
  • Family,  Parenting

    7 Family Devo Ideas for Families with Teens

    Though not perfectly consistent with it, we are big advocates of family devotionals. However, when the kids are a little older, it can be more difficult to find ideas. Many websites, blogs, and books are out there with ideas for little children or elementary-aged kids, but what do you do when you are dealing with teenagers? Since that’s the stage of life we are in, I thought it might be helpful to give a few ideas that you might want to try. We’ve tried all of these. Some have worked better than others, but all have been a great encouragement. Appian Media Videos We love the work done by Appian…

  • Family,  Parenting

    What Does It Take to be a Mother?

    No, this isn’t going to be a biology or physiology lesson, but the biology and physiology of conceiving a child really should be taught by parents to our children in the home. They need to learn that when an egg in the woman is fertilized by a sperm from a man, a child is conceived. That child will continue to grow inside the woman for approximately nine months and then be born making her the mother. But there’s so much more to motherhood, as God intended it, than just this textbook description. Maturity. A woman (along with her husband) should recognize that life is sacred and a gift from God…

  • Family,  Parenting


    Expert in just about everything – often without formal trainingWilling and able to organize, lead, and motivate – without being perceived as a leaderLong hoursAlways on callNo real job description“Target” for criticism from others (most of whom don’t really understand the situation)No salaryNo vacation timeNo established sick leaveNo company funded insurance or retirement planOften under (or not) appreciated Do you know anybody who would sign up for that? I do! In fact, I am blessed because I have had and/or currently have five such people in my family. Two of them, Virginia Faughn and Ruth Turner, have left this life, but have left behind an amazing legacy in a lot of ways. Three…

  • Family,  Parenting

    A Sermon Every Parent Needs to Hear

    My post today is a simple link, but one that I really feel could help each parent who reads this. It is also in the same “lane” as dad’s post from earlier this week about how the best gifts do not have to cost any money at all. Maybe you need to pause your Christmas preparations to listen to this, or maybe you can listen while you drive to some destination this holiday season. But, no matter what, I pray you will take a few minutes to be built up by it. It is by Glenn Colley and is entitled, “7 Gifts to Give Your Children.” Please take a few…

  • Church Life,  Family,  Parenting

    How Much More Will We Give?

    Often, I write (or at least jot down the main ideas for) my posts a few days–or sometimes weeks–in advance. But there are times when that schedule gets changed and I feel as if I need to write something “in the moment,” even if it means I know some people are going to be upset; maybe even angry. Today is one of those days, but first, a couple of “admissions.” Admission #1 is where this post came from. I was saddened Sunday night. As I saw pictures flood in of Christian young people trick-or-treating or having Halloween parties while congregations were meeting for evening worship services across the country, it…

  • Family,  Parenting

    Five Generations

    I have been blessed to be a part of five generations in this life – my grandparents, my parents, my generation, my children, and my grandchildren. It is such a joy to sit with our children and grandchildren now and talk about things our parents did, or occasionally, something our grandparents did. Neither of our children got to know any of my grandparents, so any stories about them don’t seem as interesting. However, they seem very interested in our parents – their great-grandparents. We’ve just spent a few days with our children and four of our grandchildren just enjoying some time together talking, laughing, teasing, joking, singing, eating, and sometimes telling stories from…

  • Family,  Parenting

    What She Did Not Say Got Her The Job

    I was listening to an interview recently which I thought was interesting. Actually, I was listening to a series of interviews, but one really captured my attention. Each of the people being interviewed had worked for a man whose name you would probably recognize. Each of the people related some personal memories and made some comments about what it was like to work for him. The interview that stood out to me was with a person who was talking about a period of time when the man’s business interests were expanding. Because of this, there was a need for somebody to work in a very responsible and entirely new position. The lady who was…

  • Family,  Parenting

    5 Things You Can Do for a Family Devo TONIGHT

    Today’s post is nothing fancy. However, as one who regularly advocates for families to have devotional time (we call ours “Bible time”), it only seems right to offer some ideas of things a family can do. Obviously, based on the age and spiritual maturity level of your children, you might need to pick-and-choose from this list, or alter slightly. However, I think a lot of families decide not to have devotionals simply because they cannot think of a way to start. (Either that, or they are too busy, which is a whole different discussion.) So, if you need something you can do tonight–or any night–here’s a list of no-prep, or…

  • Church Life,  Family,  Marriage,  Parenting

    Dealing With “Secret Sin”

    One of the most challenging lyrics we ever sing is in the song “Purer In Heart, O God.” Near the end of that song, we sing these words: “Keep me from secret sin; reign Thou my soul within.” Those are very easy (and beautiful) words to sing, but when I truly let my mind contemplate what is coming from my mouth, I have to ask myself if I really mean those words. When we think of “secret sin,” we could talking about actions that no one else knows about, such as a gambling problem or pornography addiction, or we would be talking about sins of our attitude, such as jealousy,…

  • Family,  Legacy of Faith Podcast,  Parenting

    Episode 151: 4 Things Your Family Can Do This Summer [Podcast] Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSS (Player Not Displaying or Working? Click Here to Listen.) The summer of 2020 was pretty much a wash for traditional summer activities for families. This week, Adam and Leah share four things that every family should strive to do–in some form or fashion–in the summer of 2021 so that another summer isn’t taken from our kids. The four things: Start (or Restart) Family DevotionalsTake some sort of trip (even if it’s just one day)Plan a way to serve your congregationAttend a Vacation Bible School (even if it’s not at your own congregation) Find our podcast on… Apple Podcasts Google Podcasts Spotify Stitcher…

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