“It’s Time We Got Back to Work”
Over the last 6 weeks or so, I have heard something very similar to that sentence–“it’s time we got back to work”–about 5 or 6 times. Interestingly, each of those times was in different conversations with, or lessons by, different people, but they were all talking about the same subject. As I write this, the most recent occurrence happened with a man I had never met until just moments before. He was thanking me for something, and we struck up a conversation. I asked his name and where he was from, and, after giving those answers, he told me his “role” at the local congregation (which I’ll share in a…
Why Do You Listen To Him?
A part of my usual morning routine–at least on Monday through Friday–is listening to a podcast by a man with whom I disagree on some very important doctrinal positions. While those positions are discussed from time to time, most of his podcast has to do with current events and various social and societal matters from what he calls a “Christian worldview.” I’m well aware of the fact that some may ask the question in the title: “Why do you listen to him?” Why, indeed, would I listen to a person with whom I don’t totally agree? Lately, I’ve been giving some thought to that question. I’ve also given some thought to…
Friends Forever
Last week Jim and I got to spend four days with some of our dearest friends on earth. All of us are in the same age range, and all of us are Christians. We all (three couples) used to live in the same town when Jim was preaching in Missouri, and then we began to be separated by distance when we moved to Kentucky and another couple moved to Alabama. One thing that never changed was our love for one another and the camaraderie we enjoy when we do get to spend time together. When we can’t be in the same location, we text, do group calls, and send each other silly…
We Must Judge…But Carefully
Judging is very difficult, because it requires a hard balance. Some think we should make no judgments at all, because that is loving. (Although they don’t recognize the irony in that, because they have made a judgment to decide they should not judge.) Others are too quick to judge about everything. (They are often seen stalking in the comments section of your social media accounts.) An example of the latter occurred recently in the Canadian province of Nova Scotia. Local police were tipped off that someone was violating covid-19 lockdown orders and sitting inside a restaurant. The tip was sent in because, in that location, no restaurants were to be…
Critiquing Or Seeking
You may have heard the one about the conversation that took place while a family was traveling home from a worship service. The adults were complaining about such things as the length of the message, the preacher’s grammar, and other things about the preacher that left a lot to be desired. They also had some derogatory things to say about the song leader. Not only did he select songs that did not meet their approval, he led them too slowly, his pitch was not “right on,” and his mannerisms were distracting. Of course, the men who helped serve the Lord’s supper did not escape a thorough review, nor did the men who led in…
Messages In The Wind
Folks, it is definitely May. If you are an educator, that needs no explanation. If you aren’t, suffice it to say that May – while wonderful – is also challenging in the school world. And, if that weren’t enough, last week we had two bizarre mornings to add to the fun: one morning as students were arriving at school, the tornado sirens were sounding and we were quickly moving children to safe spots as the storm approached. Then, two days later, we had a zebra on the loose that had been tased and received a message to not approach the angry zebra … “yes, really.” While some of you might…
Missing the Point of the Gift
In the attic of an English manor, a rare find was recently made. In 1900, Queen Victoria commissioned chocolates to be placed in special tins and sent to troops fighting in the Second Boer War. She insisted that the treats be from their home country, and 100,000 were made and sent. Over the years, many of the tins have been kept (or found), but the find that was made recently was very rare. Why? The chocolate bar was still inside the tin! After 121 years, the candy was still intact and had never been eaten. (One expert said that you wouldn’t exactly want it for your “Easter candy,” but the…
What’s Up With a Good Relationship?
Hopefully, all of us value the relationships we have with others. Whether we are talking about family, friends, neighbors, people at work, or other kinds of interactions we may have, a good, healthy relationship with others blesses us in so many ways. I’ve been doing some thinking lately about how valuable these relationships are. I’ve also been thinking about how I can do what I can to enhance those relationships. You will probably be able to add to what I’ve come up with, but here are some things that I think are vitally important. Wake up I need to wake up to the value of the people who are dear to me. I…
Directions Are Important
Several years ago, Jim and I were meeting some friends at a Bed and Breakfast to stay for a few days and enjoy some good laughs and some serious conversation. Our friends were coming from other states, but this particular B&B is located not too far from our home. We, however, had never been to it and it was located on some country roads we had never traveled, so we put the address in our GPS and trusted it to take us to our location. We followed the directions to a T. As we got closer, that lovely GPS lady began to say, “Your destination will be on the right.” “Turn right in…
Preparing for One Graduation
A young man in North Carolina took the slowness of the covid-19 pandemic in stride. Since his classes were online, he decided to take as many as he could, and also took some online classes from a community college. (If my understanding is correct, some of the classes counted for both his high school and college.) So, on May 21, he will be receiving an associate’s degree from his local community college and seven days later, will receive his high school diploma. Oh, the boy…is twelve years old! [Source] I had a lot of reactions to that story, not the least of which was wondering what I was doing when…