Expert in just about everything – often without formal trainingWilling and able to organize, lead, and motivate – without being perceived as a leaderLong hoursAlways on callNo real job description“Target” for criticism from others (most of whom don’t really understand the situation)No salaryNo vacation timeNo established sick leaveNo company funded insurance or retirement planOften under (or not) appreciated Do you know anybody who would sign up for that? I do! In fact, I am blessed because I have had and/or currently have five such people in my family. Two of them, Virginia Faughn and Ruth Turner, have left this life, but have left behind an amazing legacy in a lot of ways. Three…
I Didn’t Know What I Had Until…
In reading Psalm 51 recently, I was reminded of David’s remorse for what he had done. He had disobeyed God by committing sin with Bathsheba and trying to cover it up by having her husband, Uriah, killed. He then proceeded to take Bathsheba as his wife. Second Samuel 11 ends with these words, “But the thing that David had done displeased the Lord” (2 Sam. 11:27). We all remember how God sent Nathan to David to tell him that he was the man with whom God was displeased. The account tells us of all the things that God had given David (2 Sam. 12:7-8). The chapter continues with all the…
Could I Be The Problem?
I just tried a little experiment. I wanted to see if I could trick my spellchecker. What I typed was “The Untied States of America.” Immediately, a suggested correction showed up. The suggestion was for me to change what I had typed to “The United States of America.” Some might argue that our nation is becoming increasingly “untied” and that I am thinking of some political or social point that needs to be made. While I am reasonably sure that some points along those lines could be made and could have some validity, that was not the purpose of my “experiment.” I was thinking about the importance and desirability of unity. I have…
Happy Birthday, Beautiful
[NOTE: When we made A Legacy of Faith to where I only release articles on Wednesdays, the “odds” of me posting on Leah’s birthday dropped dramatically. So forgive me for this personal post. However, I believe it fits with what our site is, because it celebrates the home and a marriage that is a blessing. –Adam] Leah, It was on your birthday, let’s just say a few years ago, that you gave me the gift. Oh, I bought something, and it was expensive, but you were the giver. On your birthday, when you said, “Yes” to my marriage proposal, I was the recipient of a blessing that continues, without fail,…
A Simple Solution to a Complex Problem
It has been about two months since I sat in a chapel session during the annual lectureship at Freed-Hardeman University and listened to a presentation. This particular presentation is, by no means, the first or only “chapel talk” I’ve heard. It was not even the only one I heard that week. It may be the first one, however, that I’ve thought about for as long as I have or as deeply as I have this one. Since I heard the presentation, I’ve also read some of the “background information” about what I heard. Both the presentation and the information I’ve learned since then has caused me to do a lot of thinking, reflecting, and…
God Is The Third Partner
It was the day I had looked forward to for a long time. After nearly six years of dating and waiting, the special day finally arrived – our wedding day! It wasn’t an elaborate wedding by today’s standards, but it was beautiful and special to us. We stood before my minister, family and friends, and promised to love one another and stay committed to each other for the rest of our lives. We had no idea what the future held, and at that particular time we didn’t care. We just knew we wanted to be together. Having just celebrated our 52nd wedding anniversary, I think I qualify to give some advice…
Spring Break?
It is a wonderful week! No matter when it falls, lots of students and teachers are happy when spring break occurs. Plans are made. Trips are taken. Rest is recouped. Spring break is great. But have you ever considered that there are some things that don’t stop for spring break? A person who is sick isn’t magically cured just because it is spring break. A person serving a jail sentence doesn’t get a week off. Your bills aren’t postponed for a week. Dust keeps forming in the house; grass keeps growing; clothes get dirty. And then there are things from which you never take a break. Some in the earlier…
Let Marriage be Held in Honor Among…The Spouses
One of the most foundational passages in the entire New Testament concerning marriage is found near the end of Hebrews. After making a powerful argument for the superiority of Jesus, the inspired author turns to various practical matters, many of which deal with our relationships in the church. However, in the midst of these practical commands and admonitions, the writer says, “Let marriage be held in honor among all, and the bed undefiled.” Entire series of sermons could be preached on principles from that one verse, but I want to share one very practical application of it that is too easily overlooked. If marriage is to be held in honor…
The Ones Who Stand Behind the One Who Stands Before
The congregation where I serve as an elder is privileged to support various mission works. Some of those works are “stateside” and some are overseas. It is always encouraging to hear how the Lord’s work is progressing in various places. Not long ago, one of the men we support preached for us and told us about his work. I was impressed by the work that is being done and by how he presented the information. One picture he showed us really made an impression on me. Maybe it would be more accurate to say that what he said about the picture was what made the greatest impact. The picture was…
Episode 159: Non-Book Resources to Enrich Your Marriage [Podcast] Podcast: Play in new window | Download Subscribe: RSS (Player not displaying or working? Click here to listen.) Marriages need all the help they can get. In this episode, Adam and Leah share some resources–but “non-book” resources–that can be a great help to any marriage. The list, with some links, is below. The Resources Financial Peace University (or another Christian-based financial course or counselor) Great Smoky Mountain Marriage Retreat Stronger Marriage workshop His Shoes, Her Shoes seminars ReConnect (retreat for preachers and wives) Polishing the Pulpit PTP365 Stronger Marriage podcast ALSO…go on a regular date!!! Find our podcast on… Apple Podcasts Google Podcasts Spotify Stitcher TuneIn Radio RSS