
  • Family,  Legacy of Faith Podcast

    Episode 119: Being a Homemaker is a Holy Calling, and We Can Talk about It Lovingly [Podcast] Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSS (Player not displaying or working? Click here to listen.) In our culture, a homemaker is seen by so many women as embarrassing or they feel as if they are “less than” other women. In this podcast, Adam and Leah talk about why being a wife and mother is a holy calling, and about how Christians can have a conversation around the subject honestly and lovingly. Resources “The One Life Dream that Makes a Girl Blush” (For the Church) The Central Focus (iTunes; podcast)T More from A Legacy of Faith To subscribe to A Legacy of Faith by email for free click here. Subscribe…

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  • Church Life,  Family

    The Flip Side of the Ants

    You know all those memes around this time of year that say “Check on your teacher friends … they are not ok!” Those are true! Not only has spring fever hit, but it is also testing season, allergy season, and wait-I-have-too-much-to-still-teach season. I say all of that to let you know, I have not totally lost my mind with this week’s article title. Some of you may remember that a couple of weeks ago, I wrote about the dedication and teamwork we can see in the ants as they forage for food. I mentioned that I had seen ants seeking out new “fields” for harvest, even in the master shower…

  • Family,  Marriage,  Parenting,  Tech

    One Major Problem with Social Media (and How to Work on It)

    Social media, like so many other things, is not good or bad. As is often pointed out, it is all in how you choose to utilize this tool. It can be used for a lot of good (such as sharing this article with others…hint, hint), but we also know there is a great deal of bad to be found there. This post is not about the bad that is on social media. Instead, it is about a problem with how too many people consume social media, and a major problem it leads to. It is this: you are comparing yourself to someone else’s highlight reel. How many people scroll through…

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  • Family,  Marriage

    How To Stay Married for 49 Years

    When Jim and I had been married for just a few years we lived in a house across the street from an older couple who celebrated their 50th Wedding Anniversary. Their children had a nice reception for them in their home and we were invited to attend, which we did. I can remember thinking how wonderful that was to be together for 50 years! They were smiling at each other on that day, and the party had all of the appearances of a couple who would continue to grow even older together. Guess what…when just a few more months passed by…they got a divorce!!! I couldn’t believe it, but it…

  • Church Life,  Family

    There Will Be No Cover

    A middle-aged man in South Carolina was recently pulled over after he exhibited driving behavior that appeared to show he was intoxicated. He was, to say the least, as police found 10 partially-drunk cans of beer in his car, including one between his legs. But the 49-year-old man tried to figure out a quick way to make it look as if he was not intoxicated before the officers approached his car. His solution? He sprayed Axe body spray… …in his mouth. When I came across that story, I smiled a little bit and I shook my head. How could anyone be so dumb as to think that spraying body spray,…

  • Church Life,  Family

    A Big Deal

    When the phone rang, Donna immediately recognized the name. The caller and her family used to worship with our family years ago. Neither family lives in that location now. Both families moved over thirty years ago. As a result, we don’t see each other as often as we used to. Our friendship seems to be one of those unaffected by time and/or geography. The caller and her husband are the kind of people with whom we can sort of “pick up where we left off” on those occasions when we do have the opportunity to be together. When we did worship together, our children were just that – children. Obviously,…

  • Church Life,  Family,  Marriage,  Parenting

    The Badge of Busyness

    I am busy. You are busy. We live in a busy culture. So, this article is pretty much for everyone. For most of us, from morning until night, we have to-do lists (yes, I’m one of those nerds that makes one for every day) and we fill them with so many things that we scramble our minds trying to get it all done. However, I will make a confession. Too often, I wear my busyness as a badge of honor. Leah and I talked about this (among other things) on last week’s podcast, and I’ve tried to take some time to reflect on that since. (But, of course, I’ve been…

  • Family,  Family Finances,  Legacy of Faith Podcast,  Marriage,  Parenting

    Episode 118: FOMO for Parents, and Some Inexpensive Quick Outings for Families [Podcast] Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSS (Player not displaying or working? Click here.) Time for a good discussion. In this week’s podcast, Adam and Leah take a long time to talk about why so many parents feel FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) and how they handle the pressures of that. Then, for fun, they share some inexpensive outing ideas for families, now that we all have Spring Fever! Resource Homeschool On’s post on FOMO [Facebook] More from A Legacy of Faith To subscribe to A Legacy of Faith by email for free click here. Subscribe to the podcast on iTunes Subscribe via rss Find us on Stitcher Radio Visit…

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  • Church Life,  Family


    It is definitely time for spring break. This has been a hard couple of weeks at the school. At the end of an irregular 9 weeks, disrupted by flooding and frigid temperatures, everyone is ready for a break. But I had a moment with a student last week that helped recenter me. I knew this young man had been struggling for a couple of days but I couldn’t get through to him to figure out why. Finally, we had a break through. I looked over and big tear drops were splashing on the table. I took him to a quiet space and he finally admitted that he was nervous. When…

  • Church Life,  Family

    The Flood Gates are Up

    I grew up living three blocks from the Ohio River in the little town of Metropolis, Illinois. Those of you who know me know that I now live in Paducah, Kentucky (just seven miles from Metropolis). Our little city is located on the banks of the Ohio and the Tennessee Rivers. We are just upstream from the point where the Ohio and the Mississippi Rivers converge, so to say that I have lived most of my life around rivers would be an understatement. Flooding of those rivers has also been a big part of my life. I remember distinctly the times when the river would rise and begin to come…