
  • Family

    What I Learned at Cousins’ Camp This Year

    Cousins’ Camp 2023 is now in the books. We had a great time together and, for a change, all of the cousins got to be here. Our oldest grandson, Luke, only got to be here for about a day and a half because he has a job working with the church in Cookeville, TN where he had responsibilities to fulfill. For those of you who don’t know what Cousins’ Camp is, let me explain. For the last 11 years we have set a date for a gathering of all of our grandchildren to come to our house for a camp. We have a boys’ cabin and a girls’ cabin, a counselor’s…

  • Church Life,  Family

    The Creep of Pride

    Tomorrow (June 1) is the beginning of “Pride Month” in the United States. The month is meant to celebrate the LGBTQ+ community. However, there are a couple of things about this “celebration” that Christians need to be keenly aware of, and that need to be said loudly and clearly. First, simply consider the irony of calling all this “pride.” Considering that “pride” is the sin behind all other sins, it is tragically befitting of this month. All the way back in the Garden of Eden, the serpent gave the temptation (basically) to be equal with deity and the pride that temptation led to was not overcome by Eve. Ever since,…

  • Church Life,  Family

    A Vital Vitamin

    According to one source I consulted, people in the United States spend somewhere in the neighborhood of 50 billion dollars each year on all sorts of vitamins and supplements. At least that’s what this source said was spent in 2021. Who knows what that figure is now? All of those dollars are spent in an attempt to have more energy, look younger, have better health, sleep better, have smoother skin, and accomplish an almost endless list of other things. You may have noticed that there is a “common denominator” in all of those things. If you haven’t noticed it yet, be patient. I plan to mention it later. I believe…

  • Family,  Parenting

    Motherhood Never Stops

    A lot of times, you will hear phrases like that–“motherhood never stops”–to describe the 24/7 nature of the work. There are unceasing demands on your physical and mental energy. The tasks never truly get “done.” There’s no vacation from it and there’s no way to ever feel as if the job is complete. But I mean that phrase today in a different way. Let me explain. Our children are 17 and 16. They aren’t the same as they were at 12 or 6 or 3. That’s obvious, but, sometimes, a mom might wish they were. Still, in just a year or two, we will be empty-nesters. Then what? My wife…

  • Church Life,  Family

    I Guess That We’re All Lucky

    In 1964, the play Funny Girl opened on Broadway. Its star, Barbara Streisand, introduced a song which became one of her most well-known songs for years to come. According to that song… People who need people are the luckiest people in the world. While doing some research on a topic I was recently asked to address, I came across some interesting information. According to something I read, what was called “social isolation” is more detrimental to our health than smoking multiple cigarettes a day. (“Multiple” was not defined.) Since I read that, I’ve also read that social isolation is also worse for our physical health than obesity. On May 2…

  • Family,  Recipies

    Legacy Recipe for Leftovers

    I don’t know if you use up your leftovers at your house or not. I’ve been known to leave them in the refrigerator until they are growing fur and then throw them out. Lately in an effort to not eat out so often, I have been using up our leftover food. I have a friend who said she always used what they had left over. Once a week she would fix a “must-go casserole.” I never tasted it and hope I never have to! However, I discovered a good and easy way to make at least two great meals using one roasted chicken.  Now it’s easy because I buy the roasted…

  • Church Life,  Family

    I Like Quitters

    Because of some travels, I have seen it a number of times in recent months. The first time I saw it, it just made me angry. In the times since, it has continued to do so, but has also made me sad. Now, it is just a billboard, but it is infuriating to me. Frankly, it is offensive to me. Before I tell you what the billboard is for, let me share the tagline, or motto. It states, “No one likes a quitter.” You might think that would be a decent tagline for something like a stay in school campaign. Or, maybe it would be something humorous (but possibly ill-received)…

  • Family,  Parenting

    A Reminder for Parents

    Parents… …do you ever get frustrated because your children do something wrong after you’ve told them what was right? …have you ever been hurt because your “good child” did something truly rebellious? …do you ever wonder how this kid could be so foolish? …do you ever feel pain because you want to spend time with your child, only to see them choose something else? …have you ever talked and talked to your child about right and wrong and felt as if you were talking to a brick wall? …do you ever dream of a better future for your children, but wonder if they actually want to do better? …have you…

  • Bible study,  Church Life,  Family

    When Your World is Spinning

    Have you ever felt like you were in the middle of a whirlwind? You know what I mean – everything is spinning out of control and you feel like each day gets busier than the last one. With so much going on and only a limited amount of time to get it all done, you may want to just stop the train you’re on and get off at the relaxation station! I’ve felt that way lately. I try to plan my days so I can accomplish what I need to get done that day.  Sometimes I make written lists and check them off so, at least, I feel like I…

  • Church Leadership,  Church Life,  Family,  Marriage

    Building Up the Preacher’s Wife

    She–along with elders’ wives–holds one of the most difficult “roles” in the Lord’s Church. It is difficult because it is not defined in Scripture, but is often “defined” by each member of a congregation, and she’s just expected to know that. From talking with dozens and dozens of families over the years, allow me to let you in on a little secret. You may not believe it at first, but I promise you it is true. It is this: there is a very high likelihood that your preacher’s wife feels very lonely. Her husband has dozens of people come up to him each week and basically tell him how great…