I Don’t Know What To Say
I think that we’ve all had the experience of trying to find something appropriate to say to somebody who is going through a really tough time. I’m sharing something that I hope will help all of us. I don’t know very much about an organization called Stephen Ministries. From what I’ve read on their website, they attempt to provide resources to be used by preachers, counselors and others who want to help people who are grieving the loss of a loved one, experiencing setbacks of their own, and/or dealing with similar situations. I am hoping that what is reproduced below might be of benefit to all of us as we…
Hurting Him
There are times in life when something crystallizes in your mind. Sometimes it might be an insignificant detail but at other times, it hits you like a ton of bricks. Often, these realizations are not a brand new thought but an increased awareness or consciousness of something you’ve known all along. I had one of those moments this past weekend at Challenge Youth Conference. It was a blessing to be able to help chaperone our youth group at this great event. Part of that blessing is getting to hear the lessons prepared to help build the faith of our young people, but they build the faith of older people, too!…
The Only Answer
Invitation songs are sometimes sung a bit mindlessly. After all, most congregations only know about a dozen well-enough to sing well, so those few songs get sung over and over again. As a result, our minds are often barely engaged, even though we know they should be. However, in those songs there are some profound thoughts. One of the most profound–though it is written in very simple language-is found in the hymn “What Shall It Be?” Throughout that song, various forms of the question, “What will your answer be?” are asked. But if our minds are not engaged as we sing, we may miss the fact that the question is…
The Ones Who Stand Behind the One Who Stands Before
The congregation where I serve as an elder is privileged to support various mission works. Some of those works are “stateside” and some are overseas. It is always encouraging to hear how the Lord’s work is progressing in various places. Not long ago, one of the men we support preached for us and told us about his work. I was impressed by the work that is being done and by how he presented the information. One picture he showed us really made an impression on me. Maybe it would be more accurate to say that what he said about the picture was what made the greatest impact. The picture was…
Episode 159: Non-Book Resources to Enrich Your Marriage [Podcast]
https://media.blubrry.com/faughnfamily/content.blubrry.com/faughnfamily/Legacy_Podcast_159.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSS(Player not displaying or working? Click here to listen.) Marriages need all the help they can get. In this episode, Adam and Leah share some resources–but “non-book” resources–that can be a great help to any marriage. The list, with some links, is below. The Resources Financial Peace University (or another Christian-based financial course or counselor) Great Smoky Mountain Marriage Retreat Stronger Marriage workshop His Shoes, Her Shoes seminars ReConnect (retreat for preachers and wives) Polishing the Pulpit PTP365 Stronger Marriage podcast ALSO…go on a regular date!!! Find our podcast on… Apple Podcasts Google Podcasts Spotify Stitcher TuneIn Radio RSS
Jewels Among Us
I don’t know if any of you are as blessed as we are in our congregation to have so many “jewels” sitting among us at worship gatherings and other activities. I have an idea that you are. Those “jewels” are still full of life and knowledge. They represent generations of life, and many have lived through difficulties that can’t even be imagined by young people today. They have life skills that have been learned by living life and learning the hard way those skills needed to provide for their families. Some of those “jewels” have a knowledge of the Bible that far exceeds their Bible class learning as a child.…
Running the (Proper) Race
More than once in the New Testament, the Christian life is compared to a race. Countless sermons have been preached using that illustration, reminding people of faith to run their race and to make certain that they cross the finish line. However, one thing that must also be emphasized is that we have to run the proper race. A runner recently learned that the hard way. For a few moments not long ago, it seemed that Usain Bolt’s world record in the 200-meter dash had not only been broken, but shattered. The record has stood since 2009, when Bolt ran that distance in a jaw-dropping 19.19 seconds. Recently, though, a…
Whatever Happened To…
I am indebted to Josh Robinson for planting the thought in my mind that is prompting me to write these words. I heard him speak in September of last year at PTP Spark in Arnold, Missouri. I don’t remember the exact words that Josh used in his lesson, but I’m still thinking about the question he raised. During the course of his presentation, he challenged all of us (at least he challenged me) to think about some things that used to be regularly presented in a very negative light from pulpits, in Bible classrooms, and in the homes of Christians. He had some specific things in mind when he asked,…
Understatements in the Bible
While I think everyone who reads these posts would agree that the Bible is inspired and contains truth, If not, you don’t know the authors well because we certainly all believe this! However, I wonder if, in that belief, you will allow me to make what seems like a criticism. The Bible contains truths that may not fully state that truth. Consider just two examples with me: First, in Genesis 1 we read the account of creation. In particular, notice the verses that detail God’s creation of the sun, moon, and stars. There is actually some detail added about the sun and moon, mentioning that one will rule the day…
Focus Everything On Souls
I would hope that every congregation of God’s people would agree that their number one priority is to win souls to Jesus and help keep them growing closer to Him. You may choose different wording for that, but I would hope that would be what we are about. But are we really doing that? I’ve sat through a lot of meetings and conversations lately at Central where this has been talked about (thankfully). Obviously, for a congregation to run as efficiently as possible, there will be some matters that may seem mundane, like the condition of an air-conditioning unit or when some event needs to go on the calendar. We…