Why We All Go (Why Our Whole Family Goes to FHU and PTP)
Last week, our little family of four enjoyed the Freed-Hardeman Bible lectures. We have been blessed to attend as a family since our oldest was less than a year old. (She thought it was great that she is 14, but that this was her 15th lectureship!) In a few months, Lord willing, all four of us will head to Sevierville, Tennessee for Polishing the Pulpit. Again, we have been blessed to attend this event for about a decade as a family. In between, there will be Lads to Leaders, at least one youth rally, and several other events we will attend as a family. But I want to go back…
Billy’s Letter to God
I was going through some old material the other day and found the following “letter.” I do not know if it is an actual letter written by a little boy named Billy or if somebody composed it in order to make a point. Whichever of those two possibilities is the case, it does, indeed, make a point. In fact, the letter makes several points. All of those points, it seems to me, could fall under a general heading that would suggest that parents need to take very seriously their God-given responsibility to “…bring (their children) up in the nurture and the admonition of the Lord” (Eph. 6:4). It…
To Every Youth Leader on Sunday Night
Okay, so I know this is being released on a Wednesday, but I started formulating this post on Sunday night, and the idea has been in my mind for a lot longer than that. I have been a “pulpit minister” for about 12 years now, and I am always tired on Sunday nights. It is (usually) a good kind of tired, but it is still a very tired, emotionally spent, kind of feeling. Prior to being in the pulpit, though, I was a youth minister for almost 10 years. I remember those Sunday nights as well. Even now, as a pulpit guy, I still have been blessed to work closely…
You Are Not Replaceable
Let’s be honest: in many areas of life, you can be replaced. That’s not to say that someone else is just like you, but it is to say that many of our roles in life will eventually be filled by someone else. Don’t believe me? Just quit your job and see if they don’t hire someone else. Even Oscar Meyer’s weinermobile driver can be replaced. In fact, they are currently searching for a new “hotdogger” to drive the famous car all over the place. Know that we are replaceable can be depressing. It certainly is a shot to our ego; that’s for sure. But there are other areas of life–in…
Episode 131: Homemaking as a Ministry [Podcast] Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSS (Player not displaying or working? Click here to listen.) When a woman is trying to decide to be a homemaker or to have an outside-the-home career, many times one concept is overlooked. That concept is that her work in the home is also a ministry. On this week’s podcast, Adam and Leah talk about homemaking as an absolutely invaluable ministry. Resources “Homemaking is a Ministry” [Embracing a Simpler Life] ESV Scripture Journal (New Testament Set) [Amazon; affiliate link] More from A Legacy of Faith To subscribe to A Legacy of Faith by email for free click here. Subscribe to the podcast on iTunes…
When Worship and the World Collide
It happens constantly. In our hyper-busy world, there are so many things pressing for our time and attention. It used to be that worship times were pretty much free from other activities, such as school events or civic meetings. That is, simply put, no longer the case. So, what are we to do when worship and the world’s schedule collide? I can’t answer that for you, but I can tell you what I did as a kid and what we have decided as a family. Worship wins. When I was in high school, I was in the band. For a small-town band member, I was a fairly good trombone player.…
Episode 130: Our 2019 Thankful List [Podcast] Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSS (Episode not displaying or playing? Click here to listen.) It is an annual tradition on the podcast. Adam and Leah sit down with their kids–now ages 14 and 12–and simply talk about some things they are thankful for this year. Enjoy this fun and, hopefully, encouraging episode.
Rules for Children in Worship
Taking kids into the assembly can be a very daunting experience. With children now ages 18, 15 and 12, we have done our share of time in the pew. I should mention that the entire burden has been mostly upon my wife and that she gets all the credit for raising three children who (mostly) pay attention and engage andriol in worshiping God. I am thankful for her diligent work with our kids. This article is meant to encourage young families who have children who may be grade school age and younger. First, please know that we are so thankful for you and your families. Know that we support you…
Finding Treasure Right Where You Are
Just a few days ago, a father and son in North Carolina made a remarkable discovery. On a 14-acre piece of land they bought a few years ago, they found a piece of wood sticking out of the ground due to recent dryer, almost drought-like conditions. As they worked down near the wood, they figured out that the wood was part of a ship that was a little over 100 years old! The area used to be used for gold mines, but when those were basically given up on, some of the equipment was also left behind and forgotten. Now, over 100 years later, this father and son got the…
Episode 129: In Which We Get Really, Really Real [Podcast] Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSS (Player not displaying or working? Click here to listen.) In this week’s episode, Adam and Leah reflect on the recent Reconnect retreat for preachers and wives, then, well, they anabolizzanti online get real! Based upon a listeners question, they simply talk about how they do not have it all together and how it is okay to let some things go. More from A Legacy of Faith To subscribe to A Legacy of Faith by email for free click here. Subscribe to the podcast on iTunes Subscribe via rss Find us on Stitcher Radio Visit the show archives