• Church Life,  Family

    The Devil is After Me!

    I know a lot of people say that the devil is after them in a joking way. I’m not joking! For several months now, I have felt like I am under attack, and, no matter how hard I try, it still seems like the devil is right there just two steps behind me and has me in his sights. I know I’m not alone in the way I am feeling because when I spend any time on Facebook, I see this same sentiment (or something like it) from many of my friends and acquaintances.   I know the Bible descriptions of how Satan comes after us, “…Your adversary, the devil, prowls around…

  • Church Life,  Family,  Parenting

    Can I Be a Christian and a Patriot?

    We are living in times where there is a powerful tug-of-war over huge issues. Even Christians are debating things that are, thankfully, causing a great deal of study and thought. We dare not just answer with our own opinions or with concepts that have not been studied in light of Scripture. One of those issues is patriotism. In an election year, that issue is always heightened, but also, with the great civic and social unrest of the last few months, this discussion has only gained more traction. Honestly, these are the types of issues we need to consider deeply, and often. The truth is quite nuanced, I believe. This post…

  • Church Life,  Family

    Not Merely a Sign of Age

    What do the following have in common? The year of a devastating flood in our areaThe year of my birthThe year of John F. Kennedy’s assassinationThe year of our oldest child’s birthThe year of the events we now refer to as “9-11”The year during which people are dealing with Covid-19 Here are some  hints. My parents lived through what those of that generation who are still with us refer to as “the ‘37 flood.” Since that was a little more than a decade before I was born, it really doesn’t mean as much to me as it did to those who experienced it. What was reality for them is history for me.…

  • Church Life

    A Prepared Table

    Recently, a group of my “besties” and I enjoyed a girls night at a business that has somehow convinced people to pay to work! We went to a venue where you preselect the project of your choice and, once there, you do all the work. Well, at least some of the work. You sand, distress, stain, paint, drill, and decorate. So why would people pay to do all of that? It’s because it is all prepared. The boards are already cut to the right length. The holes are marked and pre-drilled. The design is created on a stencil and the guesswork is taken out of the stain and paint colors.…

  • Church Life,  Tech

    What I Know About You from Social Media

    Dear Christian Facebook Friend, I was scrolling through your social media pages today. I wasn’t stalking; I just wanted to see what you shared with the world and learn more about you. (After all, we’re “friends,” right?) As I scrolled, I learned… …how you feel about masks during the pandemic. …how you feel about the President. …what you think about the Republicans and Democrats in this election year. …what your opinion is on reopening schools. …what your dog looks like. …what your reaction is to the racial protests across our nation. …that you took on a yard project last week (and it looks great, by the way). …how you are…

  • Church Life

    A Sense of Inevitability

    Recently, I heard an interview with a man who had written about the period of time during which thirteen English colonies in North America fought for the right to be free from the domination of England. During that interview, the historian used a phrase and introduced (at least to me) a concept I had never really considered. He said that we read the history of that time with “a sense of inevitability.”   The historian went on to explain what he meant by that phrase. From our vantage point, we have the luxury of looking back on those events. We now know that those thirteen colonies did, indeed, win that war and that they ultimately became…

  • Family,  Recipies

    Legacy Recipe: Skroodle Salad

    I have finished Cousins’ Camp 2020 and now I am preparing to go video my lessons for Polishing the Pulpit on Monday and Tuesday. Then we will travel to Louisville for Jim to speak on Wednesday night. After that we will FINALLY be celebrating our 50th wedding anniversary with a trip to a Bed and Breakfast in the mountains…so I’m packing for that trip, too.   I said all of that to say that it is time for another recipe for my post this week. It is a delicious cool summer salad that is a full meal within itself. I got the recipe years ago from a newspaper in Metropolis Illinois, my home town. I…

  • Church Life

    During This Pandemic, Choose to be Grateful for Elders

    Does anyone else remember when “all this” (as people keep saying in the South) was only supposed to last about 2-3 weeks so we could “flatten the curve?” That was in late March! Frustration is building in so many places, and, in most cases, for good reason. From politics to jobs to sports to school and beyond, decisions have had to be made, changed, updated, and cancelled. It is frustrating to know what we are to do or not do, almost on a daily basis. But in the midst of all this, leaders of churches–elders in the Lord’s Church–have had to do things they never dreamed they would have to…

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  • Church Life

    Institutions or Individuals?

    I’d like to pose a few questions that might help all of us (including me) to think about our thinking. Specifically, I wonder if some of us may think more of the church as an institution instead of thinking about individuals – especially the souls of individuals. Maybe your list would be longer, but here are just a few questions designed to get all of us started thinking.   Is the church primarily a building–or–is it a family?Is the church an organization set up to meet my needs–or–is it a body of which I am a vital and functioning member?Does membership in a local congregation allow me to have privileges– or–does it provide…

  • Church Life,  Family

    Find the Good

    This title and thought are not original, but in my opinion, they are desperately needed right now. Today’s post is an encouragement to do just what the title says: Find the good. This virus is bad. However, we live in a time of modern medicine with technologies, medications, and practices on which to build a defense and prevention. That is so good! Our society is experiencing some bad things. However, we still live in one of the richest nations on earth with running water, a network of roads on which to travel, modern conveniences with which to entertain ourselves, and any number of things to help offset our struggles. Isn’t…