Church Life
Do You Have the Courage to be Unpopular? (Why I Didn’t Watch the Grammys)
Who watched the Grammys this past Sunday night? Not me! I have no desire to watch them. I won’t watch the Oscars either, or any other Hollywood award show of any kind for that matter. You know why? Because they aren’t what they were (I’m not saying they were ever wonderful). There was a time in America when we would watch movies or listen to music and then see who won the awards at the end of the year just for fun. The “stars” weren’t ever perfect morally but they at least they weren’t so abrasive and political. Now I can’t watch at all and still feel like I know…
Catch and Shoot
I guess that the freshman basketball coach where I went to high school didn’t have the heart to tell a kid who was not all that tall, was carrying around some extra weight, who could barely touch the bottom of the net (on a good day), and wasn’t setting any land speed records that his future might not be in the NBA. He didn’t cut me from the squad, but he did allow me to sit on the bench long enough to figure it out all by myself. While my “career” ended after that year, I still keep up with the game. I am especially a fan of college basketball. The degree of…
Churches, Quit Losing the War in Order to Win the Battle
Churches want to grow. It would be difficult to find a congregation that doesn’t at least say they want to grow. Now, some may not actually want more people, but that’s a different article. However, in an effort to add to the numbers, too many churches are forgetting that there is a war to be fought, and not just a battle for increasing numbers in the bulletin. Churches need to stop making their first question, “How can we get more people?” Yes, we need to care if more people attend. Yes, we need to desire for more people to come to a saving knowledge of Christ. Yes, we need to…
Voices of Dissent
It is said that history has a tendency to repeat itself. If this is truly the case then we should not be surprised when we see ourselves right smack dab in the middle of an age-old problem, facing the same results that the people of the past had to face. Years before there ever was a reformation there were voices. These voices paved the way for what Luther and Calvin and the rest continued to pursue. But the price they paid in failing to conform to the political and religious powers and influences that ruled in their time led in each and every case to their eventual deaths. Peter Waldo…
Why Did He Use That Word?
It was an important college football game. The winner of this particular game would play for the national championship. One would think that every imaginable detail would have been addressed by coaches and players and that there would be no room for what some call a “bonehead” incident. However, such an incident did, indeed, occur. Somehow there was enough confusion to cause the team with the ball to take too long between plays. The referee threw the flag. He made the appropriate signal. He turned his microphone on and announced what everybody already knew. The penalty was for “delay of game.” The head coach was not happy. That was to be expected. What was not…
10 Years Later
We have been at it for a little over ten years. Faithfully, every Tuesday afternoon at 1:00, a group of ladies of various ages meet in the large classroom at the Central Church of Christ to study the Bible. I’m sure there are a lot of you reading this who are now thinking – “so what, we do the same thing, just at a different time on a different day.” I’m sure that’s true, and I am certainly not trying to say that our class is more beneficial that yours. I’m writing this post hoping that it will encourage many more to just study the Bible. After taking about…
One Word Makes a Difference
As I was worshiping this last Sunday and listening to B.J. Clarke preach from 2 Corinthians, I thought about how one word in a passage of Scripture sometimes makes all the difference. In Paul’s opening remarks to the Corinthians, in the third verse of chapter one in this second letter the apostle writes, “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort.” Concentrate on that word “all.” Paul did not say that God was the God of comfort. He said God is the God of all comfort. For me personally, that passage means so much more because of that…
How Long?
Why do bad things happen to good people? Why do wicked people seem to thrive? These are just two of the hard questions people ask when they are hurting. It often seems that faithful servants of God are hurting while wicked people of the world are enjoying all the pleasures of sin. This has been a question for hundreds of years. Consider that even the psalmist in Psalm 94:3 asked, “Lord, how long will the wicked, How long will the wicked triumph?” As I was recently reading 2 Peter it struck me anew that while our human perspective frames these situations this way, nothing that happens surprises God and He is fully aware of who deserves…
Blame It On a Former President
I am writing this shortly after the death of President George H. W. Bush. As one might expect, people whose names are easily recognizable are remembering him. World leaders, family members, people who worked for him in his various roles in government, people from the various news media, and others are sharing their memories of a man who one prominent news reporter regarded, until Mr. Bush’s death, as (in his words) “the greatest living American.” I am, in no way, a prominent person. As far as I know, the closest I ever got to president Bush was a few feet away from a television screen – and there was no telling where he…
Episode 115: Taking Young People Deeper in Bible Study [Podcast] Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSS (Player not displaying or working? Click here.) Young people need a growing foundation of knowledge in the Word of God. Too often, though, we jump from “Bible stories” to nothing more than teen issues, and we do not teach them deeper things of Scripture. On this week’s podcast, Adam and Leah encourage Bible school teachers and parents to keep going deeper into a study of the Word with their young people. More from A Legacy of Faith To subscribe to A Legacy of Faith by email for free click here. Subscribe to the podcast on iTunes Subscribe via rss Find us on Stitcher…