
  • Family,  Parenting

    Whining Kids Getting a Pool is What’s Wrong with Parenting

    I have thought about writing this post for a long time. By now, the commercial has been on for months. I don’t watch a lot of “regular” TV, so I haven’t seen it that often, but the first time I saw it, it grated at me, and the more I have seen it in recent weeks, it has only made me angrier. It is the Northwestern Mutual commercial with the whiney girl who ends up getting a pool for her horrible attitude. If you can stomach it, here is the full commercial: How is it that this is supposed to be representative of good parenting? How is it possible that…

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  • Family,  Legacy of Faith Podcast,  Parenting

    Episode 114: Majoring in Majors, Doing Things that are Their Own Reward, and More [Podcast] Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSS (Player not displaying or working? Click here to listen.) On this week’s podcast, Adam and Leah share a lot of thoughts for parents. Using two resources, they talk about making sure families major in what is really important, and then discuss how we need to involve children in activities that are their own reward (gardening, cooking, etc.). Resources “The Major Thing” (Refuge Church) “What If…” (Facebook) More from A Legacy of Faith To subscribe to A Legacy of Faith by email for free click here. Subscribe to the podcast on iTunes Subscribe via rss Find us on Stitcher Radio Visit the show archives

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  • Church Life,  Family,  Parenting

    A Life Lesson from the Man Called “Bear”

    These days, it seems that we read and hear more than we would like to read or hear about the misbehavior of athletes and coaches. Some of that goes way beyond misbehavior. It is absolutely immoral and, all too often, illegal.  Howell Bigham recently posted the following material on Facebook. I had heard some of this before, but I am reproducing it here in order to “get the story right” and to remind us of a positive life lesson. I am not, in any way, suggesting that all of today’s athletes and coaches are bad people. Neither am I suggesting that all of those who filled these roles years ago (including the one referenced…

  • Church Life,  Family,  Parenting

    He Was the Patriarch

    He had a father. Yet his father was not known as the patriarch. While we don’t know much about Terah, Joshua 24:2 specifically includes him as one of those who “dwelt on the other side of the River in old times; and … served other gods.” On the other hand, Abram, his son, is called “the friend of God” because he “believed God, and it was counted to him as righteousness” (James 2:23). Throughout the book of Genesis, we read of the faith of Abraham. Not that he was a perfect man, as God lets us see some of his fears (Gen. 12:12) and his mistakes (Gen. 16). However, there is…

  • Church Life,  Family,  Homeschooling,  Marriage,  Parenting

    A Skill You Can Use to Help Others (and Anyone Can Do It)

    Are you a parent who has a desire for your children to have a good life (however you define that term)? If that is the case, what do you think would be one essential skill you need to implement? Maybe you are married and have no children. Maybe you are married and your children are no longer in the house. In either case, your desire is for you and your spouse to have a fulfilling relationship. If that is the case, what do you think would be one essential skill you need to implement? Perhaps you have some sort of supervisory role where you work. You may, in fact, own the company or be at…

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  • Church Life,  Family,  Family Finances,  Legacy of Faith Podcast,  Marriage,  Parenting

    Episode 113: Attacking December Before December Attacks You [Podcast] Podcast: Play in new window | Download Subscribe: RSS (Player not displaying or working? Click here to listen.) As December and the Christmas season are drawing near, Adam and Leah take some time to talk about how people–especially families–can keep control of their finances, schedules, and health during this time of year. This is a candid conversation that should help any family realize that they need to exercise self-control, while enjoying so many good things about the season. (And there’s a shout-out to the Cameron Crazies at Duke.) More from A Legacy of Faith To subscribe to A Legacy of Faith by email for free click here. Subscribe to the podcast…

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  • Church Life,  Family,  Homeschooling,  Legacy of Faith Podcast,  Marriage,  Parenting

    Episode 112: Our 2018 Thankful List [Podcast] Podcast: Play in new window | Download Subscribe: RSS (Player not displaying or working? Click here to listen.) Each year, we take a program before Thanksgiving and simply list some things we are thankful for from the previous few months. This year, Mary Carol, Turner, Leah, and Adam all sit around and share their gratitude. We hope it encourages you and causes you to want to thank God for all the good things He has brought to you, both big and small. More from A Legacy of Faith To subscribe to A Legacy of Faith by email for free click here. Subscribe to the podcast on iTunes Subscribe via rss…

  • Church Life,  Family,  Parenting

    The Wrong Question

    In some ways, this is a “follow-up” to a recent post by Adam Faughn and a podcast he and Leah Faughn did together. He wrote and they talked about what I consider to be some very good thoughts about the criteria that should be used by parents as they consider youth programs of various congregations. In another way, this post reflects a long-held belief of mine. It is my opinion that too many parents ask the wrong question when their children come home from some activity. Before you think I’m getting too “preachy” or am coming across as “holier than thou,” please let me dispel that notion – quickly. When our children were…

  • Family,  Marriage,  Parenting

    God Heard the Prayers

    It’s the most wonderful time of the year!! I’m not sure everyone would agree with that, but for me, it is a wonderful time of the year. I have always loved Thanksgiving and that day is only two weeks away! There is just something about gathering together as a family and enjoying time with each other, good food, and lots of laughter that is so appealing to me. I especially like it because you are not under the pressure of buying gifts for everyone!! As a child, we would always gather at my paternal grandparents’ house which just happened to be right next door to our house. There would be aunts and uncles, cousins, and…

  • Church Life,  Family,  Legacy of Faith Podcast,  Parenting

    Episode 111: What Parents Need to Look for in a Youth Program [Podcast] Podcast: Play in new window | Download Subscribe: RSS (Player not displaying or working? Click here to listen.) Earlier this week, Adam wrote an article that dealt with the #1 thing that should be present in a youth program. On this week’s podcast, Adam and Leah sit down to discuss that from a parent’s point of view. More from A Legacy of Faith To subscribe to A Legacy of Faith by email for free click here. Subscribe to the podcast on iTunes Subscribe via rss Find us on Stitcher Radio Visit the show archives

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