Not Merely a Sign of Age
What do the following have in common? The year of a devastating flood in our areaThe year of my birthThe year of John F. Kennedy’s assassinationThe year of our oldest child’s birthThe year of the events we now refer to as “9-11”The year during which people are dealing with Covid-19 Here are some hints. My parents lived through what those of that generation who are still with us refer to as “the ‘37 flood.” Since that was a little more than a decade before I was born, it really doesn’t mean as much to me as it did to those who experienced it. What was reality for them is history for me.…
Legacy Recipe: Skroodle Salad
I have finished Cousins’ Camp 2020 and now I am preparing to go video my lessons for Polishing the Pulpit on Monday and Tuesday. Then we will travel to Louisville for Jim to speak on Wednesday night. After that we will FINALLY be celebrating our 50th wedding anniversary with a trip to a Bed and Breakfast in the mountains…so I’m packing for that trip, too. I said all of that to say that it is time for another recipe for my post this week. It is a delicious cool summer salad that is a full meal within itself. I got the recipe years ago from a newspaper in Metropolis Illinois, my home town. I…
Find the Good
This title and thought are not original, but in my opinion, they are desperately needed right now. Today’s post is an encouragement to do just what the title says: Find the good. This virus is bad. However, we live in a time of modern medicine with technologies, medications, and practices on which to build a defense and prevention. That is so good! Our society is experiencing some bad things. However, we still live in one of the richest nations on earth with running water, a network of roads on which to travel, modern conveniences with which to entertain ourselves, and any number of things to help offset our struggles. Isn’t…
One Thing We Must Never Cancel
Over the last few months, the word “cancel” has been heard more times than I can remember. Young people had graduations cancelled. Youth groups across the country had Lads to Leaders cancelled. Camps, vacations, dentist appointments…cancelled, cancelled, cancelled. Even worship services–either in-person or even all together–were cancelled. Then, of course, the term leapt into our social world with the so-called “cancel culture.” As political and social unrest have seemingly come in waves, everything from actors to cartoons have been “cancelled.” It seems as if everything around us has been cancelled in some fashion over the past few months, or has threatened to be shut down anyway. Some, in the long…
What I Cannot — And Can — Do
As I type these words, it seems like our world is coming apart at the seams. Nations are at odds with one another. Our own nation is divided in too many ways to try to mention here or discuss in any meaningful way. I’ve been doing a little thinking about some things I cannot do and what I can do about all of this. While there is a long list of things that, by myself, I cannot do, I’ve thought of a few things that I definitely can do. Let me suggest just a few. I cannot decide the economic, military, social, etc. policies for our nation. I can, and in fact am commanded to,…
Color Design
I have finally had a summer where I had time to paint and enjoy decorating again! Most summers are so packed with camps, mission trip, vacation, and other activities that I feel like any time at home is needed for rest before the rush of the next school year begins. So far this summer, I have painted the family room, two hallways, a bathroom, and whitewashed the brick fireplace. It has been great! Ahead of the actual painting time is the planning time – a time where you look at colors that work together. “Colors that work together” has been a very interesting concept this summer hasn’t it? In our…
Run with Endurance
Over the past few weeks and months, we have all had to try to find things to do that might have been different. Some have done nothing but binge shows on TV or Disney+, while others have landscaped as if they were trying out for a new show on HGTV. For one woman in Florida, though, the lockdowns in that state led her to set a new record. She has run a marathon…every day…for over 80 consecutive days. She shattered the old record of 61 consecutive days running a marathon and claims that her plan is to run 100 days in a row. At first, due to lockdowns, she ran…
I’m Not Getting Anywhere!
Five mornings a week I go to the gym and exercise. One of the things I do is ride a recumbent bicycle. Following my knee surgery, that was my surgeon’s recommendation to keep the joints moving. I climb up on that thing and pedal as hard as I can for a pretty long period of time…but I don’t get anywhere!! Miles go by on the screen, but I’m still sitting in the same place. My only consolation is that my knee is making progress and the joint is feeling better. Do you ever feel like you aren’t getting anywhere in other areas of your life? Maybe it’s your family life, or your prayer life, or…
Behind Every Door
Some who read this will know that my family and I lived in Dexter, Missouri for eleven years. During those eleven years it was my privilege to preach for the church of Christ there, it was also my honor to work with one of the finest men I have ever known. Dale Grissom’s office was right next to mine. He didn’t spend much time there, though. He would take care of what he thought was necessary there and then “hit the road.” He was not taking off to play golf, go shopping, etc. He was off to do what a true shepherd of God’s people needed to do. Dale was supported by the church…
Episode 136: 7 Ways to Protect Your Marriage [Podcast] Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSS (Player not displaying or working? Click here to listen.) Earlier this week, Adam wrote an article about protecting your marriage. So, today, for their 21st wedding anniversary, he and Leah talk through the 7 points of that article, hoping it encourages you to be intentional about protecting your marriage, as well. Resources “7 Ways to Protect Your Marriage” (article by Adam)The Stronger Marriage Podcast (hosted by Trey and Lea Morgan)His Needs, Her Needs (Amazon)5 Love Languages (Amazon)Sheet Music (Amazon)