One Man and One Woman for Life!
At times some statements are heard so frequently that we fail to really listen to them. They might even become a part of our own vocabulary. We may recite the familiar phrase without giving a great deal of thought as to its meaning. Recently, I heard one such phrase. A good brother in Christ and fine gospel preacher “informed” those who were listening to him about God’s design for marriage. He said (as have many others before him), “God’s plan for marriage is for there to be one man and one woman for life.” For some reason, for the first time, hearing that statement on that occasion caused my mind…
“When It’s Not Fun Anymore”
I was thinking recently about a famous couple who “called it quits” a few years ago. Of course, they were not married to each other. You wouldn’t really expect that from a thoroughly modern couple, would you? They had “been together” for a few years. In today’s social climate, and especially in Hollywood, that’s an accomplishment in itself. Sadly, it is becoming more and more of an accomplishment in far too many segments of our society. I remember seeing a short clip of an interview with the woman who was no longer a part of this relationship. She was asked when a person “knows it’s over.” Her answer was, “When…
One Major Problem with Social Media (and How to Work on It)
Social media, like so many other things, is not good or bad. As is often pointed out, it is all in how you choose to utilize this tool. It can be used for a lot of good (such as sharing this article with others…hint, hint), but we also know there is a great deal of bad to be found there. This post is not about the bad that is on social media. Instead, it is about a problem with how too many people consume social media, and a major problem it leads to. It is this: you are comparing yourself to someone else’s highlight reel. How many people scroll through…
How To Stay Married for 49 Years
When Jim and I had been married for just a few years we lived in a house across the street from an older couple who celebrated their 50th Wedding Anniversary. Their children had a nice reception for them in their home and we were invited to attend, which we did. I can remember thinking how wonderful that was to be together for 50 years! They were smiling at each other on that day, and the party had all of the appearances of a couple who would continue to grow even older together. Guess what…when just a few more months passed by…they got a divorce!!! I couldn’t believe it, but it…
The Badge of Busyness
I am busy. You are busy. We live in a busy culture. So, this article is pretty much for everyone. For most of us, from morning until night, we have to-do lists (yes, I’m one of those nerds that makes one for every day) and we fill them with so many things that we scramble our minds trying to get it all done. However, I will make a confession. Too often, I wear my busyness as a badge of honor. Leah and I talked about this (among other things) on last week’s podcast, and I’ve tried to take some time to reflect on that since. (But, of course, I’ve been…
Episode 118: FOMO for Parents, and Some Inexpensive Quick Outings for Families [Podcast] Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSS (Player not displaying or working? Click here.) Time for a good discussion. In this week’s podcast, Adam and Leah take a long time to talk about why so many parents feel FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) and how they handle the pressures of that. Then, for fun, they share some inexpensive outing ideas for families, now that we all have Spring Fever! Resource Homeschool On’s post on FOMO [Facebook] More from A Legacy of Faith To subscribe to A Legacy of Faith by email for free click here. Subscribe to the podcast on iTunes Subscribe via rss Find us on Stitcher Radio Visit…
Episode 117: The Rapid Fire Edition! [Podcast] Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSS (Player not displaying or working? Click here.) Adam and Leah take this week’s episode to catch up on several topics in rapid-fire fashion. We hope you site enjoy the subjects and the banter! Resources Indescribable: 100 Devotions for Kids about God and Science (Louie Giglio; Amazon) Shaping Hearts for God When Your Kid is Hurting (Dr. Kevin Leman; Amazon) More from A Legacy of Faith To subscribe to A Legacy of Faith by email for free click here. Subscribe to the podcast on iTunes Subscribe via rss Find us on Stitcher Radio Visit the show archives
JUST Family Time
Last weekend, a Christmas gift finally “paid off,” sort of. On Christmas morning, I had surprised our family with plans for a quick weekend trip to St. Louis to watch a basketball game and to go eagle watching over the Mississippi River. Well, the weather did not cooperate, so we headed south, instead, and just enjoyed visiting some old favorite spots in Nashville. It was still a great trip, even if it did not have any new experiences. It was something that was said on the way there that has had me doing a lot of thinking, though. As we were nearing Nashville and talking about what we were going…
The Man I Never Knew
He was one of the players on a baseball team posing for a picture. He was kneeling on the front row. He was the one holding the bat. His first name was the same as my middle name. I was told that my mother wanted me to be named after him, but that he didn’t want to saddle his son with the name “Delmar.” When I consider the kind of man he was, I can think of a lot of things that would have been a whole lot worse. [Editor’s note: The picture is the one used above for the header of this article.] I knew Delmar Faughn from the time I became aware of…
A Skill You Can Use to Help Others (and Anyone Can Do It)
Are you a parent who has a desire for your children to have a good life (however you define that term)? If that is the case, what do you think would be one essential skill you need to implement? Maybe you are married and have no children. Maybe you are married and your children are no longer in the house. In either case, your desire is for you and your spouse to have a fulfilling relationship. If that is the case, what do you think would be one essential skill you need to implement? Perhaps you have some sort of supervisory role where you work. You may, in fact, own the company or be at…