Episode 130: Our 2019 Thankful List [Podcast] Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSS (Episode not displaying or playing? Click here to listen.) It is an annual tradition on the podcast. Adam and Leah sit down with their kids–now ages 14 and 12–and simply talk about some things they are thankful for this year. Enjoy this fun and, hopefully, encouraging episode.
For Better or For Worse
Those of you who are married and reading this may remember a promise you made on the day of your wedding. That day is always such an exciting time in life. I remember it like it was yesterday. I can close my eyes and see how beautifully the church building was decorated, how the groomsmen and bridesmaids looked, where the minister was standing, and that look on Jim’s face as he watched my father escort me to the front of the building. Somewhere in our picture albums I have a copy of the vows that we said on that day. We made promises to one another and committed our lives to one another and…
Sometimes, Just Receiving is Okay
“Share.” “Retweet.” “Post.” The calls to action on social media are there constantly. Each time we see something beautiful, experience something exciting, or even have an opinion on some matter (big or small), we are encouraged to send it out into the digital world for any and all to see. And there is nothing wrong with that. It is fine to share a picture of a gorgeous sunrise, a fun outing with your family, an exciting moment in life, or even just a thought on some pressing matter. However, what if–just every so often–you decided not to share it? At first, that sounds almost like an unchristian attitude, doesn’t it?…
It’s a Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood
This coming weekend is the premiere of “A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood,” a movie starring Tom Hanks about the real life of Fred Rogers. If you are like me you grew up with “Mr. Rogers Neighborhood”…a show that was very impactful to not only me but an entire generation of people. A few days ago I had an idea pop into my head about what I was going to write for an article this week. I was really excited about it but I forgot to write it down! So yes, it is lost forever. But thankfully today a simple lunch with my wife gave me the opportunity to write…
We’re People, Too
The conversation began with a sister in the Lord thanking me for a note that I had written. I had learned that there had been some negative experiences in the career her adult son had chosen to pursue and that he had made the decision to abandon that pursuit. I wrote the son a note and tried to encourage him. That was not the note, however, for which the mother was expressing her gratitude. I’m not sure she even knows about that note. The note we were discussing was one I had written to her. In the course of trying to be helpful, I also let my “humanness” show. In that note, I…
Rules for Children in Worship
Taking kids into the assembly can be a very daunting experience. With children now ages 18, 15 and 12, we have done our share of time in the pew. I should mention that the entire burden has been mostly upon my wife and that she gets all the credit for raising three children who (mostly) pay attention and engage andriol in worshiping God. I am thankful for her diligent work with our kids. This article is meant to encourage young families who have children who may be grade school age and younger. First, please know that we are so thankful for you and your families. Know that we support you…
Finding Treasure Right Where You Are
Just a few days ago, a father and son in North Carolina made a remarkable discovery. On a 14-acre piece of land they bought a few years ago, they found a piece of wood sticking out of the ground due to recent dryer, almost drought-like conditions. As they worked down near the wood, they figured out that the wood was part of a ship that was a little over 100 years old! The area used to be used for gold mines, but when those were basically given up on, some of the equipment was also left behind and forgotten. Now, over 100 years later, this father and son got the…
The Wisest Man
Solomon has taken over as ruler of God’s special people upon his father David’s death. He is a young man with a tremendous responsibility. Perhaps that is why we are all so impressed with the direction of his thoughts when God said to him, “Ask! What shall I give you?” (1 Kings 3:5) I don’t know for sure what my astralean request would be. I think I know myself well enough that it would revolve around my family, but I’m pretty sure at that young age I wouldn’t have had the maturity Solomon showed when he asked for wisdom in order to fairly judge the Lord’s people. 1 Kings 3:10…
Get This Book: “12 Ways Your Phone Is Changing You”
[Note: All Amazon links in this post are affiliate links. We receive a very small kickback for you using the link, but we were not asked to write this review in any way. This is our personal review of the book.] It has been quite a long time since I reviewed a book on our site, but this book has to be one of the most helpful and practical books I have read in a long, long time. 12 Ways Your Phone is Changing You is practical because it does not simply say, “you’re spending too much time on your phone–now stop it!” Instead, Tony Reinke uses a tremendous amount…
Episode 129: In Which We Get Really, Really Real [Podcast] Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSS (Player not displaying or working? Click here to listen.) In this week’s episode, Adam and Leah reflect on the recent Reconnect retreat for preachers and wives, then, well, they anabolizzanti online get real! Based upon a listeners question, they simply talk about how they do not have it all together and how it is okay to let some things go. More from A Legacy of Faith To subscribe to A Legacy of Faith by email for free click here. Subscribe to the podcast on iTunes Subscribe via rss Find us on Stitcher Radio Visit the show archives