• Church Life

    The Most Important Vote Anyone Made on Tuesday

    Before getting to my point, let me start with two things that today’s article is not meant to say. First, this post is not meant to say that politics are not important. They absolutely are. And I am a political nerd. I am very quiet about who I vote for, but I love the ins and outs of elections, even going so far as to think about how people in counties in other states will vote. Second, this post is not meant to be some holier-than-thou over-spiritualization type article. Instead, it is meant to cause us all to think about one simple thing. I hope it is read with that…

  • Church Life,  Family

    Still Here, But Forgotten

    We see it on tombstones, accompanying picture of loved ones, on cards expressing sympathy, etc.: Gone, but not forgotten Most of us can relate to this. In fact, I think that it would be difficult to find very many people who have lost somebody close to them, but who don’t continue to have memories of them. I am one of those fortunate ones for whom those memories are pleasant. The pain of losing family members and friends is tempered by the good times we were able to share.   Since there is apparently not as much fear of personal interaction due to various strains of Covid, I’ve been trying to get back to doing…

  • Family

    Why I’m Voting “Yes” Next Tuesday

    One thing about our site that you may have noticed through the years is that we do not talk about political candidates or parties (except to mention both sides of an issue). We do not share how we are going to vote or how we did vote in elections for President, Senate, or any other position. However, next Tuesday in my home state of Kentucky, there is a vote–not for a candidate or an office–that is one of the most important votes I will ever cast in my lifetime. It is one that I have prayed to have the opportunity to vote on since I was able to vote. In…

  • Church Life,  Family

    Vote For Me and I Will…

    Unless you’ve been living under a rock for quite a while, you probably know that various elections for political offices are just a little over a week away. There is absolutely no way of knowing how much time and effort has gone into trying to persuade voters to cast a ballot for this or that candidate, this or that proposition, this or that amendment, etc.  According to one report I read, 9.3 billion dollars will be spent in this “election cycle” in an effort to garner votes. According to that same report, that staggering figure is the amount spent only on elections for offices on the federal level. It does not include the…

  • Family,  Parenting

    Lord, Give Us Strength

    Let me say, right from the start, that this is not my usual, light-hearted attempt at encouragement. This article is being written while in a place of struggle and, as of the writing, I don’t know the outcome. But I do know this: Satan is at war for souls, including our children’s souls. He has many tools and resources that he uses to ensnare our thoughts and hearts. As much as he attacks us, sometimes I wonder if he isn’t after our children even more. After all, if he can get them young and then make them feel unworthy enough, they are much easier to keep down. And they haven’t…

  • Church Life

    6 Simple Things to Do When You Don’t Feel a “Part” of the Church

    I love Central. If you have not figured that out from my posts here or on social media, you haven’t been paying attention. It really is a family, and it lifts my heart each time I am with any person or group from Central. But, no matter where you are, you may not feel connected. Someone (or a few someones) nearly anywhere will struggle to feel a part of things. If that’s you, this article is for you. Now, let me say from the outset: not everyone will feel as connected as everyone else all the time. Some of this is personality-driven. Some might have to do with where you…

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  • Church Life

    The Other Harry Truman

    Those of us who have taken almost any class about the history of The United States surely recognize that one of our presidents was Harry S Truman. We may or may not know that he became president when Franklin Roosevelt died and that he upset the candidate for president that “conventional wisdom” thought would win the election of 1948, but we at least recognize his name. Recent events have caused me to remember another Harry Truman — Harry R. Truman. The news about Hurricane Ian brought him back into my mind. It had been forty-two years since I first heard about this Harry Truman. I’ll admit that I had to do a little digging…

  • Church Leadership,  Church Life,  Family

    A Valuable Scripture When Teaching

    I’m teaching a Wednesday night Bible class right now to some of my favorite students. I have 10th through 12th grade girls in a class on “The Roles of Women in the Home and the Church.” The class is designed to teach them leadership as God would have it. Whenever I am privileged to teach teen girls’ classes, I usually have a theme song and a prayer before we get into the actual study. The girls do a great job of leading in both of these areas. However, I changed things up a little bit this quarter. We still have our opening prayer, but this time I put a “theme” verse up…

  • Church Life,  Evangelism

    A Never-Ending (and Often Forgotten) Step in Evangelism

    My mind has been on evangelism as never before lately. On Sunday mornings, I am teaching a Bible class on the subject and it has lit a fire in me that should have been there all along. But it has also caused so many in the class (which has about 30-35 in attendance) to be more confident. We have been blessed with guests at church from their efforts, and we are praying that doors will continue to open–and that we’ll walk through them! Recently, I was listening to a podcast (“God Magnified”) and the discussion was about 1 Peter 3. There is a well-known verse in that chapter that most…

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  • Church Leadership,  Church Life

    4 Words That Should Express the Attitude of Every Leader (And That’s All of Us)

    I was recently asked to present some material for the Cedar Springs church of Christ in Louisville, Kentucky on the book of Zechariah. It was difficult to condense fourteen chapters into one forty minute presentation, but I tried to at least hit the high points of the particular aspect of the assignment given to me. There was one point that was outside the scope of my assignment that I think is important enough to discuss here. The point is made in just four words, but those four words are, at least in my mind, very powerful. When Donna and I returned home, I resumed teaching a class I’ve been teaching on Wednesday…

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