To Save a Child
They waited with great anxiety. They peered out their windows in terror. Then their worst fears were realized. They saw Pharaoh’s men coming to take their baby boys away forever. These innocent children were being executed by the thousands. No Israelite sons were left out of the slaughter. Parents kissed their babies and clung to them with all their might. But the Egyptian soldiers snatched them from mothers’ arms and sent them to their deaths, casting them into the Nile (Ex. 1:22). Yet there was one family who refused to let that happen. One family who refused to let their child meet an untimely death. The Hebrew writer says, “By…
The “Payment” of Motherhood [Quote]
Happy Mother’s Day from all of us at A Legacy of Faith!
Episode 53: A Family Challenge: Memorize an Entire Book of the Bible [Podcast] Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSS(Player not displaying or playing? Click here.) As families, we are always searching for ways to instill the Word of God in the hearts of our children. On the podcast this week, Adam shares a brief challenge to all families: memorizing an entire book of the Bible together. Based upon the Centurion of Scripture event from Lads to Leaders, this challenge is one that can be done by even small children, just one verse at a time. Find out how on the program! Resources Lads to Leaders (homepage) Lads to Leaders Rulebook [PDF] “The 5 Shortest Books of the Bible, in Order” (Overview…
Studying Matthew with Your Children [Free Printable]
Need a resource to help with your family Bible study? Then today’s post is for you! At the 2016 Lads to Leaders convention, the book to study for the Bible Bowl event was Matthew. Knowing that, we decided to study that book in our Family Bible Time at night. Matthew is a fairly lengthy book (28 chapters), so to help our kids study, we made little worksheets for each of the chapters. Today, we are pleased to share them with you…for free! For each of the chapters, there are four things on the worksheet: 1. A box with the two or three major events or stories found in that chapter,…
A Tradition Unlike any Other
There is no way of knowing how many times I’ve heard that phrase – a tradition unlike any other. I’ve heard it most of those times while watching the NCAA basketball tournament on television. For years, CBS has used that phrase to try to get their viewers to watch the next “big event” after that tournament concludes – The Masters golf tournament. However, the tradition unlike any other I’m thinking about has nothing to do with golf. It has to do with a couple of guys watching the NCAA basketball tournament. Somehow, while our son was still at home, the two of us got in the habit of spending some time together watching…
The Most Influential Woman in My Life
Today is my mother’s birthday. In Proverbs 31:28 we are told of the children of an excellent woman growing up and calling their mother blessed. On my mother’s birthday, I want to honor her by giving you just a few of the reasons that I consider my mother the most influential woman in my life. My mom taught me that, in every circumstance, God must come first. We never missed any services of the church for ball games, school functions, practices, or anything else. We were always taught that even extra church activities were more important than anything else we had going on. Back then, that just meant missing practice…
Five Minutes with Bartimaeus
And they came to Jericho. And as He was leaving Jericho with His disciples and a great crowd, Bartimaeus, a blind beggar, the son of Timaeus, was sitting by the roadside. And when he heard that it was Jesus of Nazareth, he began to cry out and say, “Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!” And many rebuked him, telling him to be silent. But he cried out all the more, “Son of David, have mercy on me!” And Jesus stopped and said, “Call him.” And they called the blind man, saying to him, “Take heart. Get up; He is calling you.” And throwing off his cloak, he sprand…
5 Things a Real Man Has on His Calendar
I admit it: I live by a calendar and to-do list. I am a total time nerd. Side note: If Google Calendar ever goes out of existence, I might just be going out of existence, too! Admittedly, though, I have struggled through the years with a calendar that was filled by everyone else. A few years ago, however, I heard a fellow preacher teach a session at Polishing the Pulpit about time management. He suggested (very strongly) that we need to put everything on our calendars. I started doing that as best as I could, and what a difference it has made! The reason is simple: when you put everything on your…
Should You Spank Your Children?
It is amazing how the order of words in a sentence can change a statement. What if the title of this article was changed by a slight adjustment in the first two words? It would read, “You should spank your children.” Certainly if that was the title, more people would be tempted to keep reading. But we are not interested in some flamboyant ploy, or a persuasive human opinion, or a controversial platform. We are interested in truth. Let’s just answer the question: Should parents spank their children as a means of discipline? The fact that we are even having this conversation goes to show that we are a far…
When Your Children Ask about Baptism
The conversations have started, but they are still very sporadic. With a 10-year-old and a soon-to-be 9-year-old, we are not surprised that our children have started asking questions from time-to-time about baptism. If you raise your children going to church and Bible classes, the questions are going to start, and likely, they are going to start quite early in life. After all, they hear preachers extend the invitation constantly. Hopefully, they have been present to see people put Christ on in baptism. And probably, they have studied God’s plan of salvation in Bible school, at least a time or two. Their classrooms may even have a chart that is always…