somehow” fail to use their best customers in their advertising. I’m thinking of two in particular. Some who read this may be old enough to remember commercials on television that advertised products for their brands with catchy slogans “informing” potential customers that their particular product “…tastes good like a cigarette should” or had “less tar – more taste.” Depending on what apparently was the target audience, the actors in the commercials and/or the models in the magazine and newspaper ads were portrayed in such a way as to encourage others to emulate them. One icon of the tobacco industry back then was portrayed…
Those Kids Need to be There…Always
Recently, I watched a sermon by a friend of mine who is a wonderful Gospel preacher. It was a sermon from a couple of years ago that I was interested in hearing all of, but, as often happens, there was one little statement that was made that just stuck in my mind. In this part of the sermon, he was talking about decisions that elders had to make during the early-to-earlyish days of the pandemic. As elderships were trying to think of the best ways to proceed, they had to balance all sorts of things. He mentioned the eldership where he attends talking through those issues, as I know our…
Take Heed How You Hear
The words in the title are, of course, used by our Lord (Luke 8:18). When He spoke those words, He was dealing with things that He was teaching. I’m wondering, though, if those words might be good advice in many areas of our lives. I hope that you will continue to read as I try to explain what I am thinking and as I continue to challenge my thinking. Some who read these words may have been watching the television program 60 Minutes on the evening of October 15, 2023. I did not watch it. In fact, I rarely have an opportunity to watch it because I choose to use the…
The Night Pronouns Mattered
Teens in the Word has become a real highlight for Central’s Youth Group. Each year, the group studies something different and the atmosphere is like nothing else this group does. For awhile, I was the “main” teacher (thankfully, Noah has taken that over and is doing a great job!) and came up with the theme for each year. So, for one year, we decided to handle some very tough subjects, but ones that these young people are facing from day-to-day. Among those subjects was transgenderism. We looked at it from a Biblical perspective as well as a practical, how-do-we-deal-with-it, perspective. At the end of the study, we built a list…
It’s Almost As If…
When so-called “same sex marriage” was allowed in the United States, those who stood against it on moral grounds were made fun of for many reasons. One of those was that we said clearly that this would not be the only thing that we had to deal with. It was defamed as the “slippery slope” argument…as if that’s a total fallacy. On one hand, we said that the same (or similar) “logic” could be used for polygamy or other forms of “marriage.” That was blasted and we were told that the only thing that was desired was to change marriage in this one way. We knew that was not true…
Add This to “If It Bleeds, It Leads”
For many years, the phrase “If it bleeds, it leads” has been used to describe what gets the main coverage in the news. The idea is that disasters garner the most attention, so the main headline or “tonight’s top story” is nearly always tragic. Murders, natural disasters, and fires are quite often what lead the news. However, with the proliferation of news outlets and the length of time they are available, there might need to be another statement to add to that one. It started with 24-hour news channels that had to fill, well, 24 hours. But with the growth of podcasts, YouTube channels, and more all sharing news, there…