Church Life
[Quote] Thomas B. Warren on the Value of Suffering
SOURCE: Our Loving God: Our Sun and Shield by Thomas B. Warren. (page 44)
How Great Thou Art!
O Lord My God! When I in awesome wonder Consider all the worlds Thy hands have made, I see the stars, I hear the rolling thunder, Thy power throughout the universe displayed, When through the woods and forest glades I wander And hear the birds sing sweetly in the trees; When I look down from lofty mountain grandeur And hear the brook and feel the gentle breeze; Jim and I have recently come back from what we considered to be a dream vacation. We traveled to the West into states we had flown over, but never really seen. We had seen pictures of the Rocky Mountains, Mt. Rushmore, the Badlands, and Pikes’…
Counting Everything but Loss
One of my favorite hymns is “There’s a Royal Banner.” It is a wonderful song, meant to instill in Christians a reminder that Christ has already won the victory, so we must go out and do our work to win others, and to do so at all cost. In the chorus of the song, though, some sing the wrong lyrics. Recently, I have sung the song a few times, and noticed that–with the lyrics to one line correct or incorrect–there is a powerful message. Incorrect Lyric, but a Powerful Truth Some sing, “For Christ counts everything but loss.” Now, we’ll get to what the actual words are in a moment,…
The End of the Election and the State of the World
This is Tuesday, election day. The drama has been unending. The commercials and media coverage have not ceased. There have been debates and agendas and mud-slinging and controversies and quarrels like never before. And this has been going on for months and months. And now America is making a decision. So what will be the status of our country at the end of today? Well, there are a few possibilities and one absolute. The possibilities: 1. A candidate wins who is really in the minority party demographically and politically. If he wins there may be riots in the streets. People are going to question his ethics and his lack of…
Connected to What?
Leslie Stahl may not be well known to those of us who choose to worship on Sunday evenings. That may be due to the fact that she is a regular contributor to the long-running (on Sunday evenings) CBS program 60 Minutes. Ms. Stahl (she is married, but is one of those thoroughly modern women who does not use her husband’s last name) also appears on other CBS news shows. As the picture of her book cover shows, she is also an author. Recently, I watched part of an interview with her about her new book. (The interview was not on 60 Minutes, by the way.) As you can see from the…
[Episode 66] Family Friendly Entertainment (guest: Robert Hatfield) [Podcast] Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSS(Player not displaying or working? Click here.) Entertainment is not bad in itself, but Christians are to be discerning in all they do. How can we, and our families, enjoy entertainment when there seems to be so little of it to be found? Robert Hatfield joins Adam on this week’s podcast to talk about the dangers of entertainment, as well as how to find wholesome forms of entertainment. Resources The Light Network (homepage) The Light Network Facebook group Arrows in Our Hand (family podcast) Common Sense Media Plugged In More from A Legacy of Faith To subscribe to A Legacy of Faith by…
I Vote for Moms
This is the last week of this presidential election. For the past few weeks, I have heard the candidates speak about all of the world’s problems. I’ve heard their plans for all of our country’s problems. They’ve expressed concern for one area after another, and they’ve laid out the solutions. As I’ve listened, there has been one solution that hasn’t been discussed – Good mothers! So, today I vote for moms. I vote for moms who take the phone or iPad out of their children’s hands and replace it with a broom. These children will learn how to work hard. I vote for moms who quit buying everything for their…
A Christian’s Open Letter to Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump
To Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, We are down now to just a few days until all this campaigning is over. Let me say, first of all, congratulations. I honestly do not know how you hold up, physically or mentally, through these endless weeks of campaigning. It is impressive and shows your dedication to winning this election. But in just a few days, all that will be over. One of you will be our president-elect and will move to the next phase of this process, preparing to lead our nation, beginning in 2017. I want you to know that I am a Christian. That frames everything I believe, say, and…
Some Thoughts in the Midst of a “Perfect Storm”
I suppose that it was what some call “a perfect storm” that has prompted this post. Here are some of the elements in that storm. The gospel meeting we had recently where I am one of the preachers. During this meeting, our son and son-in-law shared the preaching and song leading duties. That reminded me that neither one of them is a “kid preacher” any longer – if they ever were. Both of them are grown, mature men who are capable of leading people to Jesus. It gave me confidence that the cause of Christ will not suffer when some of us older ones are no longer able to preach. It may, in fact, be…
[Quote] Cecil May, Jr. on Redemption and Relations
SOURCE: Gospel Advocate, Oct. 2016 (page 48)