A Time for “When In Doubt, Do!”
There’s an old adage that is typically good life advice: “When in doubt, don’t.” The idea is basically that, if you are confronted with a moral question and you aren’t sure about what to choose, choose not to do it. It’s sort of like saying “err on the side of caution,” but it is good advice much of the time. “Should I watch this movie? I know it has some language in it…” If you’re in doubt, don’t. However, there are other situations in life when maybe we need to take the opposite advice. I want to share one of those with you that has to do with church activities.…
Why Don’t We See Their Best Customers?
I am a long, long way from being able to think like a leader in the corporate world. Along with that, I know next to nothing about methods of advertising. With all of that said, however, I think that I’ve detected something that, on one hand, makes no sense, but which, on the other hand, makes a lot of sense. I’m thinking that, if I wanted to sell a product, I would show pictures of, and get testimonials from, the very best customers of that product. Potential customers would be almost, if not altogether, inundated with information about how my product has enriched their lives. Depending upon what my product happened to be, the…
Cleaning Out
As our frequent readers know, I don’t do a lot of things the “normal” way. For instance, most people engage in spring cleaning or fall cleaning, but as a teacher and mom, I do summer cleaning. I have been going through a lesser-used cabinet in my kitchen that is above my desk, and let’s just say it was past time for a thorough cleansing. Some items I found, I kept. They are still useful, they just needed to be organized better so I can see them and they are readily available for use. Others I ditched immediately in the trash heap. I could see no real value to anyone. They…
It’s About…
Drive around for awhile, or pay attention to online ads for local congregations. Let the messaging really sink in. Sometimes, it is said explicitly, while at other times, it is more implicit. What you will see is that congregations often want to brand themselves what what they are “all about.” You’ll hear clear tones–and undertones–that say… “It’s about you.” This is the “come as you are” church. “We’re casual.” The congregation seemingly boasts about how they are laid back and how their worship and atmosphere isn’t “stuffy.” The programs are meant to make you feel better and you’ll leave knowing you’ve had an “encounter.” “It’s about the kids.” This is…
Some Things Are Better Left Alone
Have you heard about the stone that could have played a role in an international incident? It seems that a Belgian farmer got tired of a certain stone being in his way every time as he plowed his field. His solution was to move it about seven-and-a-half feet. That “simple solution” turned out to be not quite so simple after all. You see, that particular stone was a marker along the border between Belgium and France. His decision to move that one stone slightly increased the size of Belgium and decreased the size of France. The date on that marker was 1819. One can only imagine all of the negotiations that took place over…
Episode 151: 4 Things Your Family Can Do This Summer [Podcast]
https://media.blubrry.com/faughnfamily/content.blubrry.com/faughnfamily/Legacy_Podcast_151.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSS (Player Not Displaying or Working? Click Here to Listen.) The summer of 2020 was pretty much a wash for traditional summer activities for families. This week, Adam and Leah share four things that every family should strive to do–in some form or fashion–in the summer of 2021 so that another summer isn’t taken from our kids. The four things: Start (or Restart) Family DevotionalsTake some sort of trip (even if it’s just one day)Plan a way to serve your congregationAttend a Vacation Bible School (even if it’s not at your own congregation) Find our podcast on… Apple Podcasts Google Podcasts Spotify Stitcher…
Cousins’ Camp 2021
Cousins’ Camp 2021 is in the books! Memorial Day weekend was a good choice because of the holiday on Monday which let all of the adults be with us for all of the days. We shortened it a little this year, mainly because things have gotten back to normal and their camps and Summer Youth Series will be held this year. (And besides that, a full week nearly killed me last year!) All of our grandchildren are teens except for our oldest who is 20 years old. You might think that they would be thinking that they are getting too old for Cousins’ Camp. You could not be any more wrong! They love being together,…
One of My Favorite Things on Social Media Right Now
I almost gave this post the title “My Favorite Thing on Social Media Right Now,” but that wouldn’t be right. After all, seeing baptisms and other responses to the Gospel will–hopefully–forever be my favorite thing on Facebook and Instagram. Then, seeing family activities will, I hope, always be right near the top. However, there is something I am seeing more and more of the last few days as school years are finished and summer events unfold that I simply cannot get enough of. What is it? Youth group activities that did not happen in 2020. I am loving seeing church camps will full worship services, youth devotionals, service projects, and…
Who’s Dolly?
Our second grandson is about to be a senior in high school. A recent trip that his Grammy and I made to the Sevierville/Pigeon Forge area in Tennessee reminded me of something that I did with him toward the end of his fourth grade year. I’m not sure about how or why all of this worked the way it did, but I drove from where we live in Paducah, KY to where our daughter and her family live in Cookeville, TN. I’m not sure, but I may have spent the night there. However all of that worked out, I took our grandson from Cookeville on one of those “end of the year school…
That’s a Wrap
As of 3:00 p.m. Wednesday, the school year was over. Well, except for teacher work day and the 2 hour report card pick up day on Friday. See, that’s part of the problem with earthly things. We think we know when they are ending, but there is always more to do. At church, in our Bible class on the gospel of John, Ben Smith pointed out an interesting fact about the wrappings left behind in the tomb of Jesus. They were folded and the face or head cloth was laid separately from the other parts. Why? Because they would not be needed again. When God says something is over, it…