A Sermon Every Parent Needs to Hear
My post today is a simple link, but one that I really feel could help each parent who reads this. It is also in the same “lane” as dad’s post from earlier this week about how the best gifts do not have to cost any money at all. Maybe you need to pause your Christmas preparations to listen to this, or maybe you can listen while you drive to some destination this holiday season. But, no matter what, I pray you will take a few minutes to be built up by it. It is by Glenn Colley and is entitled, “7 Gifts to Give Your Children.” Please take a few…
Some Last-Minute Gift Ideas
How many times have you spent a great deal of time and given much thought to a gift for a child only to watch that child play with the box more than what was in the box? Have you ever bought or received something as a gift and then have found it later in a drawer or hidden away somewhere unused (or used very little)? Have you reached the age and/or stage in life where you tell your family to not buy you any gifts because you either realize that you have everything you really need and/or that you can get what you might want for yourself? Gift giving can…
Creator God
At the annual high school chorus concert Monday evening, I was struck with wonder, actually many times. I’m so thankful that all three of my children have had the blessing of being part of this program. The voices and talents of that many young people all working together to create beautiful music is something to behold, to say nothing of the dedication and talent of our choral director and his assistant. However, that wasn’t all of the wonder. The moment I had this thought was while listening to a solo violinist. As she played, I thought to myself how that instrument sounds like it is singing. And that’s when it…
Responding to Bad News
Last weekend, storms ripped apart huge swaths of our part of the country. The town of Mayfield, Kentucky–that has been the center of attention–is only about 25 miles from our house, but many communities were impacted in terrible ways. In the aftermath of those storms, our elders decided to change our order of worship this past Sunday. We spent more time in specific prayer for the victims of the storms, for first responders and others working to help people, and for the Lord’s people as we seek to help going forward. Because of this emphasis, I changed my sermon. On Saturday, I spent some time thinking of something that was…
In Remembrance
I am typing these words about mid morning on December 7, 2021. While I am not a “news junkie,” I do tend to gravitate toward sources for news on the television, radio, internet, etc. So far this morning, most of what I’ve heard and read has been about political infighting, moral decay, scandals involving people who seem to be famous merely for being famous, and other subjects that the various news media seem to think are important. It is sad to me that I’ve heard only one brief mention of an event that happened eighty years ago today. The president of our nation would address a joint session of Congress…
Excuses, Excuses
Many years ago, when our children were younger and still living at home, we had a song we would sing when we were traveling. Back in the day you could slip a little cassette tape into a player in your car and enjoy whatever kind of music you wanted to hear. We happened to have a tape of the Hardeman Boys’ Quartet from Freed-Hardeman University, and we loved to play and sing along as we traveled. One of their songs we particularly liked was “Excuses, Excuses.” We knew every lyric and the chorus by heart. I have since learned that it was sung by the Kingston Quartet and written by…
Church Leaders, Quit Blaming It All On Covid
First sentence: I am as guilty as anyone else. There, I said it. If you need to, read that first sentence again and again and again. This post is not meant to cast blame. It is meant for ME first. I need this. I am guilty of this. Are you getting the point? If you think I am talking about “your” church or “your” elders or whatever, I am not, unless they happen to fall under the same heading that I am writing about for ME. Here is the simple point: we are now over 610 days into 15 days to slow the spread. We are 20+ months into a…
A Sacred Institution
In 1968 there were two major professional football leagues. I guess it could be said that, in actuality, there was only one major such league. It would still be a couple of years before the younger and less powerful American Football League became the American Football Conference after their merger with the National Football League. In November of that year, two of the most famous teams in the American Football League played one another. That game is now a part of football lore – especially for those old enough to remember the events of that day. Even if you are old enough (like me) to have been aware of the…
Learning Curve or Patient God?
As many of you know, I am going through the process of selling and buying a house. I have prayed diligently and all along I have said I trust God to provide and direct (1 Pet. 5:7). While making this size of financial decision is important and I believe God wants us to be good stewards of the blessings He provides, I have even said that this is not a decision with direct eternal impact. We can get to heaven from our current address or any other where we land. So why, last week when a housing inspection put the sale of our current home in jeopardy and ultimately placed…
It Will Never Cost More (or Less)
A very fun news story is making the rounds, as it does each year at this time. A group that studies economic inflation in the United States comes out with a report each holiday season sharing what it would cost to purchase the items from the twelve verses of the carol “The 12 Days of Christmas.” As with a lot of other things, the price is up. In fact, according to their analysis, if you were to purchase all the items in the song, in 2021 it would cost you $41,206. (I don’t know about you, but we don’t have quite that large of a Christmas budget, so no lords-a-leaping…