Using Periscope in Ministry
I like technology. I am rarely an “early adopter,” but when I come across a particular technology that I like, I do my best to learn it and use it as best I can. Recently, I have become enamored with Periscope, and today I want to share what it is and how it can be effectively used in ministry. What is Periscope? Periscope is, basically, a live-streaming app for your smartphone. Wherever you have your smartphone with you and have a signal, you can turn on the app and stream to anyone who would like to watch your broadcast. The app is owned by Twitter, so the two are highly…
Top 10 Books of 2015 (so far) [Video]
Recently, Adam recorded a Periscope where he shared his 10 favorite books of 2015 so far. Here is that video, so you can enjoy it. To follow Adam’s 2015 books Pinterest board, go here. To follow Adam on Periscope, search for “adfaughn” within that app (get the app HERE for Apple and HERE for Android). (By the way, next week, Adam’s post–on Wednesday–will be about early impressions of Periscope and how ministers and congregations can use this new medium. Be looking for that post next week!)
Filling Your Ears with Truth: An Overview of The Light Network
[NOTE: Our guest post this week comes to us from Robert Hatfield. To learn more about Robert, check out his bio at the end of today’s article.] Perhaps there has never been a more fertile time for Christian growth than right now. For years, New Testament Christians have used technologies such as radio, film strips, television, CD’s, and DVD’s as a means of evangelism and spiritual edification. Advancements in technology have given rise to new media which not only provide us more outlets through which to spread the gospel, but also make it easier than ever to consume spiritually-focused media wherever you are. Podcasting is one such medium that has…
3 Ways to Porn Proof Your House This Weekend
[Editors Note: This week’s guest post is from Chad Landman. Find out more about Chad, and many of his good works, at the end of today’s article.] According to the Huffington Post, porn sites get more visitors each month than Netflix, Amazon and Twitter…*combined.* While numbers have been misleading saying exactly how much of the internet is pornography (numbers fluctuate erratically based upon different sources between 18 and 80 percent), the traffic to these sites can be measured with some accuracy, and most sources say that it’s around 30% of all internet traffic that visits porn sites. People are visiting these sites – of that there is no doubt. Every…
There’s More to Life than Likes
I was about to leave my office when I decided to check my email one last time, trying to free up those few moments later in the day for my family. Am I ever glad I did. In my email was a message from a family site that I enjoy going to, sharing a couple of new videos they had come out with. One of them caused me to stop and literally say a brief prayer about my own life and parenting. Here it is (don’t worry, it’s less than a minute long). (Video not playing? Click here.) Parents, I want to ask: are we making the life of our…
May I Ask My Social Media Friends a Favor?
How long is your list of social media outlets that you use? I know I can’t list all of the options out there. I’m not even sure what most of them are. My experience is limited to Facebook (and very occasionally) Twitter. That’s it for me. That’s enough for me. I see enough on Facebook to prompt me to write these words. I would sincerely like to ask my friends who use Facebook and other things like it to do me (and others) a favor: If you wear the name “Christian” and you choose to do something other than attend a worship service or Bible class, please do not let the world know about that…
Why I Switched to for My To Do List Manager
I am a calendar nut. I love Google calendar. In fact, I even did a YouTube video that showed how I use Google calendar for just about everything. [Here it is, if you’d like to see it.] In that video, I mentioned that I used the “tasks” portion of the calendar for my to-do list. I like how that has worked, but it just didn’t do one thing that I need. While the calendar syncs (and I still use Google calendar like crazy), the tasks don’t. Enter For a few days, I have been using this program to build to do lists. I love it! Again, I’m still using Google…
Surprising News about Steve Jobs (and Other Tech People)
I realize that this post may be VERY lengthy, but I thought it was worth considering. A few weeks ago I wrote about our society being a “non-connected connected society.” The words below are a portion of a transcript of Dr. Albert Mohler’s podcast; The Briefing. What he said is, in my opinion, surprising and very important. I hope you’ll take the time to read his words and the words of those whom he quoted. –Jim Faughn Tech executive parents understand vulnerability of children to technology As I said, we live in a very ironic age – and in this case, a new irony comes to light. Sometimes it takes an unbeliever…
A Great Resource for Serious Bible Students
I am always on the lookout for new ways to get good material, especially to help with my study of the Bible. Today, I want to share one that is both biblical and techie (but you don’t have to be techie to enjoy it). The resource is called “The 66 Podcast,” and it is a production of the Ashville Road church of Christ in Leeds, Alabama. Currently, just 13 episodes of the program have been produced, so you are not “too far behind” to catch up and enjoy the new material. The idea behind The 66 Podcast is that the cohosts, Drew Kizer and Andrew Kingsley, walk through a particular…
The Church and Inexpensive Online Technology
“Church” and “technology.” Two words that don’t seem like they belong in the same sentence, unless it is “the technology at church isn’t working.” But in our online world, churches can have a major impact using technology. Yes, it takes a little work. No, it should never take the place of personal, one-on-one conversations and encouragement. But technology can be a great tool to help spread the message of Christ, both near and far. Still, there are hangups. Too often, the singular hangup is money. For so many years, anything under the umbrella of “tech” was code for “expensive.” In the last handful of years, though, all that has changed.…