“Sir, We Need Your Permission To…”
It is a fear of every parent. All of us who have children at home and those of us who have children who have their own families dread a call informing us of a serious injury and/or illness. A few years ago, a friend of mine received one of those calls. His seventeen-year-old daughter had been involved in an automobile accident. Fortunately, the injuries she sustained did not appear to be serious, but the doctors wanted to make sure. The father was told that he had to give his consent before his daughter could be treated. Of course, he quickly gave his consent. The appropriate testing and treatment was done. His daughter recovered. Please think…
Episode 43: Making Memories in the Midst of a Busy Life (with Dale Jenkins) [Podcast] Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSS(Player not working? Click here.) Families are busy, but how can we remain busy and active, yet build memories for our children? On today’s podcast, Dale Jenkins joins Adam and shares five fantastic points on how to be intentional with our time, as well as with building memories for our children. More about Dale Jenkins The Jenkins Institute Follow Dale on Twitter Spring Meadows Church of Christ More from A Legacy of Faith To subscribe to A Legacy of Faith by email for free click here. Subscribe to the podcast on iTunes Subscribe via rss Find us on Stitcher Radio Visit the show archives…
Where Love Abides
I grew up in a very small home – one living room, a kitchen, two bedrooms, and a small bath. There were four of us living in that space which was probably, at most, one thousand square feet. I don’t recall feeling cramped or poor, but I’m sure we were at times. What I do recall are meals around a small table, a warm bed with clean sheets, listening to music on the record player in the living room, and laughter as we sat and talked with one another. Jim grew up in a home which was about the same size as the one where I grew up, but it was a much…
Episode 42: Christmas Gift Ideas to Encourage Family Devotionals [Podcast] Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSS(Player not working? Click here to listen.) Do you have a family on your Christmas list that you want to encourage with a gift? How about encouraging them with a Christmas gift that will help them with their family devotional. On today’s program, Adam shares several ideas of gifts that will encourage a family in their home devotionals. These gifts are inexpensive, but will be treasured. RESOURCES Links are to Amazon (affiliate links) unless otherwise noted The One Year Children’s Bible “Family Devotional” Object lesson CD-Roms (Kaio Publications) Game Plan by Joe Wells One Year of Dinner Table Devotions and Discussion Starters by Nancy…
A Master Grocery List for Busy Moms {Free Printable}
On A Legacy of Faith, we want to help families, and one of our goals is to help families “survive the day.” Today, I have something to help with that. As a wife and mother, I have a lot of responsibility on my shoulders, and one of those responsibilities is making sure supper gets on the table every night. It is something that I am trying to take more seriously. You know as well as I do that getting supper on the table every night actually begins with a menu plan and a good grocery list. Maybe it’s just me, but more often than not, I have the kids with…
Episode 40: 100 Things We are Thankful For (Part 1) [Podcast] Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSS(Player not working? Click here to listen.) November is the time of year when many people slow down and count their blessings. Sometimes, though, we struggle to start that list, though we know the list is endless. To help you, we are taking two programs to share 100 things our family is thankful for. On this week’s program, which is part one, Adam and his eight-year-old son, Turner, share 25 things each they are thankful for. We hope you are encouraged by their lists, and make sure you tune in next week to hear Leah and Mary Carol share their lists, too. More…
Episode 39: Teaching Apologetics to Children (with Eric Lyons) [Podcast] Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSS(Player not working? Click here.) Teaching children some of the deeper things of the Bible, such as apologetics, can be a real challenge for parents. On today’s program, Adam is joined by Eric Lyons of Apologetics Press. Eric shares great encouragement for parents, and some good resources that will aid them along the way, as well. Resouces Apologetics Press (homepage) Kids’ books from AP Discovery magazine Virtue and Valor magazine (teens) More from A Legacy of Faith To subscribe to A Legacy of Faith by email for free (and get a free eBook) click here. Subscribe to the podcast on iTunes Subscribe via…
The Necessary Thing (and a Basket That Will Help Teach It)
As a mother, there are many things I want to teach my children. My head swirls with all the responsibility. They are my gift from God, and I desperately want to train, educate, equip, discipline, and lead them so that when they leave my house they are ready. I want to them to be ready to face this world. Every day, there is another item added to the list of “crucial information my children need to know before they leave my home.” That list is long and varied. I want my children to know how to be polite. I want them to know how to clean and how to finally…
The One Word that Gives Children Authority Over Parents
Parenting is hard. Communication is hard. Put them together and you have something that can feel virtually impossible. At best, it can feel like a completely uphill task. One reason communicating with children is so difficult is because every word means something, and we often say things that we don’t think much about, but that can communicate so much. Today, I want to share one word that I am striving to reduce in my vocabulary with my children. At the very least, I am trying to change one specific way in which I catch myself using it. The reason is simple: whether I mean it this way or not, this…
Two Professors; Two Education Models; (Possibly) Two Destinies
I have no idea how many different professors and instructors I had during my four years at Southern Illinois University, but I can only recall the names of two of them. Both of them taught in my major field of study (government) and both had me in more than one class (three for one and two for the other). I can still remember making an appointment with one of them to ask if I could use him as a reference in order to get into graduate school. I figured that he would be a good reference since he was reputed to be one of the (if not the) most difficult professor(s) in…